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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. I get little burps when I am full and a feeling of satisfaction. Now I have gotten to the point if I sense I am full, I will just stop eating the rest of my protein. Usually it is 2-3 ounces of protein. For example, today I ate a chicken breast for lunch that was probably 5 ounces. After 3 I had the little burps going on so I gave the rest to my dog who was sitting right there beside me, waiting. I have been through many a session of pain in the chest feelings so definitely am listening very well to body in last month or so. Did not know how to listen so well during months 2-4.
  2. Fiddleman

    Anyone disappointed?

    Yes, but again hard work. Stuck to a low carb, low fat and high protein diet. No deviation ever. Some may not like this kind of displine, but I strive on it once my mind is set on a goal. I also walked every day started using the ellyptical at week 6 and started running last week. By the way, I followed a 3 hour eating plan where I had 3-4 ounces of protein every 3 hours after being cleared for solids. My advice is to find something you can stick to and follow it to a "t" Do not let anything get in your way because you are stronger then any temptation.
  3. Fiddleman

    Anyone disappointed?

    Yes, happy where I am at: High: 360 Sw: 335 5.5 months: 205 Sleeved: 7/2 It has been hard work, but completely worth it.
  4. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

  5. Fiddleman

    Chia Seeds!

  6. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

    I need some help from runners who have the WLS experience behind them. I just started running a weeks ago after walking and using an ellyptical for the last 4 months. I am currently 5.5 months out and have 10 lb to personal goal. The post is a little long winded, but please read through my notes until the questions at the end for proper context. Read today that running longer than an hour requires a 4 to 1 ratio between carbs and Protein in order to replenish muscles properly and better than before. I am currently running about 45 minutes (additional 5 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down) during a session and eat a chicken patty or some other meaningful 3-5 oz of protein afterwards. I desire to run more than an hour to push towards my personal running goals or running a 10k a 1/2 marathon and a marathon. No carbs because in general my eating plan does not allow for it. Dropped 10 lb since starting to run seriously last week. What an excellent slow loss and stall buster. As I am in pretty good shape now, I feel that my body is physically ready to start pushing towards the running goals that I listed above. My running pattern during a session generally looks like warm up fast walk/ jog 5 minutes, 5.4 MPH for 5 minutes, 5.6 MPH for 5 minutes, 5.8 MPH for 5 minutes and 6 MPH for remainder of 45 minute run. Then 3.6 MPH, 3.6 MPH and 3.0 MPH cool down over 5 minutes. Total is about 55 minutes on the treadmill. In fact, I did this today. I am running 3 times a week in order to get in the proper recovery. Have to ramp it up during a running session if I am going longer than 30 min so as to not lose steam at 30. I try to really be focused on balance and perfect relaxation while running, until I am able to enter "the zone" where it feels like I am not running any longer and can keep going and going without stress, effort or injury. Love it. No injury so far and my legs feel great afterwards. The points in the "Chai Running" book are really helpful in order to run long distances without injury or getting tired too early. Questions: What does 4 carb to 1 protein look like in practical food choices or in something i can buy (shake, gel, bar etc) online or from a local store? My wife is already telling me I am getting expensive, so prefer to find something economical or at least something that I can try before spending alot. How can i transition from eating no to low carbs for last 6 months (includes pre diet) to healthy carbs that will help me optimize both my health and my running? I have been hitting a fatigue (boredom? Energy issue?) around 40 minutes and then stop. How can I bust through this physically and mentally to hit my running goals above?
  7. I found a perfect fork for us to take smaller bites at Pier One. The fork has a normal handle for leverage and balance. It also has a tiny prong area for the food. It can probably only hold a tsp of food at a time. I bought 8 in order to have plenty available throughout the week without having to be constantly washing them.
  8. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

  9. Fiddleman

    Cascadia drinks

    I am wondering if these are ok to drink post sleeve. They have sparkling water in them and come in a lot of different flavours. I tried a sip of one over the weekend and, whoa, the bubbles kicked me. I think I read on another post a while back that these drinks are ok, but thought I would ask....
  10. Fiddleman

    First Photo Posting

    Wowwzers. Good job at being successful and an inspiration to all of us current sleevers and further sleevers. Such an exceptional change that gives anyone with doubts a reason to be like you.
  11. I am sorry you are dealing with such an issue post sleeve. Not only do I hope you are able to recover from the thinning esophagus soon, but that gastric bypass offers you long and continued success.
  12. I hope you are able to recover soon. What kind of issues are you struggling with regards to sleeve?
  13. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

  14. Fiddleman

    Swimming rama @ home

    My wife had a good idea to make swimming Rama at home for dinner tonight. It is really simple to make. Serves 2. 6 cups spinach Peanut sauce (light coconut milk and PB2, brown sugar and Splenda mix, red pepper flakes) 3/4 cup of cooked chicken breast chunks Boil large pot of Water at high on stove Add spinach in a steamer insert into boiling pot of water Remove quickly, as soon as spinach is slightly wilted (15 seconds), set aside Dump 1 can coconut milk in a medium size pot Add 1/2 cup pb2 Stir to combine and heat on medium low until warm, add 3 Tbsp brown sugar/Splenda sweetener and red pepper flakes to taste. Keep warm on low. Heat chicken breast chunks in microwave about 45 seconds until warm For each serving, Arrange 1/2 spinach on plate, top with 1/3 cup chicken and 2 Tbsp of peanut sauce. Enjoy! So yummy!!! Ps if peanut sauce is too thin use corn starch to thicken. If too thick, use water or chicken broth to thin.
  15. Like the others said, do the best you can. Mall walking works very well. Just walking up and down all the corridors for as long as you can manage. Also just walking loops around your house works, jamming to your favorite songs. If you have a treadmill at home, walk on it at whatever speed feels comfortable. I think the first week out, I could only walk about 1/2 a mile and was walking probably 1.5 mph. However, it got further and faster before long. Sooner than you realize it, you will be walking miles and at brisk pace. Jut as n extrapolation point for your progress I am running 5k t 5 month out. You can do it! It gets better every single day! I swear it does. However, it does take you wanting to phone foot in front of another even when you do not feel like it during the first month.
  16. That is such exciting news for you! I can remember the day for me when I got the approval. Serious happy dancing ws going on here. It is such a positive life change that is ahead for you with many people you can turn to support for in these forums.

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