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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman


    From the album: 6 months

  2. Yes folks, tomorrow is December 21st, 2012 (aka doomsday, aka the end of the world, aka, the new beginning, etc) according to ancient Mayan prophesy. The chapters of Revelation in the Christian bible also talk a lot about catastrophes that sound a lot like what is happening now, the last couple years and (perhaps) in the near future. I don't know about you, but I have been waiting and preparing for this day for number of years since first hearing about it. No, I do not have a shelter nor have I sold everything, but I have taken some precautions for my family (emergency kit, extra food, saving more every month, etc). Nothing my happen and it will be known as the biggest hoax in human history (way bigger than the y2k issue), but then again, look at the number of large earthquakes, explosive volcanoes, sink holes that are acres in size, strange sounds coming from the earth and the sky, etc that have increased exponentially in the last 2 years. The standard media likes to keep the public uninformed to prevent panic, but the information is readily available on the Internet ( am not looking for argument as to whether Internet content is true or not). I personally believe that there may be some major natural event like a 10+ earthquake or the eruption of a super volcano ( can happen in many calderas around the world, not just yellowstone) either tomorrow or sometime very soon along any of the countries that line the pacific rim of fire. I do not necessarily believe tomorrow is the end of the earth from a mass extinction event like a dark comet ( a comet that lacks snow and ice so may not be visible yet by astronomers) that strikes the planet or a massive CME ( solar flare). This is a little harder to put blind faith into, but the earthquakes and volcanoes happening world wide are real and tangible events. And they have been getting stronger and more frequent just in the last few weeks, leading up to something... What does this mean for us? Not exactly sure, but probably would not want to get sleeved tomorrow ( just my opinion)and would probably want to make sure you have enough sleeve friendly food on hand in case there is a major emergency where you cannot leave your house for a long while. All in all, I want to enjoy a long life after going through the effort of the sleeve journey. My only advice is to be prepared in case of a natural disaster that may make buying groceries, getting gas or accessing funds difficult. What do others think?
  3. Fiddleman


    Congratulations everyone to making it to Saturday! Lol.
  4. Hi all. Sorry to spawn another "I am freezing" thread, but this one is a little different. My hands, feet and face are always white, no color in them and my hands are especially always ice cold, even in room temperature. I bought a little duraflame space heater that I hope will raise the temperature of my home office warmer then 72( temp rest of house). I have been thinking about whether my Iron levels are off (or any other nutrient, electrolyte, etc). My Multivitamin has 50% DV in it. I am asking to determine if i might be anemic ( not sure how to self diagnose this). Your thoughts?
  5. Oh that is very unfortunate for you. Tylonol doesn't really cut it for back pain like this. I was in major accident 2 years ago and am still dealing with residual back pain Before Wls I used ibuprofen and dixofenac for managing the pain, but cannot now. I used tramadol from a family member for a couple weeks before getting a one month prescription of hydrocodone. Once that runs out at my 6 month post op jan 1st, 2013, my surgeon doctor has cleared me to take anti-inflammatory again with ppi. I have already set up a long term prescription to etodolac to manage the pain. No idea how well this stuff is going to work on back and foot, but am hoping it will take care of the constant soreness. It replaces diclofenac which I took as needed before wls. Diclofenac is hard on the stomach and can cause ulcers even in normal use by non wls people if taken long term. Good luck and hope you get a remedy for your back pain.
  6. Fiddleman

    white hands and face

    Also, I do not eat red meat very often and mostly eat chicken. Trying out new space heater this morning for first time! I am defn looking forward to warming up.
  7. Fiddleman


    Here is an interesting article that explains planetary and galactic alignments that will occur tomorrow precisely when the sun is at solar maximum: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_2012_43.htm
  8. My doctor says no NSAID for 6 months. I am counting down the days un January second when I can take my NSAID for foot and back pain. He also said he six month window is where you have the greatest chance of developing an ulcer along the sleeve line if not careful with NSAID and *always* take it with a PPI if you must before 6 months are up.
  9. What do others think about "the Sonoma diet" as a structured eating plan for after weight loss? Before anyone gets on me with " it's another diet", etc, I am actually *looking* for a structured eating plan that is wholesome and will help me maintain my current weight for the rest of my life. Yes, I can now make good food choices and have fairly decent will power. Yet I am always learning and would like feedback from others on this particular plan as a means to maintain for long term. I do have a good exercise plan that involves running for 45 minutes every 3 days (my body thanks me for the rest), lifting every 2 days and filling the other days with cross fit exercise like elliptical. My exercise and energy levels would benefit with something like the "Sonoma Diet." Now I still eat heavy protein, low carb and low fat - a lot like Atkins, but it won't work long term ( for me).
  10. It was a combination of a lot of different things : drinking as much Water as comfortable, eating every 3 hours 2-3 oz Protein, eating when waking up, eating when going to bed, exercising every day ( walking at first until cleared by dr, elliptical on and off for a few months and now running and lifting in last couple weeks), not cheating ( ever), eating as low carb as possible, not stressing ( getting into the zen of sleeve), sleeping 7-8 hours a night ( was not always able to do this), reading VST every day looking for hints and advice, etc. you can do it. I had my fair share of stalls along the way, average time about a week. The first one was long, about 3 weeks. Don't give up everyone! The prize is there for everyone.
  11. Fiddleman

    Being cold

    I don't think it does as I still freeze daily at almost 6 months. One of the 1-3 years vets might have a better answer.
  12. Fiddleman

    exercise and sleepiness

    I have been running about 45 minutes 2x a week and doing weight lifting 3x a week for about 30 minutes in each session. Been doing this for the past couple weeks or so. The problem is I have been getting really tired in the afternoon, sleepy in fact where I cannot keep my eyes open. Last night, it hit me around 4:30 pm and struggled with it until going to bed at 8:30 pm ( early for me). I woke up at 3am and felt much better. This morning I feel pretty good with energy levels at decent levels. Am i working out too often or am I lacking in calories throughout the day? I am probably still eating around 800-900 calories a day, mostly Protein. Carbs are under 30. Low fat. I do not eat starches or much vegetables (depend on my supplements for nutrients). I eat every 3 hours about 125 calories (3-4 oz of protein).
  13. Fiddleman

    exercise and sleepiness

    Since this thread is discussing the impact of diet on hardcore exercising, I thought I would ask about "the Sonoma diet." Before anyone gets on me with " it's another diet", etc, I am actually looking for a structured eating plan that is wholesome and will help me maintain my current weight for the rest of my life. Yes, I can now make good food choices and have fairly decent will power. Yet I am always learning and would like feedback from others on this particular plan as a means to maintain for long term.
  14. Fiddleman


    What does your diet, Water consumption and exercise look like? What times of the day are you eating? How many carbs are you eating? How many grams of Protein are you eating daily? What is your starting BMI and weight? All these questions are designed to identify possible areas to improve in.

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