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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    Not sleeping well

    Some OTC sleep aid might help like tylenol pm. I find that one does not keep me asleep so sometimes I take 2 in order to get a good 7-8 hour sleep. I also stop drinking water 90 min before bedtime to remove a reason for waking multiple times during the night.
  2. I have heard of hair loss lasting until 9 months. Mine is still falling out, one hair at a time at 7 months. It was much worst month 3-6.
  3. Fiddleman

    What is sliming?

    It is a mouth full of saliva when you eat too much or too fast. There is also the worst stuck food pain that occurs for the same reason. It is worst when you start on solids and figure out how to eat sleeve-right. For me, months 2-4 was a lot of sliming because I always ate too fast. After 5 months, my sleeve healed enough that even eating too fast did not cause sliming. Thank goodness. However, I developed and intuitive sense to when I felt satisfied versus full. Try and satisfy your hunger and not make it a goal to eat to being full. It will take time for you to learn this skill. However, once you do develop the skill, it will take you a long ways towards a lifetime of healthy eating with others and when you are alone. You will have a peaceful relationship with eating food and be able to enjoy the intricate details of tastes and smells.
  4. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

  5. Fiddleman

    Ectasy And Cocain Lol

    Better not ask too many questions about that or you are going to have the DEA knocking at your door ( or breaking it down) at 2 am. LOL!
  6. Fiddleman


    Who loves the caramel coconut crunch ones (Samoas)? I love those, must resist....
  7. I had a vitamin panel, a metabolic panel and a lipid panel at 6 months. Also checked the LDL and HDL levels. They had to take like 6 vials of blood. Lol. All my levels hit the middle of the standard ranges except b12 which I had way high levels. The follow up with the AARN was very high quality and I am super happy with post op follow up meetings.
  8. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

  9. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

  10. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

  11. I think abstinence is the best policy for defeating food cravings. The longer you abstain the easier it will be until you have no cravings for said foods. Good luck!
  12. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

  13. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

  14. Fiddleman

    ordered my first white wine

    No idea. Not a wine aficionado here. Iggychic can probably answer that question for you as I have read many wine posts from her.
  15. Fiddleman

    ordered my first white wine

    Yup, I am no longer a sleeve baby.
  16. Fiddleman


    Verismo is the best purchase I made post op at $199 as it is really easy to make cappachinos, regular coffee and expresses. Literally two button presses. I love it! I could never be patient enough to make lattes with the older SB latte machine that my wife got 5-8 years ago. Too much skill required! Lol. One suggestion I have is to also buy a good quality frother for the milk as you will save money by not buying the milk pods and will also make a much better cappuccino then using the built in milk frothing function of the verismo. SB also does not sell non fat milk pods to use with the Verismo (why?!?!). That is the main reason I spent about $50 on a frother off of Amazon.
  17. Fiddleman

    Constipation HELL....P!

    A combination of chia seeds and miralax work miracles for me post op

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
