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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. I think there is always a place for protein shakes. I have at least 2 a day, 1 for breakfast and 1 after running for recovery. I also eat 4 other meals that are protein centered. Sometimes I will have another shake when I go to bed, but not every night. It is important to get on an eating schedule, even if you are not hungry. Try and eat something every 2 or 3 hours and you will get a good response with regards to hunger, insulin level, metabolic levels and emotional levels. No crashes from large servings (relatively speaking of course) or large gaps between meals and each meal has 2-3 ounces per meal. It will take some time to develop these habits, but well worth it.
  2. Hopefully I am contributing to this thread as I have not read all the responses. For me, canned salmon from trader joes worked really really well during my initial food selection when starting on solids. The reason I like the canned wild salmon is because it was really easy to measure out 2 ounces with a measuring cup because it was really soft (read: easy to eat) And very portable (small can). It was also very tasty and i ate it every day for lunch until i could handle other proteins like chicken, pork and beef. I still like eating salmon at home and when eating out now at 7 months out, but do not eat the canned salmon so much any longer, I do not like the taste of white wish as much just because there is not much flavor.
  3. Fiddleman

    Had to chuckle

    That's awesome! What an interesting NSV. We all probably have to go get new Driver Licenses.
  4. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

  5. My wife and I tried a butter finger shake today after my hour run. The idea came from another member on this forum. It has 1 scoop nectar chocolate truffle, 8 oz non fat milk and SF butterscotch pudding. We calculated the serving to have about 250-275 calories. Too many calories for every day, but a good treat for perhaps once a week. Delightful!
  6. Fiddleman

    Any recommendations what to start with

    Since zumba involves a lot of twisting and bending, it might be good to wait until you are cleared for regular exercise. In the meanwhile, walk, walk, walk.
  7. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

  8. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

    What is the preferred clothing to wear when running long distances? This question does not apply to shoes or socks, but only to shirt and shorts. I have been noticing that my loose T-shirt and even my loose shorts are starting to get really distracting when running for an hour. They flap around and shorts are nylon and like to drop a couple inches when running. It is distracting. My running is currently inside so air temperature is around 68-72. Besides the need to go down a size, would it be better to run without a shirt? I think it would be OK with the in door air temperature. Would it be better to wear spandex or should shorts be loose fitting (not overly loose)? Please share your thoughts. With some answers, I am going to the running store to seek out more ideal running clothes.
  9. Fiddleman


    Yes, it is a normal calorie amount for a sleeve person. If you are really active, I can understand the need for more calories.
  10. Been 8-9 months since I have eaten any popcorn. Planning on waiting a few more months until weight loss stabilizes. The reason is that popcorn was a problem food for me and it would be hard (I think) for me to eat in moderation. I like all sorts of popcorn, but movie popcorn, caramel popcorn, white cheddar popcorn and kettle corn have a special place in my acquired tastes. I used to eat it until ill because it was so good.
  11. Even though I did not throw up, I felt pretty miserable with the flu two weeks ago (7 month post sleeve). Body aches, sore throat and dehydration were the worse. I had trouble drinking for the first couple of days with the flu so I was almost passing out. It took a few days to get hydrated properly again. Fortunately, I was able to do this on my own but was close to making an ER visit.
  12. Fiddleman

    Stomach bug and soda

    Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't it the bubbles in carbonated water that helps with settling the stomach flu? At least that is what I have read in the past. It would seem, according to my understanding, that a flat drink would be not be productive.
  13. Fiddleman

    Stomach bug and soda

    If you must have something carbonated (generally not recommended), try some club soda to avoid the other additives that are in diet sodas. Do discuss this with your surgeon as carbonation is not a good idea while healing from Sleeve surgery.
  14. Let's see. Each bag costs 12.55 plus 4.99 shipping. If rounding to nearest. 50 cent increment, that is 17.50. There are 60 chews in a bag, so that means a bag will last 10 days. If there is an average of 30 days in a month, you will be spending an average of 52.50 a month on chews. For me, I think this is a good amount of calcium (recommended by NUT) because it placed my calcium blood work right in middle of standard range when I did my 6 month labs 2 weeks ago. My seller has been really reliable in delivering quickly each time I place the order on Amazon.
  15. I like the Bariatric Advantage caramel chews and take 6 a day @ 250 mg of calcium per chew. I consume 2 per major meal (6am, 12pm and 6pm). They taste pretty good. I order mine from a seller on Amazon.
  16. I am going to to try banana creme with my vanilla bean Protein powder and butterscotch with my chocolate truffle powder and PB2. Getting wild and crazy flavor ideas here with my Protein shake flavor aspirations! OK, not that wild and crazy, but it is time to take a short break from Cookies and creme ( my favorite!) as i have been on that for 7 months now, 2 shakes a day.
  17. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

    Thanks! Yup, discipline is my middle name. For some reason, I really thrive on rigid methodologies and am a fairly analytical person.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
