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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    red lobster? what to eat?

    Sure, still have the table menu in front of me: Tortelloni al Forno Shrimp Crostini Sausage Fonduta Bruschetta Duo Grill chicken Spiedini (I had this) Sicilian Meatbslls (next time!) Pan Seared Mozzarella Parmesan Roasted Asparagus The Chicken Spiedini had 4 oz of chicken and I had a single bite of wife's salad. Perfect size!
  2. Fiddleman

    B12 supplementation

  3. Fiddleman

    3 month post op stall?

    Stalls happen often after the first 3 week stall. For me, I think the pattern is stall a week lose for two weeks, repeat. Running for an hour every day for me seems to help the continual downward trend. The biggest positive I have noticed is the reduction in chest/stomach and legs. The scale is no longer a weekly need for me. I measure success based on how my clothes fit or how I feel or how I look in the mirror. Can now wear size 34/35 jeans and medium/large shirts. I seem to be 1/2 way between sizes which is a little odd. Just keep meeting and beating your water, protein, and exercise goals. Your stall will break. It is just a matter of time.
  4. Fiddleman


    It gets better. For me, I stopped getting so cold after 6-7 months. Not sure why, but perhaps it is my brain getting used to the smaller me.
  5. Fiddleman

    Movie Theater Snacks

    I can never find anything remotely healthy at the move theatre. It is not fair! I usually just take my water bottle or a shake if it overlaps my meal time.
  6. Fiddleman

    Anyone eating nuts?

    You might look into nuts.com energy squares. They are about the size of dice and have a mixture of different nuts held together with a little molasses. Two are 120 calories and provide good energy before or during a long and hard cardio or strength training exercise ( greater then 30 min). There are quite a few varieties on nut.com, but I have only tried chocolate paradise. Love it. I know Butter The Bean mentioned he has tried a lot of the varieties, so hopefully he will post here or you can PM him for info.
  7. Fiddleman

    red lobster? what to eat?

    We just stopped in red lobster to look at the menu. We ended up going across the street to Olive Garden. At Red Lobster, any of the grilled salmons or shrimps would be good. There are quite a few options. At Olive Garden, I like the new Italian Small Plates part of the menu. Perfect size in order to eat without packing leftovers and only 5 dollars! Can you believe it?
  8. Fiddleman

    B12 supplementation

    Hey BTB - Lucky you - one less pill to take! My B12 levels are really high, like > 1500 when range is between 100-900. Not sure what to think about it, but do enjoy the strawberry flavor under my tongue every morning. Any dangers from too high B12 levels?
  9. Fiddleman

    cellucor c4 extreme

    I got this in the mail yesterday after pilfering sample from gnc for a while. Watermellon is my favorite flavor and only has 5 cals a serving. This stuff really works. I took a serving 30 min before my hour run and felt the pump. After 30 minutes of running, I still felt awesome and like I had only done a 5 min jog. Started to get fatigued at 50 minutes, but still had energy in the tank. Now the question is do you think I could use this in a 5 k compete? On the back, there is this big disclaimer about how this should not be used by certain sports because it may cause false positive on PS ( whatever that means). I am not sure if the races ban this kind of stuff. Thoughts?
  10. Fiddleman

    what is your favorite snack post op

    Crap, that is pricy. I could buy 300-400 cans of wild salmon for what you need to spend on 3 cans of russian caviar.
  11. Fiddleman

    cellucor c4 extreme

    Prohibited by sponsored races like 5k, 10k 1/2 or marathon? I am just curious because it REALLY helped me run without getting tired until 50 minutes in. I am asking about use of this in a real race because I simply do not know the answer.
  12. Fiddleman

    what is your favorite snack post op

    Any time.
  13. Fiddleman

    Breaking thru

    Awesome! I bet you were grinning from ear to ear after finding that out.
  14. Fiddleman

    what is your favorite snack post op

    Does it look like, say, strawberry jelly? I could probably convince myself if it does.
  15. Fiddleman

    what is your favorite snack post op

    Ugggg, would need to be bribed and blind folded before those went in my mouth.
  16. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

    Thanks again for this response. Googling did in fact lead me to a good set of info on wikipedia. Furthermore, I am feeling better today which indicates my "injury" as being stage 1 or 2. It is good to read that I can still run with this type of injury, but I will take it easy and focus on slower long distances rather than push my speed with timed 5 k or HIIT sprints.
  17. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

    Thanks again for this response. Googling did in fact lead me to a good set of info on wikipedia. Furthermore, I am feeling better today which indicates my "injury" as being stage 1 or 2. It is good to read that I can still run with this type of injury, but I will take it easy and focus on slower long distances rather than push my speed with timed 5 k or HIIT sprints.
  18. Fiddleman

    Valentines Day Challenge!

    You are only a couple lbs away. Great job! To speed up results, think about changing your exercise routine for this week. Give your muscles something new to do so they break free of their efficient ways. For example, if you usually do cardio machines try and run this week. Alternatively, try more incline on the treadmill and a brisk pace (> 3.5 mph). Good luck on those last few lbs.
  19. Ever try the Desani pineapple/ coconut drops? This has been quite refreshing after not liking the after taste from crystal lite or mio. The mio leaves a bad taste in my mouth and throat gets a little irritating if I am drinking Water flavored with it all day. Not sure why exactly, but Desani drops does not do this.
  20. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

    I heel strike when running faster (6.5-7 mph), but strike on the balls of my feet when running at comfortable speeds (5.4-5.6 mph). I think I need to cut out my HIIT training so form is not lost with regards to where the foot strikes the ground. I just noticed it today after the HIIT sprints / run performed yesterday during first 30 min of hour long run. HIIT is supposed to make me a better racer and it also helps to blast the remaining fat. Thoughts?
  21. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

    Left knee is getting sore below the cap. What does this mean? Am I pounding the belt too hard ( yesterday, went 1 hour) or too fast (6.5 miles in 1 hour, 5k 25 min with interval sprints for 30-60 seconds at a time) or bad form? Not enough stretching? I am concerned because this is following my ache on my left hip / butt that comes and goes after running ( not bad). Should I recover more ( currently run every other day)? Maybe it is from me sitting in my computer chair all day for my job or I am not sitting ergonomically correct. I have a really expensive office chair (300 dollars), so can' t really blame it. All i know is that running is somehow correlated to this knee pain when I am sitting for a while. Sorry for info overload. Any advice is needed. Trying to train for an upcoming 5 k race in 1 month. My next timed 5 k will be for tomorrow which means I will be in race mode to get optimal 5 k time.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
