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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    Post Sleeve Bucket List :)

    What is a tough mudder? Sounds interesting by the name alone. I would like to: 1. Run a marathon 2. Learn how to cave ( my secret active passion) 3. Hike the entire PCT ( had this goal since 12 or 13). I have done parts of it in WA state. I am sure I will think of more. Do these have to be active based? Or can the list contain any bucket list item?
  2. Fiddleman


    Oh, that stuff is truly nasty to take. Only use it as a last ditch effort. Suppositories help immediately and don't leave your mouth feeling like an outhouse.
  3. Fiddleman

    Help meeeee team

    Sorry to hear about that. Hope every day is a little brighter for you. We are here to support you.
  4. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

    It is definitely getting easier the more HIIT I do. I feel like it is my lungs holding me back more then anything . Running HIIT once a week helps to increase my lung capacity and efficiency. I like to start at 6.0 mph, average 6.5 mph and peak my HIIT at 7.5 mph every 5 minutes before dropping down to 6.0 mph.
  5. Fiddleman

    Dehydration long term & dizziness anyone?

    I usually get the ol' Vagus nerve response when I eat too quickly ( which I STILL do). Although this is while still seated. He gets the "trip" only after standing up which could be an inner ear imbalance issue too.
  6. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

    Not a distance run, but I did a PB on a 5 k today. Finished in 24.5 min and did not feel at all tired at the end. Nothing like power chords, a driving beat and a personal desire to break personal barriers. My goal in a few months is to break 20 minutes.
  7. What are the best foods to graze on? Sometimes I get hungry between my 3 hour meal times. That is to say, I eat every 3 hours. Sometimes I will have a chicken meatball, a few edemame or some seaweed wafers. These do not seem too bad. What suggestions do you have? Please don't tell me not to graze because I am already aware that it is a no no for us. I eat about 1000 calories a day and usually exercise hard, about 700-900 calories over an hour by running, ellyptical or strength training. I do not graze every day and when I do it is usually only once or twice during the day.
  8. Fiddleman

    grazing (good) alternatives

    Unfortunately, I need to get up at 5:30am every morning for working on east coast time. Works out pretty well. I go to sleep about 9:30pm on average. some late nights if I have a work deadline or out doing something.
  9. Fiddleman

    I want the real story

    I think it is a little early to run 1/2 marathon at that time. You probably won't start running seriously until month 5. That will be august 2013. That leaves you 3 months to go from couch to 1/2 marathon. That seems really ambitious to me but maybe you could do it. Just being realistic about it. I do not know how long it takes to train in order to run 1/2 marathon. Some of the other runners on this board might know.
  10. Fiddleman


    I posted a thread on roasted edemame with spicy wasabi the other day. It is a good alternative to peanuts because higher in protein, lower in fat and you cannot eat very many of these at once without turning into a fire breathing dragon. They are also crunchy, just like peanuts. When I eat them, I think the texture reminds me of eating peanuts. They might help tame the grazing or at least keep the grazing under control.
  11. Ordered my first white wine from a very fine Italian resteraunt here in Seattle. Wish me luck! Also having my first bite of bread. Boy am I a bad boy tonight! Edit: whoa, really buzzing.
  12. Fiddleman

    ordered my first white wine

    It really is different with every doctor. Some say 3, some say 6, some say 12 and some, god forbid, say never. Follow the advice of your doctor. They have a good reason for setting these rules. Just to let you know, I was about 7 months when having my first glass of St michelle Chardonnay. It was very nice and only one was enough.
  13. Fiddleman

    Why Lie?!?!

  14. Fiddleman

    Anyone using a Fitbit?

    Which is better: the fit bit or the fuel band? Please specify the pros and cons of each.
  15. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

  16. Fiddleman

    103lbs down

    I am super jealous. Lucky you!
  17. My story as well. I attribute it with healthy eating and active lifestyle.
  18. Fiddleman

    Post workout fuel

  19. Running helps really well to target those problem areas.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
