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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    protein drink before or after

    I order the chocolate paradise energy squares from nuts.com. They consist mainly of good carbs to give me energy for long runs.
  2. Fiddleman

    red lobster? what to eat?

    What?!?!? That is my favorite small plates menu item!
  3. Fiddleman

    When is running ok?

    Hey, good for you on running without injury at any weight. I would say wait at least 6 weeks, but still a good question to run by your surgeon.
  4. Fiddleman

    When is running ok?

    Checking with your dr is best, but I want to give one more suggestion. Wait until you have lost enough weight as to where you will not get injured. I feel this is really important. For me, the day after surgery placed my weight at 335 lb. Was I going to run a month later when my weight was 290? No way. I did not start running until 5 months out when weight was around 225. I did, however, take every chance I could to walk during the first few months, putting many miles behind me. Please do not start running unless you body can safely handle the weight. Just my view on it.
  5. Fiddleman

    Milk in the first week

    You might try light vanilla soy milk if you find regular milk hard to drink. I was having issues with milk for the first couple months so mixed in soy with shakes instead. At about 6 months I noticed I could drink skim milk again, but decided to stick with soy because of fewer calories and tastes better. Almost every grocery store sells the light vanilla soy.
  6. Fiddleman

    protein drink before or after

    I try and eat clean all the time to keep my general health optimal. Before a workout I like to eat an energy square from nuts.com and drink a pre-work out drink. I have been using Cellular C4 for a few weeks, but am now cycling onto another for a few weeks so my body does not adapt. During an hour run, I sometimes have a second energy square around 30 min, but have not been needing it lately. After my workout, I drink an amp 60 Protein shake for recovery within 20 min. I heard that the pre workout drink expands the time window of effectively absorbing protein, but I really do not know. Running also makes me hungry so I am usually eating my lunch within 1.5 hours. Then I am back on my eat every 3 hour schedule. I recommend the pre workout drink because it allows you to bust through barriers and push yourself. Hope this helps. Edit: I also take a special men's athletic Vitamin pack from GNC every morning as soon as I wake up. These are expensive (55 dollars for 60 individual packages of 6-7 vitamins). They help alot with focus, energy and stamina in addition to daily vitamin needs.
  7. Fiddleman

    Race pace (chime in vets)

    I am excited for you and your big day coming up. You have been doing so well on your distance posts. Let us know how it goes.
  8. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Good luck. Remember start slow and listen to your body. If you feel too much strain, slow down as to not get hurt. The results will definitely be worth it!!
  9. Try roasted edemame with spicy wasabi sauce. Has 70% less fat and 40% more protein then peanuts. You will only want a few because of the nose clearing effect of the spicy wasabi. What an effect!
  10. Fiddleman

    running is transdental

    I had the best hour run today of about 6.0 miles. Between 10 and 45 minute marks, it was just consciousness and music. I was jacked in. Kind of like that scene at the end of the "matrix" when he realizes he is the one and he easily does Kung fu or causes bullets to drop just by thinking about it. I made an agreement with my body to just do it and go on autopilot, enjoying the lyrics of my music. It takes about 10 minutes to reach that warm runner buzz. It wore off around 45 minutes when my legs started getting tired. This IS my new addiction.
  11. Fiddleman


    My wife and I rescued our 3 rd dog so far in our marriage. We always rescue from shelters and we got our current dog a little on the younger side: 1 year old. I cannot imagine my day without my dog. He is a 1/2 English springer and 1/2 border collie. He is super smart and very affectionate, a definite family dog who needs lots and lots of attention ( we do not mind ) I would say it is worth it no matter what the cost to have a best friend to hang out with. I agree with you that saying good bye to your dog is one of the hardest things to do, but I still continue to rescue (1 dog at a time) because the benefits far, far, far outweigh the costs.
  12. Fiddleman

    Tuesday's Coming! Yay! :)

    Nothing says happiness more than a pain free day. I am happy for you.
  13. Fiddleman

    Where do you men shop for regular sizes?

    Agree with the above. I am still buying my clothes at value village just because it is more economical. I guess once a thrifty person always a thrifty person. I really do not see myself throwing around money at the mall. It is not me.
  14. Fiddleman

    Just a Vent, then I'll shut up

    Is there any research that states a sleeved person will gain weight faster than a non sleeved person? From this story, it would seem the answer is yes. Soda might also have caused an accelerated weight gain because of stored toxins. Fat is attracted to toxins and it needs extra water to support it. Anyways, if you know the answer to my weight gain question, please post.
  15. Fiddleman

    Where do you men shop for regular sizes?

    That's super.
  16. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

    I am wondering if black toenails have anything about the toe hitting the front of the shoe way too hard or the fit is not right, causing toes to move back and forth. If so, I do not think you will develop it BTB as you run with 5 finger shoes. Isn't it true your toe either sticks out or your toes do not have any space to move back and forth? Just wondering. As an aside, I got a black toe when I came down a hike too fast with loose boots. My toes hit the front of the boot and blackened the big toe.
  17. How much pain and recovery for extended tummy tuck versus VSG?
  18. Fiddleman

    How to get my water in?

    I have to tell y'all that good taste for water does come back. To me, all water tasted like sucking metal until 5 months and then most water, even tap, starts to be enjoyable again. I have found desani flavor drops to taste the best followed up by propel powder. Mio and crystal light gave my throat issues when drinking it over and over again. Check out the pink lemonade and coconut/pineapple desani drop flavors.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
