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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    How Do I Delete My Profile?

    Love that one too!
  2. Fiddleman

    How Do I Delete My Profile?

    These phrases sound like good bumper stickers or tshirts! Awesome!
  3. Fiddleman


    Any idea if they will set off metal detectors (eg airport)?
  4. Fiddleman

    running and incline?

    I am asking for two reasons: 1. Not to get injured 2. Train for my first race
  5. Fiddleman

    Mini fitness suggestion

    My day job is sitting for 10-12 hours a day unfortunately. Even though I get in 1 hour of rigorous exercise once a day (running or cross train) I found it still a little draining to sit all day. One tip that has helped me is to add in two little mini fitness routines during the day, one when I get up at 5:30am and one an hour after eating lunch around 12 pm. It is pretty short, between 5-10 minutes long. It is usually a slow 5 minute jog on the treadmill (4.5 mph) and then some in place stretches and light weight routine (10 lb) consisting of flys, curls, squats, laterals and so on. The whole thing is fairly low key, but is enough that I will get a light sweat going and really gets the circulation going in my legs and upper body so sitting is a little easier. I also try and get up once an hour and move around, if only to get some water or stretch a little in my office. Just thought some others might benefit from this tip. Nothing new, but it is really helpful to feeling good at a desk job.
  6. Any idea if we can switch from calcium citrate to calcium carbonate after 6 months? Carbonate is a heck of a lot cheaper, especially from Costco. Maybe our bodies do not require the citrate any longer? Your thoughts?
  7. I waited 7 months and it was for a special dinner with my wife. We had some fine Chardonnay.
  8. Eh, no. I get terribly light headed if I miss eating every 3 hours. Feed me. Feeeeed me. Feeeeeeed me. Heheehe.
  9. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    All the people who are starting the jog/run journey is really motivating. Way to go! This is going to be a really big group of joggers and runners under fitness in no time. How cool is that! Cheers!
  10. Fiddleman

    How Do I Delete My Profile?

    What is all this negativity that various posters keep posting about. Ok, so there are posts like "why lie," "popcorn" and " cookie" threads but, come on, we all are in this together just let it roll a little. No one is anymore superior then anyone else. We are all friends who have a huge overlapping set of common attributes. I am a little surprised and see VST as a very positive community environment. It is not only a place to get support, but also a place to commune with fellow sleevers. I am sorry, I just do not see or experience it. Anyone want to give some concrete examples that are leading some folks by disowning VST? I admit I do not read everything, but I do a fair amount of reading as well as posting in many different forums. I think it is a great place to be.
  11. Fiddleman

    How many carbs

    I carried a lot of weight in my stomach area before getting sleeved. By eating a low carb diet for post op, I believe that losing the visceral fat around my stomach was much easier. I did not eat any carbs that were not already part of my high protein diet except for carbs found in the light soy milk I drink. Everyone is certainly free to eat in the manner that suits them, but I have found eating between 20-30 carbs a day, perhaps less, has really helped. Keep in mind I eat a fairly restricted diet that might not be suitable for everyone.
  12. Fiddleman

    Does walking get easier after the sleeve?

    Walking definitely gets easier after the sleeve purely from practice, practice, practice. By walking a little bit every day after surgery you will gain strength, endurance, and greater lung capacity. Start out just walking a block after coming home. Try and increase your walking every day going longer distances and picking up the pace. If you have time and the energy, try walking more then once a day. After a few weeks, you will be surprised at what can be accomplished with walking. Do give yourself proper recovery time. There may be days when you just do not feel like walking and that is perfectly ok.
  13. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

  14. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

  15. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

    I am very sorry for you to get this news from the doctor. Anything I say cannot undo the sadness on your heart right now. We wish you the best of recovery and are hoping for the best. Please keep us posted. We are here to provide support.

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