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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. I hope also by telling people that it will encourage them to make different decisions about their health or for them to share information with other people in a way that starts on epidemic of knowledge for healthy living. It is not my intent to be preachy or to say " hey, look, this is the only way", but I do have a lot of good things to say about the sleeve and the lifestyle it has helped me embrace. That is key. Sleeve surgery by itself will only be another "fad diet" if you do not use it to form new eating, exercise and even mental behaviors. The sleeve surgery is the catalyst that helped me build a whole new "me" that is different from the old "me" in so many ways. It takes time. That is why I believe they call the first 6 months the "honeymoon period" because it is during the time that you slay your own dragons and come out a hero. You do have to be strong though and not expect for everything to fall in place overnight. There will be some mistakes along the way, but overall, you will come out the other end a new person who views food, exercise and the world around you in a completely different way. Embrace the change.
  2. Fiddleman

    The great thread killer......

    Love the beach shot!
  3. Fiddleman

    Costco/Trader Joe Shopping list

    Yes, feeling stuffed after a few bites at 5 weeks is normal. Happy to say that it does get easier to eat between 3-5 ounces of firm Protein by 5 months.
  4. My whole family (both sides) know and I appreciate the support and kind words. I will tell people if they ask, but will not go out of my way to share it otherwise.
  5. Fiddleman

    How do you handle PMs?

    I am not really a vet yet ( not sure what really qualifies one) but do gladly help anyone who feels they want to PM me. Not very many so far, but I enjoy meeting new people and helping them out. Discouraging them is the last thing on my mind. I also want to say that there are quite a few vets here which have helped me directly by responding to my posts and a few PMs or indirectly by responding to another member's post. I believe in the pass it forward rule.
  6. Fiddleman

    Costco/Trader Joe Shopping list

    To add for your consideration when at Costco: chicken meatballs (each serving about 1 oz) Chicken patties (each serving about 5 oz) Chicken sausage (each serving about 3 oz) Turkey sausage links (each serving about 1 oz) Steak strips - a bit like beef jerkey, but thick cut and marinated. Very good and 98% lean. Brings the man out in you for guys(arg!!) Rotisserie chicken (dinner option, so many ways to prepare it!) The patties make for a great lunch. The meatballs (4-5) and sausage (3oz) make for a good morning ar afternoon snack. 2 sausage links are good with 1-2 scrambled eggs in the morning. At trader joes, I like to buy canned salmon and beef. They are not my main staples, but good to have on hand.
  7. Fiddleman

    30 day squat challenge

    Sounds like a fun challenge. I'm game.
  8. Fiddleman

    Sleepy ALL day today

    Just dropped about 8 lb in last 2 weeks. Light Clay colored it how I would describe it. Usually mine is a darker color especially when consistently eating the same Protein food.
  9. Fiddleman

    Sleepy ALL day today

    I have a gallbladder and the closest thing to pepto bismal I am taking is my PPI. Pain comes and goes, but is not sharp all the time. Mostly it is like an ache. No movement of pain. I had a scan for potential gallbladder issues around month 3, but was not found to have any issues with it. None.
  10. Fiddleman

    Sleepy ALL day today

    I think I will see the PCP about this next week. Thanks!
  11. Fiddleman

    Finding a good trainer

    I have always been good at cardio, but always do weight training 1/2 a**. I have decide enough of this; it is time to reach out to a professional to help me build a solid foundation. In a sense, I need to learn how to fish properly so I can fish on my own. I have all the knowledge from books and DVDs, but not a real progressive plan. I wish someone would design a couch to body builder program lol. The question, my VST friends, is how to go about finding a trainer? I have a couple local gyms about 10 minutes away and was thinking about dropping in to see if there is a bulletin board with available trainers. I want one that will work for me and help me meet and beat goals progressively. Right now, I do not have the focus or discipline to sculpt my body now that I have lost the weight from cardio, cardio and cardio.
  12. Fiddleman

    Finding a good trainer

    Thanks for the information and motivational pep talk. I am going to check out the Everett Cross Train facility tomorrow and see about becoming a member. http://crossfiteverett.com/ Although rule 5) has me worried: http://crossfiteverett.com/gym-rules/ Sounds like this is what I need in my journey to optimizing my health. The monthly cost is not too bad either @ 120 for training 3x a week.
  13. I take 6 250 mg chews a day around 3 daily meals @ 6:00am, 12pm and 6pm. It has been working out pretty well since surgery. I try and wait 30-45 minutes in between eating protein and taking the chews. They are also yummy and my little treat during the day.
  14. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

  15. Fiddleman

    Making Bento and Using Chopsticks?

    That is a really great idea! Wish I did this way back when starting solids. Probably would have slimed far fewer times.
  16. Fiddleman


    Cool, I used to travel quite a bit to the east cost from Seattle for my job, but have not since my surgery. They are finally lifting the travel restrictions a bit now that the economy is not tanking as bad. Knock on wood. Psyched to see how my 180 lb hiney fits in the airplane seat ( coach). Absolutely hated flying middle seat coach when I was 360 (5 hours of being squished and ashamed).
  17. Fiddleman

    How Do I Delete My Profile?

    Yup, was a big fan.
  18. Just a suggestion, but are you near your open enrollment period? The reason I ask is because my insurance is also UHC, but I paid a little extra in my monthly premiums for the premium plus package. About 400 extra a month for my wife and I above what my employer will pay. UHC had no problem approving us under the premium plus. Is that an option?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
