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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    Still fat!

    If you are asking about my weight 4 months ago, I think it was 235ish. When I started running the month after that, progress picked up a bit.
  2. Have you tried the Nectar Sweets? There are a number of good flavors like cookies and creme, chocolate truffle and vanilla bean. I really have enjoyed these shakes and drank the almost exclusively during the 1st 6 months.
  3. Fiddleman

    Still fat!

    You could follow in Jared's footsteps and become the face of quiznos rather than subway! Then you can get paid for losing weight.
  4. Fiddleman

    First Crossfit

    I went to my first crossfit session tonight and am in awe at the level of fitness demonstrated by everyone in the class. Wow. I never knew how intense and how raw the experience is. This is nothing like working out in a gym with either machines or free weights.
  5. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Hilarious! Are you *trying* to get me to give up my treadmill running? Lol! Seriously, I have thought precariously about the wall behind me a few times when running, but then forget all about it. for all us Americans, a few of these might remind you of a certain person from last season on Americas Got Talent ( or the season before) whose soul purpose was to land on his gonads intentionally, to get laughs. I am still cracking up over the various treadmill accidents 10 minutes later...so funny.
  6. Fiddleman

    First Crossfit

    One nice outcome of the crossfit last night is that when I ran today, my core felt so much more supportive and my hips did not lock up like they usually do after running for 30-60 min. I learned good posture is paramount to improving fitness in cross fit. I got to do a 20-15-9 rep workout of deadlifts, handstand pushups, hip flexors (I think this helped my hips the most in running today), and kettle ball swings. It was a lot of fun, but hard!!!! I was sweating a river and majorly fatigued in my upper body after the WOD (workout of the day) we did even though it was only about 5 min. The rest of the time was 101 class learning the postures for the moves. Even though I finished the WOD last, the others were cheering me on to finish.
  7. Fiddleman

    First Crossfit

    Thanks everyone.
  8. Fiddleman


    Curious, how long have you been using acid reducers for? I am at about 8 months. Do you think there is any truth behind the article I posted above?
  9. I like to drink sobe life water when there is a good sale on them. Fuji apple pear is my favorite flavor. Otherwise, I am currently mixing Desani Pink Lemonade with tap water and there is no aftertaste. Some of the other water enhancers like Crystal Light will irritate my throat after a while in addition to having weird aftertaste. Not sure why, but it does.
  10. Fiddleman

    Anyone Here In Washington?

    I was sleeved 7-2-2012 at Swedish Hospital in Seattle by Dr McMahon. It has been a really good experience so far.
  11. Fiddleman

    Hunger? Seriously?

    Yup, that is definitely my concern as well so trying to not give into the hunger. I like PdxMan's description above that hunger is a deficiency in something. However I do admit it is going to be a challenge to figure out what the deficiency is. I read an article this morning about the long term effects of taking a PPI ( posted also in another heartburn thread). http://refluxdefense.com/heartburn_GERD_articles/side-effects-antacids-and-acid-blockers.html Maybe I am struggling with more malabsorption then I came to admit after taking a daily PPI for 8 months now. However, my blood work came back normal at the 6 month check. I also do not eat very many vegetables and no fruit. Probably the equivalent on 1 serving of veggies a day. Still mostly eating high Protein n low carb, but do eat healthy carb before I run in the form of a couple energy squares ( nuts.com).
  12. Fiddleman


  13. Fiddleman


    Have you tried some tums? They might help and actually taste kind of good.
  14. Fiddleman

    Anyone Here In Washington?

    We had a thread on this a while back and thought woodland park zoo would be a neat place to meet once the weather is better in the summer.
  15. Fiddleman

    Vomiting after Vitamins

    Interesting that your doctor stated to wait 2 months. I started after a day or two home from hospital. Agree that BA tabs are vomit inducing. I eventually got tired of it and switched to Celebrate capsules. The DV is 3 capsules. I found if you take all 3 at once, it also led to vomiting. I wanted to take all at once so I would not forget. Finally settled on a good Trader Joe high potency brand (200% of everything) which I could take without vomiting. Tasted good also! Worked really well for months. In the last couple months I have switched to GNC athlete men's daily Vitamin packs. They are really helpful once you get your athlete on. I would not recommend them until post 6 months though because tabs are big and you need to be comfortable with swallowing those. You also do not want to mess around with specialized Vitamins before getting the all clear from your blood work at 6 months. Hope this helps.
  16. Fiddleman

    Anyone Here In Washington?

    Good place! I was going to have surgery there, but ran into insurance issues with my UHC plan. They were in the process of trying to close an agreement with UHC, but I did not want to wait months for it.
  17. Fiddleman

    Hunger? Seriously?

  18. Fiddleman


    It is over here in Washington. We have had a really mild and spring like winter except for like 2 weeks in January. Most boring winter ever. Good job at getting out and doing your walk in the cold!
  19. Fiddleman

    Hunger? Seriously?

    No one else struggles with this?
  20. Fiddleman

    Anyone Here In Washington?

    Hi - I am in Everett area (lake Stevens) Washington.
  21. I take 2 unisom and it really helps me. Some of the other OTC remedies do not work as well for me or give me a hangover the next day (Costco sleep aid does this).
  22. Thanks for giving away the plot for those who DVR'd it for later watching.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
