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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    Good protein bar?

  2. Fiddleman

    Good protein bar?

    What are the calorie and fat counts per serving?
  3. Fiddleman

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    Isn't that a great feeling to have? Keep up the good work and know that food choices will get better shortly for you.
  4. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Thanks! I thought that it was a great day to update the profile picture with the sun out.
  5. Gman, you have been an inspiration for many of us in the last 6-12 months. You have done so well supporting others with your advice. And from one guy to another, ii think time treats you well. Keep on fighting the good fight.
  6. Fiddleman

    30 day squat challenge

    Yup, very good for inner thighs.
  7. Fiddleman

    Crystal light alternatives?

    You might consider desani drops. The pink lemonade and coconut/pineapple are really good and do not appear to have an aftertaste. Very refreshing! I also like the ocean spray packets.
  8. Hey, great job on the 100 lb loss. Really awesome and inspirational!
  9. At 8 months and have lost 99 % ( 100%?) excess weight according to the BMI chart. Most of it was lost in 7 months and have been about same weight for last month. Started at 360 and 180 today (+- a lb or two depending on day). Might try for 175 or 170, but think I am going to bulk up a bit from the cross fit work outs.
  10. Sometimes drinking too much water will cause this stuck feeling in chest or left shoulder pains.
  11. Fiddleman

    30 day squat challenge

    Great job everyone!
  12. Fiddleman

    running and incline?

    You are doing great already and will be running faster before you know it! Just keep doing whatever you feel comfortable with. I want to encourage you to keep at it. Great things are in store for you.
  13. Fiddleman

    running and incline?

    Hi - I run at 6.5-7.0 mph.
  14. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    What is justified about? I find watching tv distracts me a bit while running on treadmill so I day dream instead with muse pumping in my ears. On elliptical I can watch tv and usually have been watching fringe seasons for the last couple months. I am on season 3 now.
  15. Fiddleman

    running and incline?

  16. Fiddleman

    Stuggling, need help with head hunger!

    My suggestion is along the same lines as above post. I would like to recommend eating some energy squares from nuts.com. There are so many flavors to choose from and eating one square has 60 calories. They are loaded with good carbs and good fats, which might be what your body is craving. I also ate a protein bar yesterday for the first time since surgery and, boy, was it good. It satisfied and was about 170 calories. I was surprised that it didn't trigger a desire for more like protein bars sometimes did for me pre surgery. I got them from Costco and they are called Stabilyze. They have 170 calories, 16 grams of carbs, 9 grams of fat and 10 grams of protein. Not the best ratios of Nutritional DV amounts, but not too bad either. There are many different protein bars out there that are more low carb and higher protein. I wanted to try these because they are designed for the nutritional needs of diabetics, not too far from our own nutritional needs as post op sleevers. You might try a protein bar when you have a craving, just be careful about the sugar content. Also I have found an edamame salad from SAMs club that is really filling and satisfies. It has good protein and some good fats in it. About 3-4 ounces is really good as a snack.
  17. Fiddleman

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    180 lb loss is miraculous!
  18. Fiddleman

    Hunger? Seriously?

    My rant is that there are some days when my appetite seems to really increase, like today. Seriously? I remember not being that hungry for first 6 months, but following that I seem to get hungry mid morning and mid afternoon in between meals. I thought flavored Water would satisfy, but it does not so I have been having an extra laughing cow here or spoonful of edamame salad there to hold me to the next meal. I eat 5-6 meals a day of 3-5 ounces of solid Protein. Wondering if I should take something to help with appetite suppressant like hoodia or something related. How have you dealt with this? Darn Grehlin is making a come back. It is so distracting to be fighting the hunger. So far the hunger is losing, but...
  19. Fiddleman

    Still fat!

    Heh, I thought I might have been answering that question incorrectly. Lol.
  20. Fiddleman

    Why Lie?!?!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
