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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman


    I bet you will be, even before goal weight! Stopped using my cpap shortly after surgery along with bp meds (had hypertension with bp at 154 / 105...bad). In the last couple months my bp has been 100/70, which has never ever happened before in my life, even when I was at lighter weights. The surgery is so great to eliminate the need for meds!
  2. Fiddleman

    Sick of scrambled eggs for breakfast

    I know my response is a little late for this thread, but you might consider adding more variety to the scrambled eggs. For example, adding feta cheese and dill is really tasty. You can also make omelets with different veggies, meats and cheeses packed inside. There are a million things you can try with scrambled eggs. Why not branch out and try it?
  3. Fiddleman

    How many calories?

    Your calories are on target as you are drinking mostly Protein shakes. Some get even less (300-500). The calories will naturally increase the further post op you get as your stomach will allow for more. Right now it is important to focus on Water and protein daily goals rather than calories while you are healing.
  4. Fiddleman

    who's eating the most carbs/protein daily?

    I run a lot and eat a ton of protein (125-150 grams daily). However my carbs are still pretty low and only enough to help me with my workouts. Mostly good carbs from nuts.com. At this time, I have not wrapped my mind around a high carb diet. I am at a point post op where I am trying to bulk up the lean muscle with training. It may add 5-10 lbs, but I am OK with that.
  5. Fiddleman

    I fu@#ed up today

    You too newgrandmother. Your progress in your stats of your signature and your avatar really show quite a lot of progress. Super job!
  6. Fiddleman

    30 day squat challenge

    Oh my gosh, I did like squats on steroids today in my cross fit class. We held a 20-30 lb medicine ball (may have been heavier), squat and on the way up out of squat, threw the medicine ball high up against the wall and caught it on the way down above our head, repeat. I need to work on these! My upper body strength and core are so weak, but are going to get better as cross fit continues to kick my butt.
  7. Fiddleman

    Vet's Forum

    Thanks for sharing your experiences Cheri. I agree that 1 glass of wine is all it takes to get sloshed. I don't drink too often, but do like the occasional glass. I have had 2 since surgery after 6 months and have enjoyed them for both the taste and the social aspect.
  8. Maybe it is because I am a guy, but I like to keep food related stuff ultra simple. I make sure I eat about 25 grams of protein a meal, 5-6 times a day. That is ll I really pay attention to really. I do not really count calories, but have an estimate based upon what i know my food choices are for the day. My diet is naturally low carb because I tend to eat either pure protein or chose shake mixes that are low carb. Lately ( last couple months), I have been eating some energy squares before running and these guys have good carbs and fats in them. I am going to start eating a low carb protein bar and got some good altnatives in a thread I posted yesterday. Also, never was Interested in tracking via MFP so just try to follow KISS rules as much as possible when making food choices that are compatible with losing weight. Not everyone will like eating this way, but it has worked really well for me so far and minimizes the time needed to track stuff. I am in process of changing my diet to be more compatible with long term and high activity levels (Running and Cross fit). I am thinking of eating as naturally as possible and try and hit a good fat/carb/protein set of percentages. I will probably always be drinking protein shakes because I enjoy them for first and last meals as well as after a workout.
  9. Fiddleman

    I fu@#ed up today

    It definitely shows for you Laura. Nice job!
  10. Fiddleman

    Costco/Trader Joe Shopping list

    Thanks for all the good seafood options!
  11. Fiddleman

    Is there anything you cant eat?

    Milk and beef were both an issue for me post sleeve until about 6 months out. Now both are ok again.
  12. Fiddleman

    Good protein bar?

    What are some good protein bars for active folks who are near or at goal? I was a Trader Joes today and looked through their selection. The problem is that I do not really want to eat 250 - 320 calories for 20+ grams protein. My goal is to go high protein, low carb and reasonable carbs for a meal replacement protein bar (usually have 5-6 meals a day). I used to go for think thin bars pre surgery, but today the 270 calories for 1 bar seemed way too high. Not looking for a candy bar in disguise. I am aiming for under 200, perhaps 180 calories. My tastes are pretty open as i have never hated any protein bar in the past and i have tried quite a few in my heavier days. Go ahead and let me know what the options are based on your experiences.
  13. Fiddleman

    running and incline?

    I have heard that it is a good idea to run with an incline on the treadmill, so I tried that today. 5k at 1-2%, alternating depending on when I got too tired at 2.0%. Is this a good incline to start with? I did OK, but ran the 5k about 3 min slower @ 28 min. What would you recommend as a progressive training so I get uses to running hills in about 2 weeks. Not too tired, but quads are burning a little ( good right?). I also felt my IT bands tighten a bit while running.
  14. Fiddleman

    Katie in ONEderland!

    Congratulations. Well done! Those are really impressive losses after 6 months post op. Do you have any advise for newer sleevers?
  15. Fiddleman

    Vet's Forum

  16. I went back to taking my 2 (small) citalopram tabs along with a mountain of other pills about 1 week after surgery. I am going to discuss with my doctor (again) how I think we should discontinue the antidepressant because I have not felt better about my place in this world more then I do now. The surgery has turned around my mental outlook and has really made me into a social person who wants to be around others. This is a galaxy away from the introvert, depressed personality I was just a year ago. I only continue to take them because I don't want the withdrawal symptoms ( some say it is really bad to even wean off them). But I digress. As the months go by following your surgery, it will get easier and easier to take larger and larger pills. I never went through the crush pill phase. Did not need to.
  17. Fiddleman

    Costco/Trader Joe Shopping list

    Do not know as not heard of Bjs before. Wish I could be more helpful. I get most of my post op grocery needs fulfilled at Costco.
  18. Fiddleman

    Good protein bar?

    Thanks! These look like a good fit nutritionally.
  19. Fiddleman

    Crystal light alternatives?

    According to the label it is sweetened with sucralose.
  20. Fiddleman

    Good protein bar?

    Good point. I would like to eat as healthy as possible and still aim for high protein / low carb. I used to enjoy eating cliff bars. They are super good for moderate to hard hiking. I am just concerned about their calorie counts versus protein counts. They pack a lot of calories to just eat for an afternoon snack independent of activity such as run or hike.

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