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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. For me, it took about 3 months to almost feel normal. I didn't really get energy until 5 months when I started running and eating about 1100 calories a day with some good carbs thrown in.
  2. Agree that all doctors have their own reasons. In general, it is good to wait until 6 weeks out when you are past a lot of the healing. For reference, I started out with an expresso size at 6 weeks, then advanced to a cappuccino size and now am comfortable with a latte size or a regular cup every day after 5 months. Currently at 8 months.
  3. Fiddleman

    10 days 24 lbs!

    That is really great news! Congrats!
  4. Fiddleman

    new addiction anyone?

  5. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Yes it gets easier as the weight comes off. The movements will be more graceful and mechanical, like a fine Swiss watch. As for trouble with blisters, try using running socks. They are more expensive (mine are 12 dollars a pair), but will cut the friction to zero because of material and fit. Once you start to really get into running, as some of you are at that point, go invest in a fitted pair of running shoes. These will cost upwards of 100, but will really help with maintaining good running form and prevent injury.
  6. Fiddleman

    new addiction anyone?

    Mine is running! Love to run 5k, 10k, HIIT and am now just starting on longer distances ( next goal is to do a 1/2). i hope another addiction will also be cross fit soon. By the way, I love coffee also and like to have a cup a day during the week or a grande size latte on the weekend.
  7. Fiddleman

    Best cardio workout

    I checked out the website for this- a bit expensive. Have you seen it used any where? Update: found it for cheap on ioffer.com
  8. Fiddleman

    Best cardio workout

    Running HIIT is a really good cardio workout. Also cross fit is pretty intense cardio, more so the better you get at it.
  9. Slimes are caused by eating too fast or too much and manifest as extra saliva in the throat and mouth. You have to go spit it out. For me, slimes are usually caused by eating too fast. I think it also depends on what you are eating. Beef Jerky tends to cause me to slime because I eat it too fast, but softer food will not.
  10. Fiddleman

    Cherry tomatoes

  11. In the beginning, it will be hard to discern between satisfied and full. You will have to learn the signals of being full versus satisfied. In the first few months, I ate to being full and that resulted in the stuck feeling, slimes in worse case and burps, hiccups best case. After a while, I started to understand the satisfied signal and stop there. Saved me many future trips to the bathroom after eating. Occasionally, I will still eat to full but only like once a month. I now have a six sense of feeling satisfied without having to measure, even if I have a little too much food on my plate. I give the last bite or two to my dog.
  12. Fiddleman

    Coffee lovers...

    I think they are ok. I don't see why not. However, I generally add coffee mate coconut creamer to my coffee that is not SF. Usually just a tbsp or so, but it really tastes good in my morning coffee. Gotta be alert to how much is used because higher calorie.
  13. Fiddleman


    Also I have found Bariatric Advantage chewable citrates to be really good. I order caramel flavor from Amazon every 10 days or so to fulfill 6 chews a day where each chew is 250 mg calcium. Works really well to take 2 of these an hour before eating 3 of your daily meals.
  14. Fiddleman

    Cherry tomatoes

    Great idea!!
  15. Fiddleman


    Yup, we all do when taking PPI because calcium carbonate will not absorb so well.
  16. Fiddleman


    A big handful, that's for sure. Multivitamin, D, b12, b complex, c, Calcium, Omega 3 and 6. Took them faithfully for 6 months and blood work came out well. I am continuing to take the same cocktail daily.
  17. Fiddleman

    Sleepy ALL day today

    Ok, so I had this long acid reflux after eating my afternoon snack today. Still going on 2 hours later. First time this has happened. I popped a few tums, but did not help. It seemed to take a lot out of me as far as usual energy levels. I have this constant ache around my abs on left side area and poop is still light colored ( stopped taking tums since this post started to make sure they were not the culprit to light poop). Is my gall bladder going, my liver going or both? I have not been into the clinic yet.
  18. A good approach to hitting some good protein counts after surgery is to drink 1-2 ounces an hour while you are awake. You can do this with a shot glass or just measure it as you drink from a blender cup. Alternating between sweet ( protein shake) and savory ( protein soup) is also a good way to not get burned out on drinking the same shake all the time in liquids phase. I know it is hard at the beginning. It was for me too, especially during the first week when it was painful to even swallow. Try this approach to eating on the hour and it will really help you out when you need to eat every 2-3 hours during solids. Hope it gets better for you.

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