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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    Alcoholism ?

  2. Fiddleman

    Acid reducers....

    Be careful about taking tums long term because it can lead to chemical imbalances throughout your pulmonary and renal systems. Talk to your doctor about excessive reflux or indigestion. They may have a prescription based solution that is safer long term.
  3. Fiddleman

    had my 2 pieces of candy today

    Yup, I love the SF caramel calcium chews every day. They are certainly like a treat in between all the protein. I get 6 of them a day for a total of 1500 mg calcium. Maybe I should try handing them out to tricker treaters at Halloween just kidding.
  4. Fiddleman

    Fiber ~ need ideas

  5. Fiddleman

    Can i drink

    I have had wine a couple times post op starting after 6 months. One glass of a nice chardonnay is all it takes for me to get sloshed. I thought this was a good thing until I started to think about why I was drinking the wine in the first place. To me, I was drinking it for the intoxication effects and taste, in that order. The more I thought about it, the less I wanted it. Why would I drink and increase the toxicity in my body when I have been working so hard to detox with clean food choices, water and supplements? Once I realized this, I just lost the motivation to drink any more. It was easy to let go. There are so many better ways to "have a good time" then with alcohol. I mainly get my party on now from running. This has much longer lasting effects and aligns with my health orientated goals.
  6. Corn nuts. Had them for first time post op a couple nights ago and realized I was eating them by the handful. I am sure popcorn would be on my slider list, but I have not tried it yet because it was definitely a "problem" food pre surgery.
  7. Fiddleman

    What am i doing wrong?

    You bet! Being a Sleever requires good organizational skills in order for things to balance out right in terms of macro nutrient ratios.
  8. Fiddleman

    What am i doing wrong?

    I definitely experience hunger again. It started at around 5 months and has gotten worse in moth 8. The best I am able to do is to eat as much Protein as possible and to limit carbs as to not trigger the nagging "I'm hungry" signal all the time. Sometimes I give in and have extra beef Jerky or some other protein. I know this is not a good habit to get into, but does help quiet the signals a bit. And this is in between eating every 3 hours. Good luck!
  9. Yes, I believe that I did develop a sense for satisfied feeling after months of measuring, weighing and getting to the point of "full" to often. Whether or not it is "magical" or not is open to debate. It is very gratifying to know and trust my satisfied feeling.
  10. Fiddleman

    To much protein?

  11. Fiddleman

    Protein Bars

    I just got my Nugo sample pack today and tried the Brownie Crunch. It is really good tasting and satisfied my hunger just fine. Each bar has 16 g of protein, 19 g of carbs (2 g are sugar carbs, others are sugar alcohols or something not counted in net carbs) and 7 g of fiber. After I finish the 3 bars in the sample pack this weekend I am going to put in an order for a box or two of my favorite flavor. I can see myself eating 1 a day or maybe not even that often. It depends on the impact of these on my goals.
  12. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    That is excellent news!
  13. If we did in fact do atkins induction, or better, only drink Protein shakes for a week, would that effectively reset the weight loss where we could expect to lose 10-20 lbs in following 1-2 weeks? I am thinking about it because I have stalled for last 3 weeks and want to blast off about 10 more lbs. Weight has even gone up 3 lbs this last week even though on same diet. I have stopped all exercise for last week and next week while I recover from an out patient back surgery. Your thoughts on losing 10 lb without exercise (will be back at running and cross fit in a week or two)?
  14. Fiddleman

    Hot Yoga kicked my butt!

    Any tips for a yoga newbie? I have been wanting to try hot yoga for awhile and will after current recovery. Should be in about 1-2 weeks. I have a hot yoga site about 5 miles away.
  15. Fiddleman

    Exercise questions

    Men's Fitness might be a good resource for you. In fact, I am thinking of subscribing to the magazine myself.
  16. Fiddleman

    Cholesterol seven months out

    What has your diet been like? Are you eating lean protein and green veggies and still see a high cholesterol? Can you identify any food that you have eaten that may contribute to it? For e ample, eggs, cheese, fatty proteins, etc. You might also think about some detoxing drinks or some pharmaceutical meds. Hope you are able to identify what food might be contributing to your high cholesterol.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
