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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Oh yeah, I could eat a whole box of these pre sleeve - in one sitting. amazing, i know. They are so addicting!
  2. I feel bad for the poor reader who gets this far and does not have the will power to NOT eat several of these (talking about someone who has not posted to this list). Maybe lack of knowledge is better in this case. Lol. Reading this list could be downright dangerous!
  3. Fiddleman

    2nd best preworkout drink?

    Maybe mdaa will make a come back.
  4. I really like the weight loss goal driven threads so let us make a runner's / walker's goal thread that is ongoing until st Patricks day. It does not matter where you are at in your WLS journey. You might be 1 week out or you might be two years out. Think of a goal you want to accomplish in 3 months time and write your progress here as often as you like. For example, I want to run a 10 k in 45 minutes by st Patricks day. By that time, I will be 8 months out. 12-5-2012: 5k in 30 minutes Today: 7 k in 50 minutes ( had to take short 3 minutes fast walks after 30 minutes every 10 min of running 5.8 mph) Goal: 10 k in 45 minutes It will be fun and also keep folks focused on a long term exercise goal ( myself included). Try and keep the exercise goals limited to walking and running on this thread. I used to love running long distances before gaining back 100 lb that lead to sleeve surgery so look forward to a marathon some day. The most I have ever run was 20 miles in 5 hours, but that took months to build up to. Feel free to post to his thread as you make progress. Let's have fun with this!
  5. Fiddleman

    2nd best preworkout drink?

    Thanks for the suggestion. I have read many reviews on Amazon that Jack3d did not have any effect. I'll check out Black Powder.
  6. Fiddleman

    Another day

    Hi Laura- I hope you have nothing major and can recover quickly. We all wish the best for you.
  7. Yes, everyone struggles with hair loss to some degree. Try and eat as much protein as you can and be consistent with all your vitamins. I've read mixed results with biotin. Some say it helps; others, not so much. My personal experience with hair loss was about 3 months long (over now for 2 months). I was losing some hair (a few hairs every time I tugged on it), but nothing near some of the percentiles that you can read about on this site. Try and shoot way above the minimum 80 grams and try for between 100-125 grams. It will take some supplementation with shakes to consume this much protein.
  8. Fiddleman

    No cook lunch/dinner option

    Oh, that looks good. Going to have to try that! I might also add chopped peppers to spice it up a bit.
  9. Fiddleman


    1500 mg is a good amount. And if you like caramel, chocolate, strawberry chews, it gives you a valid reason to eat SF candy 6 times a day ( most chews are 250 mg). Lovin' the Bariatric advantage caramel calcium chews.
  10. Fiddleman

    Fiber ~ need ideas

    I think I will start eating this again. Warning to others: it looks like rabbit food! However, the taste, in my opinion is good and it is very dependable with regards to BM regularity. You can even eat it with Water or just by the handful. It makes a good topper for all those recipes that call for breading and it makes a killer Fiber muffin we tend to make them from scratch, but Fiber One also has mixes you can use out of the box). It is almost miracle food if I may. The only issue is finding it on a sale. I remember coming out of target once with 20 boxes (each was a dollar something). Lasted me greater than 6 months. Otherwise, they tend to be in the neighborhood of $5 a box. Probably more now that inflation is kicking in for us in the states.
  11. Fiddleman

    Fiber ~ need ideas

    You can buy chia seeds from a natural foods store. I even saw them at Trader Joe a week ago. Otherwise, there are many sellers on Amazon.com that you can buy from. I have found you can get more for less through Amazon.com. Just make sure the seller has good feedback. Not sure about when you can have seeds. I believe I started on the between 4th and 5th month post op. They work really well and are also good source of Protein and Omega 3.
  12. Fiddleman

    Top 5 Running Songs

    When is Muse going to get the love?? I guess there are not many UK sleevers here. I love listening to their songs on the Resistance album while running.
  13. Fiddleman

    Fiber ~ need ideas

    Well, I do have to recommend chia seeds as a natural digestion aid for ongoing preventative support. However, if you are severely clogged, I would start out with something stronger and more immediate like Milk of Magnesium, ducolax or smooth move tea. Chia seeds are good as a long term day to day "unclogger" and helps you stay clear with daily BM events, most of the time more then 1. An occasional use of miralax is also helpful, especially in combination with chia seeds.
  14. Fiddleman

    Running/walking progress by St Patricks day

    Saint Patrick's day has come to pass! How did everyone do with their goals? I met my 5k goal, but did not meet my 10 k goal. Probably will not ever because I am transitioning into longer distances. My next goal will be to run a 1/2 by July 4th. No time limit because I have no idea at this moment.
  15. Fiddleman

    Chi-running workshop

    Thanks for the update. You already know I place chi running style in high regards. I would recommend it for any new runner who wants to enjoy running, get fast and love it, love it AND love it!! Check it out everyone.
  16. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

  17. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    & Yes, i had about a week in my running history where I had some (left) knee pain. I just took up RICE for a few days and really concentrated on how my foot interacted with the surface. I found out I was not absorbing the shock correctly in my upper legs and core correctly. Once I worked on adding a little more shock absorbing functionality in my running, the minor injury done to my knee cleared up. Danny, spear header of chi running, has been my role model from the beginning. It is really important to run in a relaxed manner in order to prevent injury, and run faster, especially if you are going to start running at a heavier weight. By heavier, I am talking about 250 lb or higher. For reference, I wanted to lose 100 lb before starting to run not only to prevent common injuries, but also because I have a recent foot injury. I started running after losing 130 lb, placing me at 225 lb. Running has helped me drop down to 180 lb over the next couple months. I have stalled out for the last month, but hope my body will give in once I start running longer distances. My 5k time is about 25 min and my 10k time is about 57 min. I hope to be running the 1/2 by summer time and look up to those who already are able to run the 1/2 and the marathon.
  18. Fiddleman

    First run

    9:30 is a GREAT time. You are under 30 minutes for a 5 k. That is pretty good for most people and amazing considering you are 5 weeks post op.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
