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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Great validation of all your hard work!
  2. Fiddleman

    protein bar or shake at night?

    Darn auto correct. Lol!
  3. Tums can also help in the middle of the night if you wake up with nasty acid burning your throat.
  4. Fiddleman

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    Potatoes are technically a complex carb, but are treated like a simple carb in your body. Simple carbs are simple to digest, low fiber and offer little value to your body. For this reason, I would classify a potato as a bad carb.
  5. Agree. Try taking prilosec everyday. I get bad reflux if I forget to take it every day by evening time.
  6. Fiddleman

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    Potatoes are carb loaded. However: if your surgeon advises you to eat potatoes, then eat potatoes. However, know you can also take potassium supplements from any store that sells Vitamins and minerals GNC, costco and Target to name a few.
  7. There is some truth behind your comment. I was a little mean spirited and had a chip on my shoulder when I was bigger. I am a much friendlier person after WLS. I cannot explain it really, but my attitude about life and people in general has improved 1000x in the past 8 months. I think I was harboring a lot of anger from the way people treated me as an obese person most of my life. Also, bad food had a wicked grasp on my mental state. Getting rid of all the junk a couple months before surgery has done wonders to how I feel day to day. It made me a better person inside and outside. I am so much happier now.
  8. Fiddleman

    Vitamin D Deficiency

    Generally taking capsules is OK after surgery, especially Vitamin D because the gels are like little fish eggs. If you are unsure , give your NUT a quick buzz. I ha e been on vitamin d 5-6k IU for many years now partially because I live in Seattle and partially because I have read/heard such good things about taking d supplements. Not sure how true the claims are but they have worked well for me and everyone I have talked to about it. By the way, my six month labs for vit d were right in the mid range
  9. Fiddleman

    July Sleevers

    Doing well. Sleeved July 2nd 2012. Hit goal about a month ago and +- a few lbs depending on what my body wants to do with water. Started at 360 a month before surgery and am 180 today. I stalled out a lot during the loss phase, probably every 2 weeks after October 2012. Just kept my chin up and stuck to plan. Did not allow the desire to snack or eat snack related foods overwhelm my desire to achieve success. I started out just walking every day after surgery and slowly increased miles and intensity until switching over to ellyptical at month 2. Did ellyptical 1/2 heartily until month 5, but it certainly helped. Started running at month 5 after being motivated by many VST runners. Have not looked back since figuratively. Today I am running 10 k and working on training for a 1/2 by summer. It is amazing what you can do by setting personal goals and sticking to it. Also started cross fit a few weeks ago with an eventualgoal of becoming athlete strong. I am not so strong at the moment. Good luck and keep your eyes on the prize, whatever that may be for you. Feel free to PM me if you want.
  10. Yes, been there, done that with a cold three weeks following surgery in July 2012 and 3 more since including the worst flu ever in January 2013. You should be able to take the OTC meds like DayQuil, AlcaSeltzer and others. However, I agree you should have a quick chat with your doctor before taking them. I found cold and flu OTC meds to work the best both during the day and at night. NyQuil really helped at night.
  11. Fiddleman

    Vitamin D Deficiency

  12. Fiddleman

    cross fit and running

    Good one. That has got to be the funniest post I have read all day being also a hiker.
  13. Fiddleman

    cross fit and running

    Oh and might I add that I have been having a small TMI moment in these quests to better my running. Sometimes during the run I feel the need to take a dump (sorry for the guttural description). I wish this did not happen and hope some others have a solution. I do try and take care of daily BM hours before running. However, nature calls again during the run. Maybe it is the pre workout drink? Don't know.
  14. Fiddleman

    It works body wraps.

    Ladies - let's extend an olive branch. We are all here together trying to achieve the same type of successes.
  15. Fiddleman

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    While you have a very valid point about carbs, I think you are being a little too general in your response. Good carbs are foundational for the physical processes that take place in your body from moment to moment. You need them for energy, especially if you are active. They feed your brain for all psychosomatic processes. That being said, I agree with you that folks should stay away from bad carbs like candy, white bread, processed foods, etc. These will not support your body in the way that optimizes the psychosomatic and physical response. They lead to weight gain and bring out the carb monster - an uncontrollable desire to keep eating more bad carbs. A good place to start is to eat more green vegetables like green Beans, brussle sprouts and spinach in addition to fibrous fruits like apples and pears. The Fiber in the fruit helps the natural sugars to absorb more slowly. lentils and nuts are also a good carb. Try and eat low glycemic foods and you will feel both satisfied and be able to function in an optimal manner. Look up the paleo diet. Do not let my use of the word diet throw you. i am only suggesting that this is the type of foods that trained athletes will eat for optimal performance. It also helps non athletes like you and I find peace with eating and function well. I have also found energy squares from nuts.com also fill the need for eating good carbs. This is only my opinion and I hope it helps. Others might have good advice about good carb and low glycemic eating. I am still learning about proper nutrition myself for maintaining goal weight while also feeding my body for all activities in life.
  16. Fiddleman

    In disbelief.....

    You may find a lot of complication threads. However, Do not let those posts deter your WLS goals. After all, the percentage of complication in ,5%'
  17. Fiddleman


    I am really glad you are on the up and up, that you had a good day. As with previous reply, I am a little surprised at you eating chicken breast at only 2 weeks post op. do be careful and listen to you doctor/nut on food stages. Most struggle with chicken breast even after starting solids at 5-6 weeks post op. eating too dense of food before the right time may affect you negatively so please think about what you are eating post op. regardless, congrats to your good recovery so far.
  18. Fiddleman

    Pre-op stuggling!

    Sounds tough! Mine was a little easier as we were supposed to eat low carb for 14 days and then liquid diet the day before surgery. Good luck. It will definitely be worth it!
  19. Fiddleman

    2nd best preworkout drink?

    Ok- I already like and enjoy c4 and am looking for a good pre workout to cycle onto. My last cycle was no-eplode 2.0, but I didn't like it very much. Always gave me stomach issues. Is the Jack3d any good? Others? Looking for one that tastes good and gives me the push for my lifting and cross fit. Any known issues with taking these?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
