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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    ... Holy Shart!

    After "Along came Polly" I thought shart entered the common lexicon!! Every time I read about one in a post my mind goes back to that funny movie. Fortunately the shart is normally experienced by new sleevers ( myself included).
  2. Fiddleman

    A yummy and healthy chicken salad idea

    Agree with you 1000% it is so flavorful!
  3. Fiddleman

    A yummy and healthy chicken salad idea

    It is a low fat honey Dijon dressing.
  4. Fiddleman

    Protein bars

    Tried out the two think thin flavors today and got nauseous after eating. I think they are too sweet or something is messing with my gag reflex. Felt kind of sick for an hour. First time. Now I am sure I Like the nu go bars because they do not leave any after feeling like think thin bars did. Maybe it is because there is some ingredient in the think thin bar that I am not agreeing with. I am protein loading to help my legs repair a bit after a weekend hike. Still able to run on my treadmill at incline 5% (oh, felt so good and the sweat was a river), but I look like a zombie walking around the house due to my two stiffies ( no ideas ladies!! ) it will probably clear up by Wednesday. In the meanwhile I am adding 3 extra protein based meals in between my 6 meals in order to get in the high protein ( 200+) over next day or two. Extra 600 calories or so daily to get me around 1800-2000. Then I will drop back to 1200. Probable good for my BMR to try this little experiment out.
  5. I am a pretty inflexible guy. Always have been. However, my flexibility seems much better since VSG. Maybe from all the stretches before and after running. Which instructor DVD would you choose and why? Looking forward to all the benefits from relaxation yoga.
  6. Fiddleman

    Shiva Rea or Barbara Benagh for yoga?

    Ok - thanks for the vote of confidence for shiva. I'll wait for some other votes before picking one.
  7. Fiddleman

    Does Anyone Else Hate Eating?

    I don't think so and have never experienced this.
  8. Fiddleman

    Protein bars

    You might want to ease into the steak. A lot of us found steak hard to eat. For me personally, I was unsuccessful at eating stake until month 5. Tried 3-4 times before that. You may have better luck, but thought I would warn you ahead of time.
  9. Fiddleman

    on top enjoying the view

    I do have to say that I am recovering from soar legs yesterday and today. Kind of expected it and may break from my usual training today. Great part was I felt no fatigue on the way up and kept waiting for the usual burning or fatigue. None. However, my legs were fatigued by the time of the car ride home. Lots of downhill stomping ( kind of jogged it). That being said, this has been the best hike experience ever when not have to carry the extra weight. Maybe I will try running this trail later in the summer, when the snow is gone. BTB, may check out those vibrams after all. It would probably be about 4-5 % grade, but someone do correct me if I am way off in that guess. I am training during the week currently with 1-2%, but hope to get up to 3-4% in the coming months for 5-10k distances. Now, where is that hot tub when I need one to soak my legs!! And the Epson salt!! Lol.
  10. Great - thanks for the follow up.
  11. Why not work the calculation from the middle of healthy BMI range? Good for you in your losses from month to month. That is good news. You must be very happy to avoid stalls and consistent loss. Too bad that is not true for everyone.
  12. Fiddleman

    Protein bars

    Solids? 5-6 weeks post op.
  13. Fiddleman

    Flu and dehydration

    Sleep a lot! The sleep will help you get better. That and drinking plenty of fluids. One fluid that I found really helped is called pedialyte when I had to flu a couple months ago. Any fluid that will help you replenish electrolytes , such as gatorade, will be good to have on hand. Hope you feel better very soon. If you find yourself not able to stay hydrated, do consider going to the ER for hydration.
  14. I think that 60% average is expected if a person eats moderately well, is moderately active and really leans heavily on the sleeve to define weight loss. There is nothing wrong with this and many will be satisfied with this level of success. However, a person can also achieve 100% if they work on making good / excellent food choices and implements a consistent and active physical lifestyle. Everyone has access to different levels of success depending on their goals, motivation and desire. Visualize your success, find heroes / mentors and be like them, keep your eyes on the prize, don't give up, put your focus on the small NSVs and accentuate the positive. You will develop and grow attributes of success. Good luck in your own sleeve journey!
  15. Fiddleman

    For Distance Runners

    What are some of your ingredients for success after 10 k distance? Do you eat energy squares or other sustenance every so often? What do you do about water? Sounds like a really good push! Great job! Also, do you get into that running zone where 8 miles feels the same as 12 miles? I am still around 6 miles average, but am going to start working up towards 8-10.
  16. Fiddleman

    best green superfood powder?

    I hope you like them! I need a little bit more zest on the Amazing Grass original flavor so add a little desani drop pineapple/coconut flavor. Really does the trick and now it is pretty good to drink. Another lady said adding coconut Water might help. Looks like coconut flavor really helps the grass flavor out; otherwise it is a minty alfalfa grassy taste.
  17. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Yup, it is a natural remedy for those things and many more. You are doing the right thing to get started in running.
  18. Fiddleman

    carbs in the morning?

    I am starting to up my daily calorie payload to keep up with my physical activity. Also want to up my good carbs. I have read that eating good carbs in the morning are processed more optimally then good carbs in the after noon or evening. Have you found this to be true? I am mostly getting good carbs through energy squares. No fruit or nuts in raw form. No breads or sweets. I do try and eat raw veggies when the sleeve cooperates. Still struggle a bit on raw veggies that have not been cooked or steamed. What I want to try is adding an extra 150 calories daily by adding two energy squares from nuts.com to my first meal. I eat 5-6 x a day, targetting about 150 calories per meal of mostly Protein. The exception is on running days when I pop 2 energy squares about 20 minutes before start. Traditionally, I eat only a shake for the first meal and it never "fills me up" Adding the energy squares should not be a problem in terms of volume. Should I have more then 2? This change will have a net affect of increasing daily calories to 1350 and net carbs to about 50. I feel like I want to try and edge my caloric payload up to 1800 a day, but I am still trying to figure out a balance between calories in and calories out. I haven't done the fancy tests that check BMR nor will I at this time. Do not have the finances to do these tests. On running days, I burn between 1000 - 1200 calories. My intensity is probably 8/10 so really pushing my body full out. Trying to make every training session count and be a building block for the next training session. On non running days, I probably burn about 700, depending on whether cross fitting, hiking, ellyptical, etc. Do you have other suggestions on how to increase calories and good carbs for a person who is very physically active and at goal weight?
  19. Fiddleman

    on top enjoying the view

    Oh yeah! Mount philchuck is another great hike. It is another gateway hike like mount si, but for the North Sound, that has a little something for everyone. I try and get up it a couple times a summer, but it is often quite crowded. I am glad you are hiking. It is another great way to get in shape and be rewarded with nature and fantastic views from the top. I have been on quite a few hikes behind Mount Pilchuck, so let me know if you are looking for a new hike as you get into hiking more. Many different levels of difficulty also, depending on what you want. I think one of my favorite has been Gothic Basic (@barlow pass near monte cristo hike).
  20. Fiddleman

    My first 5k Done

    So awesome for you! Looks like a fun theme. Thanks for sharing.

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