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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    for the older age sleeve gents

    I will let you know when lab results come back. Thanks for your concern.
  2. Man, I would not want to piss any of you guys off in a dark alley at night. Lol! Seriously, you guys have my respect. This thread is awesome. I will stand up for someone and do the right thing but you guys take the man card to a new level with fighting techniques. Badass to the bone. I am an average type and would not have it in me to Jackie chan some shop lifter onto their ass. Maybe someday. For now I write software for the government and play fiddle in my free time. Hardly badass.
  3. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Once you experience "the zone" for the first time, you will be hooked. It will be like Frodo putting the ring on his finger. You will be like "my precious...." lol! Such a fantastic feeling and sense of accomplishment comes out of running.
  4. Not sure I can add onto the wonderful advice above. I absolutely encourage the use of a food diary that you track everything in including, but not limited to, food consumption, liquid consumption, Vitamins, weight loss, justifications, amount of exercise and also notes about how you are feeling since the last journey entry. A lot of people use MFP, but I ended up tracking in a notebook for about 2 months. I think MFP was not for me at the time because it kept telling me about how dead I was on the amount of calories I ate. Lol. Also, I tended to stick to whole foods and the same thing day after day. Keep tracking as long as it is helping you. After 2 months, I got pretty good at knowing what I was eating, how much I was drinking and how much I was exercising without writing it down. Again, because my routine tends to be the same every day. Monotony, not in the bored sense of the word, helped me be successful because it was so dang easy to follow after I got into the routine. By all means, journal as long as you like if it helps you be successful at 6 months, 1 year and longer. Try and stick to your plan day in and day out. Know that the goal is a much stronger motivator then that temptation. Also know that you have that hidden cache of strength locked inside of you, even if it seems so hard to follow the plan right now. The longer you stick to plan, the stronger you will become and the less desirable temptations will be for you. Hang in there! The end result is worth the hard work.
  5. Fiddleman

    Buying a suit at Macy's today..NSV

    That is a really good fit!
  6. Fiddleman

    Why Are Tea/coffee Taboo Post Surgery ?

    Not taboo forever, only the first 5-6 weeks while you are healing. If you are a coffee person, you can look forward to having cappuccino or grande drinks again.
  7. You might find the Biggest Loser DVD with Jillian or Bob to be fairly approachable. I tend to like the ones with Bob (as a guy?) and have his cardio, weight training and strength training as well as his "biggest loser" type workouts. They tend to work really well and are easy to follow. You can get real results from these if you stick with them for a while. I may get some push back from others by recommending these, but I think they are good food a large assortment of different folks. There are so many different workout DVDs out there so take my suggestions as one option. Good luck on finding a good workout DVD.
  8. Oh man, my wife got addicted to those. Be careful as too many of these could add up over the week. It looks like they are 170 cal for 1. Carbs, fat and protein are each around 10 g. Do you like cool ranch or original (cheese) flavor? I personally would not choose to eat these, but they are not that unwieldy in their nutritional stats.
  9. This Irish expression and beautiful images really does provide a strength and hope, as well as a wave of relaxation.
  10. Fiddleman

    ... Holy Shart!

    I will take your word on that as I do not watch Today very often. Sounds like he is never going to live that one down... haha.
  11. However, you are back and that is good to hear. It is sad when people decide to leave because of some silly back and forth. We all need each other in one way or another. Everyone has an opinion that matters and we all share so many common experiences. Let's remember that. There is more positive on this site then negative, and the negative seems to be highly concentrated. There is no reason to let random strangers have such an impact on your day. You are all worth so much more then that!
  12. Dude, maybe distance a little from the Costco muffins, they would give you headaches and make you sick with all the sugar in them. Used to love them myself though, especially the maple brown syrupy frosting one that was always coated with a nice thick layer of liquid frosting goodness on the bottom. But man, one of of those is probably 1000 calories.
  13. Look out for the horse meat in those!! It is a known fact!!

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