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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    am i the only one that .....

    I am just like this! One thing I am still trying to get right 8 months out. However, instead of just burping, I now get the whole runny nose, hiccup thing going on also. At the same time!! Lol. My wife keeps asking me if I am ok because I hiccup and burp at the same time while sniffling and it comes out like I am needing medical attention. Lol. I need to 1) take 2-3 fewer bites then what I know is to be my stopping point and 2) respect the stopping point!!! Eating slower should help with those.
  2. It is a fun alternative to cross fit and running. Just as hard as a cross fit session if you lack the core strength and / or flexibility that is required to do yoga well, like me. That I definitively found out!! And yes, I was the only guy in a room full of good looking girls. It was hard to stop from staring. Lol. Just kept my eyes to myself and focused on doing yoga as well as I could. Breathing very deliberately and having fun being Gumby.
  3. Fiddleman

    Stomach butt!

    Yes, of course. It was a question for you to answer about a guy having zero butt and whether you thought that was acceptable or not.
  4. Really depends on the type of fruit you are eating. Fruit that is higher in Fiber will tend to allow sugar to be absorbed at a more slower pace. Sort of like Tylenol extended release versus Tylenol rapid release. These are fruits like berries, cherries, apples, pears, apricots, figs and grapefruit. Fruits you will want to stay away from include melons, mangos, papayas and pineapples. My favorite fruit includes apples and berries so I am glad to see them in the good carb list. How about you? Trying also not to hijack this thread. Hope that people see the relationship between scale weighing and low carb diet.
  5. Fiddleman

    Stomach butt!

    Isn't zero butt on a guy a good thing ?!?!
  6. Fiddleman


    I think you will get a fever from the infection that forms when gastric juices leak out of the stomach. The infection could spread and lead to irritation, or failure, of other systems like the lipid system, the pulmonary system, the pancreatic system and / or other systems. By this time, you will probably have a septic infection and be in serious medical trouble and must treat the infection immediately in addition to the leak.. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor nor have I ever taken any medical classes. My comments are common knowledge I have read from prior posts on VST. If you even think you have a leak, get checked out, go to the ER or call your surgeon immediately. Do not let it go septic as infection will be much more difficult to treat above and beyond the original leak.
  7. Fiddleman

    Stomach butt!

    Isn't zero butt a good thing???
  8. Great feedback. Do you also exercise daily or how any times a week. My diet is also low carb, low fat, 1200 calories a day. I know that low carb works for a lot of VSG folks, but it is hard to define exactly what low carb means. My definition of low carb now at 8.5 months, where I eat good carbs from veggies, energy squares and Protein bars, is different from my definition of low carb in the first six months, where I stuck to no extra carbs unless it was "built into" the protein portion (tended to put me around 10-30 carb daily). I had some good losses for first few months ( 45, 45 and 15). Then I lost an average of 15 lb for next 4 months and hit my goal. I think eating low carb, high protein and low fat really helped in the first 6 months. Low carb is certainly not everyone's style. I found much more energy once I started eating some good carbs. In turn, this allowed me to exercise harder which in turn gave me more energy. A good feedback loop to be in. Everyone should try low carb style if they find losing to be slow.
  9. Fiddleman

    Stomach butt!

    Not sure if the helps, but I just completed my first yoga class today. This REALLY (double REALLY) works the core muscles ( not just the ABS). I surprisingly made it through an hour (was shaking like a leaf); it was so hard and I found it was even harder ( for me) then cross fit (which I came from an hour before that). Try out yoga. See if it is for you. I did not feel at all zen during the class, but am feeling very relaxed afterwards with my core muscles worked to the MAX. Maybe yoga is the key to avoiding a TT and eliminating the stomach butt. I'll be going back!! Oh yes, I will be going back ( in Best Wayne voice from Wayne's World).
  10. Fiddleman

    Satiety foods for post goal hunger?

    Yup - see those bags all the time at TJ, calling out. just have not committed yet to buying nuts yet post op. i guess now or never. I was thinking why not "go big" or "go bulk" by buying nuts from costco. More nuts for the money. No that is not a bumper sticker for a pimpin trade line. Lol.
  11. Fiddleman

    Stomach butt!

    You know, it really isn't that bad when you exercise hard and eat low carb. I feel that these two combined do really reduce the size of the stomach butt. Maybe it will all smooth out after a year from reaching goal. I am hoping some ab work will bring out the six pack. Not there yet, but visualizing this as one of my goals. Hoping that we can achieve a six pack without needing a TT if we eat a certain way and exercise a certain way after dropping to goal weight. Maybe follow "body for life" program.
  12. Fiddleman

    Cipro plan and being sleeved?

    Any idea how to manage 10 -12 hours apart and still abide by the no take around mineral rules and the fact I take minerals at 6am, 10am, 12pm and 6pm?
  13. You really have a nice weight loss record month over month. What do you attribute your success to the most?
  14. Fiddleman


    Thanks for sharing the chart. That is helpful to know BMI changes with age. I wish there was also a MINIMUM 45+ adult column so that we can extrapolate a goal into a range of floor and ceiling values instead of just knowing the ceiling value. It is a little interesting that the BMI slides upward as you age. Why?
  15. Fiddleman

    March 20th!?

    You need to get your liver checked out prompto! I am happy you are going to get the lipid panel done. Can you think of anything that might have contributed to "the yellow eyes"?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
