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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    burpees are evil

  2. Fiddleman

    burpees are evil

    I had to do 15 in a set 3 x, so 45 of them, fast! My upper strength was seriously fatiguing after set 3 rep 10. I was having trouble lifting myself off the floor. Lol! My coach got me to 15 on that last set. it was a miracle I also had to do 2 other sets of lifts in the workout of the day (WOD). In the future, maybe 100 of these in a WOD? What do you guys do for reps and sets? By fast, I mean 1-2 seconds per burpee.
  3. Fiddleman

    Hunger all the time

  4. Fiddleman

    Hunger all the time

    I think I have partially figured this out today. My Protein bars, while organic, have 2 grams of refined sugar in them. I think even this small amount is making me hungry because of insulin response. The rest of the bar is good and organic. I am going to try something. Instead of trying to go very low carb all the time, I am going to increase sweetening carbs by getting them from natural sources like honey. Honey may cause less of an insulin spike then the 2 grams refined sugar of my nu go bar. Honey will be adding 17 grams carbs in the paleo bar I found today called Am rap Nutrition Refuel bar (100% paleo). What do you think? Will also slowly start to add good carb fruit like apples back into diet.
  5. Fiddleman

    Hunger all the time

  6. Fiddleman

    Hunger all the time

    What do people think about using the appetite suppressants to deal with the hunger, like Hoodia or something related. I don't really want to hear that the only tool we can use is our tool. Heck, I use supplements, exercise, run, cross fit, do yoga, hike and other things to help with weight loss / maintain?
  7. Fiddleman

    Hunger all the time

  8. Might as well make lemonade out of lemons and profit from the situation. Sue her for damages. Make her know that her behavior is not acceptable to you or any other patient. In no professional environment is this behavior acceptable between service provider and client. I am a little over the top in my response, but think about it...
  9. Fiddleman

    Hunger all the time

    Yes, there is a wonderful NUT at my WLS Center. I will hound her with my eating questions at the next support meeting ( next week). Again.
  10. Fiddleman

    Hunger all the time

    I thought they meant human tissue, like from walking dead. Hehe.
  11. Fiddleman

    Hunger all the time

    Luckily I was not drinking my nectar shake or it would have spewed every where. Also luckily I am using my ipad with the virtual keyboard or I would be cleaning out the keys on my computer keyboard for days. Your comedic timing is perfect. I think we have enough material on VST to win Last Comic Standing. Lol.
  12. Fiddleman

    Hunger all the time

  13. Fiddleman

    Hunger all the time

  14. Fiddleman

    Jean size target?

    Still waiting for a response from Mark! Lol.
  15. Fiddleman

    Can I share a little joy?`

    You might like Snow Lake and Gem Lake hike along I 90 starting at Alpental (across from main skiing area at the pass). It is not very long and has a great alpine treat at the top and two crystal clear lakes. I am not sure if you would hit too much snow at this time though. It is closer to the Pass then Rattlesnake Ridge. Another short day hike is Anette Lake. It is 3 miles each way, sort of a gentle hike. There is a little beautiful lake to admire at lunch time. Another good day hike to consider is Bandera (sp?) lake. Fairly steep hike, but wonderful views at the top, not very long trail and a lake! At the other end of the Bandera hike trail ( if you were to keep going past the lake) is Denny Creek hike. Three miles of gradual up hill from I 90 and a nice view over the valley from the top. You could do the connected hike between Bandera and Denny Creek but you will need 2 days. Lots of fun though. If you want more day hikes along I 90, just let me know! It is my old stomping ground from when I was growing up. There are dozens and dozens of short day hikes along the I 90 corridor! You could also do the beginning of the PCT north towards Gravel Lake (trail starts at the pass heading north towards Stevens pass, 72 miles away). There is a neat part of the trail that goes over a cat walk names Kendall Katwalk of 1000 feet of sheer drop ( you need nerves. lol). I like camping up at Gravel Lake, but I think you could hike there on the PCT and back to the Pass in one ( long) day. http://www.sunset.com/travel/northwest/fall-trips-northwest-00400000055294/page11.html
  16. Fiddleman

    Can I share a little joy?`

    You know I love those pictures! Really glad you had a great time out in the wilderness on Rattlesnake! Did you encounter any snow at the top or on the way up?
  17. How about just pick up a rotisserie chicken or a couple rotisserie chickens from Costco? These are always moist and taste great. After you pull the meat off them, you can eat as-is or top with something like feta cheese and peach slices ( one of my favorites).
  18. Fiddleman


    Don't worry! I completely forgot I was April fools day until I read the OP. it is too whimsical, even for Fyre. Time to get a new muse!
  19. Fiddleman


    Hey - no worries. We all cross post.
  20. Fiddleman

    No More Advil.....EVER!

    Great - thanks for the affirmation. I got a prescription for these today and have high hopes for them!!
  21. Fiddleman

    Husband rant -- am I asking too much?

    I think he either has depression issues, anxiety issues or both at the same time ( which is common). He needs to realize the problem starts with him. He can choose to react to life either with love and compassion or with a permanent chip on his shoulder where he feels the world owes him. It is going to take something that will break him to realize his reaction to the world is only hurting himself. I was a bit like him for a while in my life. It is fixable, but there isn't much you can do directly.
  22. Fiddleman

    Does any one drink any soda

    Not so much a beer person myself, but do appreciate a fine wine or nicely blended and flavorful cocktails. My drink schedule is about once a month after I hit month 6. Usually it is planned with a nice dinner, but sometimes it is when I am not the DD and I enter a "what the hell" moment. I try not too have to many "what the hell" moments and stay according to plan.
  23. Fiddleman


    You actually got some people. Ha!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
