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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    For those that have completed c25k, what is next for you? Time to set some new goals. Maybe you want to enter a local 5 k race or keep working towards faster and more challenging 5 k times. By more challenging I mean to run hills or trails instead of flat. Now that you know how to run the possibilities are limitless. Here are a bakers dozen running tips I learned along the way in my short running experience to optimize results ( others: feel free to add your own): 1. Focus on relaxation while running. ChiRunning is THE best methodology for this. It will take some getting used to, but there is no going back once you have mastered it. 2. Speed comes from challenging yourself. Try and throw in HIIT runs every so often to increase speed. Always set new goals. Every time you run is a chance to improve some quality of your running. 3 power comes from strong core and strong back. The legs and arms will take care of themselves. Always do a system check every minute to make sure your posture is good, your core is strong, no tension anywhere, your shoulders are relaxed, your feet are landing solid, etc. I am learning so much from cross fit postures and applying it to running. The basic squat is actually a good posture because of strong core and strong back. You do need to be a little straighter, but the general idea applies. 4. Your stride should always be a little ahead of the speed of the treadmill. Run with a good posture, solid core and relaxation. If the speed is too fast, you compromise posture and strength. This tires you out faster. I mostly run on treadmill, but I am sure the same principle applies to outside running. Some other running vets may want to chime in. 5. Buy the best running shoes you can afford. 6. Buy running socks to prevent blisters and/ or heated spots. I have not had any foot issues with my running shoes and socks. 7. Warm up properly. Maybe some sprints or even hill climbs to get your muscles ready. You can start faster with a good warmup. My warm up is usually at least 6 minutes long. 8. Use a roller after running. I just started this ( as in today) and wish I started earlier to avoid tight gluts, hamstrings, calves, etc. 9. Cool down properly. For me, cooling down means jogging for a few minutes and the walking fora few minutes after I have run a hard 5 k or 10 k. 10. Consume heavy protein within 20 min of running. It will help you recover and refuel faster. Not all proteins are equal, so do some research or ask questions. 11. Sometimes pre workout and amino acids ( like catalyst ) will help you perform better without fatiguing. Still experimenting with these to see what works best. 12. Give yourself the proper recovery time. It depends on how hard and how far you run. For me, a day of running is followed by a day of cross fit, repeat. I usually take Sunday off not only for body recovery, but also mental recovery. Need a slow day before it starts again for the week. 13. Pay attention to your diet. Performing optimally physically requires you to treat your body with respect and give it the lean and healthy nourishment it deserves. Results come from 80% good diet and 20% exercise. If you eat crap, your body will reward you with crappy results. It is that simple. Also, drink lots and lots of water. Best of all, enjoy running. Get high off the endorphins ( natural morphine). It is a very good addiction to have. Love it so much you are encouraging other runners. Report back often on your little successes. A single little running NSV may be just what someone else needs to hear to be motivated. Hope this helps!
  2. Fiddleman

    How many sizes should i expect to loose ?

    Here is a photo of me right now ( just finished my 20 m 5 k): A little sweaty...
  3. Fiddleman

    Starbucks Frappachino Lite?

    I was going to reply yesterday about the calories that are in SB Fraps, but then thought about the calories that are in SB lite grande latte . It is still 100+ calories and I enjoy one of them a week, usually on the weekend. The lite Fraps are not that many more calories, but the only thing I can say is that there are not that many nutritional benefits from Fraps like strawberry, vanilla or chocolate. Coffee at least gives you caffiene to help with short term memory, stimulation in the morning and other benefits from coffee bean itself. Not really a strong argument, so I would say a lite Frap would be ok once a week or once every 2 weeks.
  4. Fiddleman

    catalyst supplement

    Thanks guys, so helpful... Not worried about slight weight gain from Water retention. I am going to try out the AST micronized creatine for 30 days and see what impact it has on my lifting. I have already noticed catalyst making a huge difference in speed, weight and reps in my cross fit sessions. Almost 2 x improvement for my WOD from 1 session to the next where I added catalyst in between. My goal is to transform into a good athletic build in 6 weeks. I am already noticing improvements from waist up. My PT says it can be done.
  5. Fiddleman

    Hot Yoga kicked my butt!

  6. I did not actually realize this until checking their schedule when I got home. I really only intended to stop by and find out information, perhaps watch a bit. however, the instructor convinced me to actually do the class instead of just watch it. Kind of a surprised actually because, to me, it was not that hot. Their website said their temperatures are between 80-85 F. It was an hour of some really hard yoga. I am glad the instructor explained everything along the way and I could watch him as I turned my self into a pretzel. I literally was a newbie so struggled a bit, especially as my upper body fatigued. Lots and lots of sweating, dripping in fact. Overall it was fun and I feel balanced / relaxed, but it was not really geared for beginners in that we did about 100 poses, some which were pretty hard. I was shaking pretty bad near the end and lost strength to implement proper positions. Had to modify a bit in order to stay in the game without having to stop. Does anyone know how long it takes to get relatively good at Yoga? I plan on attending probably 2-3 x a week, but am wondering if 1x a week would still help reap the benefits of toning, strengthening and relaxation? Reason is there is not time to do much more then that. Already doing cross fit and run out of energy if I attempt cross fit and yoga back to back same day ( like today). So 1 day yoga, 3 days running and 3 days of cross fit is how a typical week will probably shake out. What do other folks do with regards to Yoga and other fitness activities.
  7. Fiddleman

    catalyst supplement

  8. Fiddleman

    How many sizes should i expect to loose ?

    I was approximately your weight and height on DOS (335 lb and 5'11"). Wore the same size clothing as well. I would say if you have a really high dedication to eat well and exercise, you could drop to 32/34 pants and m/l shirt size. Awesome don't you think? I like having so many more places where I can buy others now. I am currently a 34 pants and m/l shirt size at 9 months. I think my pants size will trim up a little more as my waist gets smaller. Maybe to a 32. Shirt size will probably remain m/l especially as I continue to strengthen my upper body. Good things are in store for you!
  9. Fiddleman


    You guys ganging up on me? I am going to go sit in the corner and pout.
  10. Fiddleman

    Chia Seeds

  11. Fiddleman


    For what it is worth, I would recommend going to the support group even if you are the only guy. I think my Saturday support group there are 2-3 guys and the rest women. Ok with me. I enjoy getting their perspective. We are on the same journey even though the room is filled with banders, sleevers and RNYers. There is a lot of good information shared by other WLS folks and, in my case, by the NUT and guest speakers. Sometimes to make a friend in this group setting dominated by women you have to be a friend. Take the first step...
  12. Fiddleman

    raw honey versus table sugar

    Very good information about raw honey, refined sugar and fructose on the GI scale. The reason I posted this topic is the following. I have a 100% organic Protein Bar with 2 grams sugar (19 g total carb), 6 g of fat (2.5 g saturated), 16 g of Protein at 190 calories. The 2 g of sugar comes from a layer of dark chocolate the bar is dipped in. The ingredient list is organic, but there is processing for some of the ingredients). The name is nu go brownie crunch slim bars. The other Paleo protein bar has 17 g of raw honey (21 total carbs), 21 g fat ( 9 saturated, 9 mono unsaturated and 3 poly unsaturated), 14 g of protein at 300 calories and is FDA approved. The ingredient list is very basic and, well, paleo style. The name is Am rap refuel bars. Ignoring the protein difference, I feel better after eating the Paleo bar following a cross fit training session with my PT. My body just likes it and no desire to keep eating more like i sometimes get with the organic bar. However, there are about 100 more calories when compared to the organic bar. There is also a cost difference of 3 for Paleo bar and 1.50 for organic bar, but cost is not really a driving factor in my choice. Which would you eat if you were me for refueling after hard training session?
  13. Fiddleman


  14. Fiddleman

    Stomach acid

    You might ask your doctor to try a different PPI like Prilosec. Available same dose as a prescription and OTC, but prescription is better because insurance will pay for it. If 1 daily does not help the acid, try 2. I definitely notice if I forget to take the Prilosec because I will get acid in my throat. The burning is not worth it and a good reminder to not forget daily PPI.
  15. Fiddleman


    Well I suppose my comments ended that thread. Lol. That's what I get for posting at an intersection while waiting for green. He he. Doubly my bad for posting in the powder room. I swear I thought this topic was man room material. I will pay more attention next time and not under red light pressures. Lol.
  16. Fiddleman

    Hiking Fuel

    It really does depend on your stamina after surgery. Everyone is different and most doctors say to wait 6 weeks before returning to hard core lifting. Hiking is not really hard core in the same way. I did talk to my doctor about it at 3 week check up and it was basically " good for you. Glad you are feeling OK to hike." So, do check with the doctor and also check with yourself. If you are weary and still feel like you are recovering, waiting a little longer might be worth it.
  17. Fiddleman


    Laura we all know your deep dark secret now. Lol! Cowgirljane, my original comment is related to a certain thread that explores said sex position. Sorry if you took any offense. None meant.
  18. Fiddleman

    Hiking Fuel

    I am a hiker both pre and post op. Even before food considerations, make sure you have more then enough Water. Probably 2x the amount you take now. I went on a difficult hike at week 3 (mistake in hindsight) and ran out of water at the top. It was a tough hike going down too and I had zero water. This hike was 5 miles round trip, but 1 mile was flat and 1.5 mile was 3000 foot climb to lake. Hard for even "good" hikers. Just to let you know, I took 64 oz, was still only enough for going up. I got really really dehydrated in the last mile back to the car and did not think I was going to make it. Seriously, I was thinking about a living will and power of attorney right there if my body shut down and if I did make it back in only dehydrated state, what the ER trip back to the hospital was going to be like. This is not hyperbole!!! Any ways, made it back to the car and downed water all the way home and was still wiped out when at ho.e. went to sleep very early so wiped out from the ordeal. Don't repeat this!! So- now you understand the importance of staying hydrated on a challenging hike ( or any hike) post op. As for food, you will want to have 3 or 4 Protein shakes with you. You do not need them pre mixed, but have the powder in baggies so you can quickly mix the up. This is if you are hiking before 1 month post op. Once you are on solids, I would make sure you take small protein packages (1-3 ounces in size). Try and west one every 1/2 mile. I do not really know as I was not hiking until 6 months out after the week 3 hike. If you are far enough out, make sure you are testing good carbs. Nuts.com makes good energy squares that will really help you up those switchbacks. Cliff bard are OK for hiking, but they have a ton of sugar so not so good for us. Most likely you would get diarrhea from the sugar overload and that is no fun on a home. Try and replace Clif bars with a low carb variety so there is no sugar rush. Again, small increments of protein are good to eat as you are hiking up the trail. Think sausage size, lunch meat or babel cheeses. Hope this helps!
  19. Fiddleman


  20. Fiddleman

    Post Sleeve Bucket List :)

    You want to be a skinny b***h? Lol! How about be a skinny nice person and have a positive influence on all the other skinny b*****s?
  21. As for food addiction that several have raised in this thread, even when you think it is conquered, it is still there. Perhaps not in the same way. Wanting to eat and eat returned for me in a big way at month 6. However, I do not turn to comforts of the past. Instead, I will eat an extra ounce of Protein here an extra 2 ounces of protein there. It helps. Unfortunately , I have recently been having an extra Protein Bar in between meals. Need to be careful because even the low carb ones pack 150-200 calories. I suppose I have justified the extra calories because it still puts me at 1300-1400 and I an very active every day. However, eating Protein Bars "just because" I have an issue with eating the right number of calories is not helping me. It brings back the worry in me that I might repeat the past. The eating to replacd dealing with issues. I do not think I have that issue any longer, but I must not let it occur because I put my life on the line for this last ditch effort at keeping food bondage at bay. I try and throw in an extra HIIT workout to counter it, but know this is not addressing the core issue. It is merely putting some distance between myself and a food issue. I have been to therapy, but not specifically to psychoanalyze my eating and why it is different from a natural thin person. Do I need to? Not sure. I would not be here if I was like a naturally thin person. However, I eat fairly healthy now and try to only east Paleo if possible. It is the protein bars that I am concerned about. Yes, I do struggle with eating, but I see no reason for this to be associated with regret for WLS. It is still a game changer for me.
  22. Fiddleman

    who loves air squats?

    They were hard for a while, but now getting good at them. They really stretch the inner thigh area and release the endorphins (natural morphine). I am in my chair all day for me job, so try to get up every hour and do air squats. It makes the ability to continue sitting so much easier. So if you are feeling dumpy, get up and do some squats or do something else that challenges and eliminates the chair fatigue.
  23. Not sure you can or want to answer this, but why or what caused your marriage to be at risk? I see others with marriage issues after WLS. Is it as simple as jealously or insecurities, or is there more. Maybe better as sesperate thread, but do answer if you think it is a leading indicator for your regret. I do remember signing a consent form that said WLS Center is not liable for divorce, etc post op. I think WLS has been really good for marriage and nothing has ever come up to indicate a risk.
  24. Fiddleman


    21 days as that is what the doctor said. And for you fast attempters no reverse cowgirl sex on the first time (sorry, this might be an inside joke if you have not seen the discussions on it). Lol.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
