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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    typical lunch

    No beverage. Remember we are not supposed to drink anything either 20 min before or 45 minutes after. Outside of this range my beverage of choice is water with pink lemonade flavor (0 cal).
  2. Fiddleman

    typical lunch

  3. Fiddleman


    What about taking supplemental testosterone? You can buy this from most grocery stores that have a health section or go directly to a health store like GNC or Vitamin Shoppe.
  4. Fiddleman

    more poop talk- 9+ months out

    Glad you asked. Chia seeds are the super food of the ancient Mayans. While they helped them run 100s of miles, they can help us with constipation issues from their ability to soak up a lot of Water and the omegas that are present. In order to prevent them from dehydrating you as they pass through your GI tract, it is best to soak them in water 20-30 min before eating. You can add them to any soft food like yogurt, but I like to add 2 tbsp to my Protein shake every morning. It really helps me stay regular on my high protein diet. It might take a day or two to work the magic if you are just starting out with them. Taking them with miralax increases the effectiveness as miralax and chia seeds function similarly. I prefer chia seeds because they are natural where miralax is a plastic composite. As an aside, I think chia seeds are also helping me with a daily exercise by giving me the hydrating based energy that's needed to keep going day after day. No proof of this, but I have my suspicions.
  5. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Great! How do you feel running at 5 mph? Do you feel like this is a good pace for you to sustain 5 k or do you feel you could do a little faster? Question is really about how your legs and respiratory are doing at that pace. Do you feel like you are in control of your run?
  6. Fiddleman

    Sleeve vs. bypass

    Far less risk for a comparable percentage weight loss rate when considering sleeve vs RNY. The percentage loss difference between sleeve and RNY is statistically 15%. Sleeve weight loss percentage is 60% and RNY percentage weight loss difference is 75% as explained to me during initial consult. However, Individual success is what you make of it....anyone can be an outlier statistically.
  7. Fiddleman

    Vibration Plate?

    Hey - these vibrators are the real deal. And they vibrate incredibly well. Lol. Seriously now, I always see them for sale at the country fairs and am tempted to try one out. Never have though. They might work, but sounds kind of like a fad and good for hanging others off of. Have you had good success with these? If not, I would recommend the standard treadmill or ellyptical.
  8. Fiddleman

    NSV shout outs

    I ran into an old friend yesterday at the grocery store. She said that I was looking really fit and had nice pects. First time that has happened, ever. Never happened before. Nope. Getting more eye contact and friendly smiles from random females on the street. Men are even opening doors for me and smiling (WTF?). All I can do with compliments is to stumble for a thank you because I am taken back a little, especially when they come from opposite sex. I am so used to no one, absolutely no one, giving me the time of day to even acknowledge my presence in the past. I loathed how everyone would stare at the ground like I had a 3rd arm or something. It created a lot of resentment in me over the years because being invisible in public settings was the norm as long as I can remember. Not any more tho'. Hello new life! Feels good to be in control for once. This attention is a wonderful change. I will take more of it any day.
  9. Fiddleman

    Paleo after surgery?

  10. Has anyone found taste for fruity flavors changed? I was a banana and peach flavor addict pre op, but now said flavors make me gag. It is strange. I also feel my olfactory and taste sensors are magnified now where I can really get involved in the find spices and flavors of delicacies. It is almost a super power. I enjoy the ability to be very discerning about the ingredients in prepared food. Eating Protein and low carb has probably helped this. That and I am no longer shoveling food into my mouth.
  11. Fiddleman

    Paleo after surgery?

    Not paleo related, but is a reason to eat paleo, to make it easier to reach those high protein goals.
  12. Fiddleman

    Paleo after surgery?

    You might also try supplementing with shakes. I have at least 2 daily and a 3rd if it is a running day. shake is perfect in the morning as 1st me and good for last meal at bedtime to help prevent muscles from breaking down at night and to keep metabolism going. 3rd shake is for after running for recovery purpose. Right there that is 75 g of protein. I eat approximately 25 g of dense protein for other 3 meals so add another 75 g. Total daily protein take is 150 g. What I have read is it is good to consume 1 g protein for every lb in body weight. Applies to athlete types of active lifters. Total of 150 g means I still have 30 g to eat to match 180 g weight. Can someone confirm this statement of 1 g protein per 1 lb weight is accurate? Try Paleo eating. It may be just what you need! Good luck.
  13. Fiddleman


    Love Brussel Sprouts like Nicole. I also like to eat brocolli, spinach and kale. Bell Peppers are also a favorite for me. I love how cool and fresh they taste. Sometimes eat salads, but not too often and typically just house salads to keep the calories down. One odd veggie I also like is Seaweed. I also supplement with green drink daily. Currently I drink a product called Tonic Alchemy.
  14. Fiddleman

    Paleo after surgery?

    No yogurt or cottage cheese here. I have not had dairy products since deciding to go paleo ( had cottage cheese up to a few weeks ago and no yogurt since pre surgery). Diet is really earthy( by design) and it is working well so far. I do have energy squares, but these are organic and made with raw foods ( not sure if it qualifies as paleo or not). I cut out Protein bars a couple days ago except Paleo bars. My food hunger is getting so much better after cutting out processed bars.
  15. Fiddleman

    edamame - friend or foe?

    The vegetable seems innocent enough and sports 9 grams of Fiber, 11 grams of Protein and a lot of Vitamins for a 1/2 cup. However, the same 1/2 cup also has 120 calories and 13 grams of carbs. Granted we are not going to be eating 1/2 cup, but that is a lot of calories for a green vegetables. They also tend to slide a bit so may cause a calorie surplus if you really love them. I happen to like them and had about 25-30 pods for lunch. Average was 3-4 lumps in a pod. What do you think: friend or foe?
  16. Fiddleman

    edamame - friend or foe?

    Never eat the shell myself. Too tough! I shell them and eat the pods as is. You can buy a yummy edamame salad from Sam's Club. Costco might also have a similar salad for sale.
  17. Fiddleman

    Paleo after surgery?

    Love eating Paleo post op (really got serious about 3 weeks ago). No issues with not eating dairy products or sugar. I like eating non processed, animal Protein and leafy veggies (supplement with Vitamins and green drinks). Energy levels are high enough from this diet to go hard core on exercise and training. I ate under 20 carbs for most of weight loss phase (180 lb down) so it provided me with plenty of time to prepare for paleo style of eating. Eating clean is absolutely necessary (I think) to exercise and train at optimal levels. Helps resolve many medical and mental issues (including focus and concentration).

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
