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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. I am happy to help. Have a good day!
  2. I honestly do not think Laura was trying intentionally or unintentionally to be mean. She has a kind heart and has helped many with their post op struggles. Now let me see if I can offer some advise... I know where you are coming from losing the 30 lb pre op. I too lost 30 lb pre surgery to drop from 360 to 330 and felt great having done this without surgery. However, not once did I consider I could do it on my own because of past failures. You feel that with enough will power and determination you could complete the job with diet and exercise. You may be right , but a vast majority of people, including myself, lose and gain the same 30, 50, 100 lbs over their adult lifetime because their resolve wanes either during weight loss or during maintenance. And then they gain and repeat the cycle. Only the next time your starting weight will be higher. I got really depressed because of this insanity of not being able to reach my ideal weight. I have done this 4-5 times in my adult life. I appreciate the VSG in that it "breaks" me at surgery so I am forced to discover and build good eating habits over the first 6 habits. I am forced to go through the different eating phases and distance myself from the bad eating habits of the past. This change in behavior takes time to stick. It cannot be done overnight or even in a week. Even if my health-based resolve were to wane in the future, I still have these habits as my foundation and the sleeve as insurance in case I do eat too much. The sleeve will not allow that. I am looking forward to all the positives of enjoying life again... Keep calm and carry on. You made a good choice. The regrets you are dealing with now will get smaller and smaller as your successes get larger and larger.
  3. Fiddleman

    cross fit eating before and after - help

    No glutamine in my supplementation. Is it only for joint recovery or something else?
  4. Fiddleman

    more poop talk- 9+ months out

    You can get them at a natural food store. Trader Joes and Costco sell them. You can order online from Amazon. I have ordered online from Amazon for several months, but now buy from Costco because it is a better price. At Costco a 2 lb bag costs $11 and no shipping costs!!
  5. Fiddleman

    VSG Urban Legends

    Him, I lost 180 lb so...
  6. Fiddleman


    How about bonking on the last rep of a lift?
  7. Fiddleman


    OMG- need a disclaimer: no horses were harmed in the creation of this thread. Lol.
  8. Fiddleman

    WLS and genetics

    It is a real study, but was some think MIL saw on TV. For this reason, I am unable to share the actual medical study with you.
  9. Fiddleman

    Really hungry, need advice

    Dense protein with a certain amount of fat will help with satiety. Eating a certain amount of fat is important because it triggers the brain that satiety has been achieved and will also train your body to get energy from fat instead of glucose (warning: broscience response). Do not eat carbs if hungry!! They will only make you more hungry. Dense proteins and good fats first.
  10. Fiddleman

    WLS and genetics

    I do not know the answer to that, but I would think standard gene splicing occurs from parent DNA strands. So even if you are a model of fitness and good appearance, the children will also get a certain percentage of the other DNA strand, affecting the aggregate DNA strand.
  11. Fiddleman

    WLS and genetics

  12. Fiddleman

    WLS and genetics

    Fat (obese) people are everywhere my friend. Just a fact and not a value judgement so don't flame me on that comment. Now this is a serious topic so give me a serious response Laura. Lol.
  13. Fiddleman

    cross fit eating before and after - help

    Burpees are pure evil!!! See a recent thread I posted on this. However, I am better at them now when just starting them. When working out it is best to have an intense focus on your body and your WOD. Paying attention to others is only going to take away some of the effectiveness of the training. You must be focusing like a laser. Some pre workout supplements can help with this like no explode, c4, b4 and others. I take catalyst (amino acids) before every cross fit session and it helps in so many ways with exploding on the reps and getting through the sets with a good focus and intensity. It is important to have text book form ( or close to) or you will not get all the gains. Focus on technique and breathing right before anything else. Thanks for sharing!! It is good to hear from others on fitness experiences.
  14. Fiddleman

    cross fit eating before and after - help

    No replacement of electrolytes after cross fit, but I do after running 8 miles or more on a run day. As for master cross fitter, no,no,no... I am a newbie cross fitter and just started getting into it a month ago with my PT, 2x a week. I purchased about 3 months worth of personal training so I can progressively get stronger effectively without hurting my self. I am not an open gym type yet and usually will waste an hour of training if I try and figure it out on my own. Love my personal trainer! She is helping me so much with seeing real gains. She is challenging me, pushing me and not allowing me to give up on that last lift when I want to cave. Or that last set of pull ups. Pull ups are hard for me and I hope they will be "easy" after a couple more months. Strength is really building in upper body so I am able to do 100 lb Olympic lifts and back squats. Bench pressing is currently at 160 lb. I know this is not a lot yet, but am hoping to reach body weight lifts in a month or so and then go from there. I want to be that guy doing a single Olympic lift of 450 lb some day. I can finally do squats with weights, lunges with weights, push ups, pull ups and more. It is exciting to see progress every time I step into a cross fit session. These are way easier then when I started just 3 weeks ago. I could never do these before, especially the lunges. It is also helping I am taking supplements like 3 g Omega 3 and creatine monohydrate after a cross fit session. Thanks you to my VST fitness friends for recommending various supplements along the way. Paleo bar really helps in recovery even though on high calories side @ 300. 17 g carbs of raw honey. I am almost up to 1 g Protein / 1 lb body weight and that is helping tremendously in building the lean muscle ( not trying to bulk out like the muscle heads you see in supplement ads). I would not recommend eating this way if you are not near goal and do not have a rigorous training program. It works for me as my muscles need it during long runs and intense strength training sessions. And it is thrilling to see the scale moving again with the help of my hungry muscles. I am hoping that by the end of 3 months I can confidently do open gym and kill any WOD. Maybe I will go for another PT package. Don't know at this time and will cross the bridge when it comes.
  15. Fiddleman

    cross fit eating before and after - help

    Anyone else have ideas about this?
  16. Fiddleman

    Protien shakes

    Now that you have said 60g is 240 calories then a 20 g serving is 80 calories. Add back in 5 g calories because 25 g is what we really want per serving. That puts the Amplified Wheybolic 60 25 g serving at a comparable amount to nectar shakes; that is, both have 100 calories. It is a good powder to take daily, but I would definitely not take the suggested 60 g serving size in a single dose unless you are in serious weight training. It works as a good shake during post op weight loss, especially as a recovery shake after exercise / training.
  17. Fiddleman

    Vibration Plate?

    Let us know what kind of progress you get from using it both in terms of lost lbs and inches.
  18. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    That is a good way of looking at it. Thanks!
  19. Fiddleman

    Pity party...

    I keep thinking that too. Laura are you sure you are not 28?? Sure looks that way from your photo. Of course that would mean you were 11-12 when your daughter was born...you age well.
  20. Fiddleman

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    This is neat to go back and see progress pictures of people you have only known at the end of their weight loss. Everyone has a story in their photos.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
