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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    nine months out and acid

    No, no greasy foods. Food like chicken sausage, protein shake and brocolli today. I did have some "Thai hot" Thai dish on Saturday that was so hot I could not taste any flavor. I probably would not do that again as I like to taste my food.
  2. I remember someone posted a link to the proper way to do squats for dead lifts (Mark?) a while back. I was not able to locate it with search. Here is my problem: my flexibility stinks so when I try and even do air squats my natural inclination is to bend forward instead of going straight down, as is sitting in a chair. My flexibility might stink because of all the running I do. Hoping yoga will make it easier. I know how to do the squats but my body just does not want to do them very well. Does anyone have advice on how to fix this squat flexibility issue? I really have to self talk and focus in order to get the form close to right. Even then my butt is still not getting close to the ground. I want to get really good at this fundamental move because so many lifting and cross fit type exercises build on proper execution of the squat. Thanks for your input!
  3. Fiddleman

    Dumb move

    The deal is out is very hard to chug a month out, even 3 months out. By six months out, it was possible to chug again. Do be careful about chugging though because if you drink too much too soon, you can get the shoulder pain that we got with excess gas after surgery.
  4. Fiddleman

    Just ate a Wendy's cheeseburger!

    I ate a 8 oz hamburger patty my wife made about a week ago for dinner. Afterwards, I was wondering how did I just do that... my comment to her was please make them 3-5 oz for me. Usually I can only eat max 4 oz dense meat and will stop eating because full. Not this time though. It might have been because hamburger meat is not so dense.
  5. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Question about compression clothes. If I buy a sport shirt for athletes one size too small, would that count as a compression shirt?
  6. Are you really eating all those foods as a post op or just being fatecious?
  7. One of my biggest peeves when I was a heavier person was flying coach. It was so embarrassing to sit in between 2 strangers and very uncomfortable on those trans continental flights of 5-6 hours. Super embarrassing to ask for the extension belt. The stewardess always tries to be discrete about it, but I could feel everyone's eyes burning into me. I loathed business travel because of these issues as an overweight ( morbidly obese) person. To avoid some of this awkwardness, I would pay the extra 200-400 to upgrade and fly first class. It certainly was a much better experience for my bruised ego, but the costs really added up. Fast forward to today where I am at goal weight and will be flying for the first time as a post op in 3 weeks. It will be a flight to Hawaii for a family vacation. I am so excited to sit in the seat and, wait for it, wait for it, have extra room on my sides. No one will have a clue why I will be doing the happy dance the whole flight over, except my wife! So looking forward to vindication of a former fat guy on this flight. I will always have empathy for other heavier people going forward as I will never forget my own prior pain. My approach is to treat them with care, respect and dignity.
  8. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Thanks again for your encouragement to sign up for some races. I am sure once I complete one, I will be addicted to races.
  9. Fiddleman

    HAIR help......please

    I am a guy, so my response may not carry as much value as hair is pretty short compared to women's hair. My hair shedded quite a bit during month 3 and 6 even though my protein and vitamin levels were high. I did not take any biotene. It stopped falling out at month 6 and it is in pretty good shape today (month 9). My hair never fell out by the fist full; rather it fell out 5-10 hairs at a time. It was most noticeable when I would use my IPad. The hairs would pile up on the screen.
  10. My very best NSV occurred late last week: to be asked to participate in a professional photoshoot and tell my story for my WLS Center website and other promotional material. It is exciting to be able to do this and to have an impact on many future WLS candidates!
  11. How exciting for you!
  12. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I signed up for local races in June, July, Aug and Sept. Basically one a month starting in June. Giving myself a little over 1 month from today to get used to training outside. These are all local 10k races with the exception of October run which is across the state and a 1/2. I think a summer of racing 10 k will train me for 1/2. I can always do the Galloway method of run/walk if I find myself bonking too much when training for 1/2. What do you think ?
  13. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I haven't signed up for one yet.
  14. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    That is really good to hear bean.
  15. Pussification....heh. I wonder if that is in the urban dictionary.
  16. Fiddleman

    Very nice NSV today

    So happy for you! Thanks for sharing.
  17. That is awesome!! Thanks for sharing!
  18. I get excited when I can do air squats and lunges without turning red. Also when my 34 jeans fit comfortably, almost loose.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
