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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    Does this "wear off"

    Is someone able to explain why or how a "reset" actually works? Why does eating shakes like a new post op " reset" us back to greater restriction? Enquiring minds want to know!!
  2. Hey team - I drank some international delight creamer with my coffee accidentally that had been sitting out for a day before returning to the fridge. Tasted OK at the time, but starting to feel a little nausea now and just blah. Definitely not my usual feeling. Do you think I need to neutralize it with something (tums) or just wait it out? I have some anti nausea meds from surgery I could take, but not sure if I should. Never used the post op 9.5 months ago. Thoughts?
  3. Fiddleman

    accidentally drank creamer left out

    Nothing happened today so I think the sleeve proved it is made of steel yet again! Thanks for your comments.
  4. Fiddleman

    Fruity aspirations

    When did you decide to eat fruit again post op? For example, apples and bananas. I am almost 10 months post op and think it is time to start adding fruit as I have been maintaining for a few months now. I think fruit will help me fuel better for lifting and running. I used to really like fruit, but have "forgotten" my like for it as May 2012 was the last time I ate any fruit (1-2 months pre op). My diet includes fruits now as part of a green drink (71 different veggie and fruits). Let me know what you think.
  5. Fiddleman

    Nike Fuel Band?

    You can find some good non biased feedback by reading reviews on Amazon. I use Amazon feedback system all the time when determining a suitable product among several competing products.
  6. Fiddleman


    Laura - I get the sweet craves sometimes too. One trick that works for me is to have 1-2 Bariatric Advantage Caramel calcium chews. It may be a kind of cheesy response, but it helps and each chew is only about 15 calories. It does not need to be caramel; that is just a flavor I like. You can also see if chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, green tea or any of the other flavors work for you. I know Trader Joes sells these dark chocolate wedges in a small round tin. Each one is very rich and my wife loves them. You might consider these if you are craving chocolate, but do not want a lot of calories. I would say each wedge is about the size of two calcium chews in surface area and about 1/2 inch thick.
  7. No, I do not eat back calories lost from exercise. No reason really, just don't. I keep calories burned separate from calories gained from food and do not attempt to balance my caloric checkbook. I eat to satisfaction. No more then that. If I did a really hard workout, I might have an extra shake or something, but only because my body says it needs fuel. I do not really track any longer and eat according to strategies I have learned during 1st 6 months. It is working well as to provide enough fuel to do aggressive training.
  8. Fiddleman

    3 month post op pic

    My hat is off to you. Excellent!
  9. This is just a little thread for everyone to share their hardest workout post sleeve in order to inspire others and to share ideas. For example, my hardest workout is cross fit WOD just completed today: 1. 50 deadlifts (200 lbs) 2. 2 mile run 3. 30 bench (150 lb) 4. 50 pull ups (really hard for me) 5. 2 mile run 6. 100 burpies(almost killed me. Lol) I swear my PT was channeling Jillian Michaels. I am going to hurt tomorrow. No pain no gain!!!
  10. Fiddleman

    accidentally drank creamer left out

    Thanks everyone. It was a small amount - 1 tbsp. No retching yet. Hope it stays that way.
  11. Fiddleman


  12. Fiddleman

    Protein bars

    I agree with OTR on the glorified candy bar aspect. My favorites are nu go, but I had to give them up because 1) caused me to want more and 2) stalled out my weight loss. I still have them around, but treat them as the exception rather then the rule. The one exception I am making is for paleo bar after a cross fit workout. These are high calories (300), but my body seems to process them better then the low carb protein bars. I definitely need the fuel that these provide post work out. Otherwise, I no longer eat a protein bar for snack.
  13. Fiddleman

    best green superfood powder?

    If it is a matter of taste, try mixing the amazing grass with a Water flavor that you like. For example, I mix mine with Dasani coconut / pineapple flavor and it becomes much easier to drink. I have found the Tonic Alchemy flavor is much better then Amazing Grass so does not need any supporting flavor enhancer. Regardless, both are good products.
  14. I had a late night where my sleep length was 3 hours for a demo I had to give at work today. Anyways, not only do I feel like a bad hangover all day, but I am getting the crazy carb craves!! Not giving in, but it is kind of hard. Be sure to get your sleep or you may be sabotaging yourself. It is far easy to be at ease around food when well rested. Sigh, the older I get, the less I can get away with less then 8 hours of sleep. Just thought I would put this out there in case anyone needs to hear it. *sorry, posted in wrong forum*
  15. I have noticed a lot of people have said they eat anything and everything when on vacation. This worries me because I used to be just like this. Vacation was a time to stop "being on a diet" and eating healthy. At least that is how it has always been for me. So far I have stayed the course and eaten for success in terms of weight loss and fitness. However, this time I do not want to do this and am afraid of my all or nothing personality and the slippery slope of eating more and more once I have a little of something. It would be a train wreck and I would probably come back +10 lbs. Not good for the psyche. How many of you keep to the plan when on vacation and how many of you can eat something small and keep close to plan? I plan to exercise when on vacation, but a little less intense then when at home. Plan to do a little hiking also. I am going to buy meat stuff from costco when in Hawaii so I am set for daily Protein, but will still eat out. My trip to Kauii is in a couple weeks. It would be great if I was able to come back and 1. Not gain anything and 2. Not feel guilty if I train wreck. I do not want to train wreck of course, but know myself and human nature on vacation. This is my first vacation post op in a tropical place!!
  16. Fiddleman

    sleep deprived leads to hunger

    No long term complications. There were a couple minor short term complications, but they are long gone.
  17. Fiddleman

    sleep deprived leads to hunger

    I had my surgery back in July 2012. In this case, it was a forced late night for a work project. However, I had sleep issues up until Month 5. I think exercise helped me sleep after month 5. I was talking a sleep aid almost every night before the exercise started daily for me. Now I can sleep pretty well without any aids.
  18. Fiddleman

    vacation and eating

    We will be staying near Lihue on the east side. Normally we stay on the south side near poi pu beach, but this time we are going on a promotion so, yes, we have to sit through the 90 min spiel. This will be our 8th time back to kuaii so pretty familiar with the island. I think this trip will be a lot of r&r by the pool. it will be a little strange not to eat vacation style as I normally do. Eat and eat and eat, you know what I mean. Lol.
  19. Fiddleman

    vacation and eating

    Yes, I am the same way about vacation usually being the end of a perfectly good weight loss effort and the beginning of gain. The truth hurts, but at least I have foresight about it this time. I think my mindset is going to be stay the course knowing potential for train wreck.
  20. Fiddleman

    best green superfood powder?

    I bet you will notice a difference in no time!! Energy and "clean" feeling.
  21. Fiddleman

    Itchy/ numb skull

    Do you think 1000 mg of fish oil a day would help your skin? Also benadryl will help with the itching temporarily until you figure out the cause.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
