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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    Missing my Red Bull's!

    On occasion I will have 5 hour energy, maybe once a month. I have coffee almost daily. There are also natural energy enhancer pills you can get from a natural foods store like GNC or Vitamin Shoppe. These are usually stimulant free.
  2. Fiddleman

    So many problems

    Yay, no more crashes!
  3. Fiddleman

    hot weather running

    I will certainly spend my share of time living the good life next to the pool, but fitness is something I do every day now. To miss it would make my day feel incomplete. Also it just makes me feel better after a good workout. Mr 6 pack is starting to come out of hiding.
  4. 10 months actually. I know, that is a long time. I think part of it was my fear of messing up a good thing, but then I realized eating like thin people is what we are after long term. In fact today I had my first 1/2 apple with lunch, with the skin!! No issues. I think my sleeve has relaxed enough to allow most foods. I do want to stay with healthy food that is clean, organic and good for you. It feels good to be able to eat normal again, especially to support daily fitness activities. You almost forget about the sleeve except when you do eat a bite or two more then the sleeve wants.
  5. Fiddleman

    hot weather running

    Thanks for the suggestions!
  6. I wish a banana took me a long time to eat!! It goes down in about 10 seconds as it mushes up from chewing. I feel like the only food I get real restriction on anymore is dense protein like chicken or dense raw vegetables. So I try and stick with those in order for my sleeve to do it's job.
  7. Fiddleman

    hot weather running

    Well, I did it. However, instead of attempting this run in direct sunlight of 85 I did it on my treadmill inside. I did not want to commit to the possibility of being dehydrated a long ways out from the started point. It may have been 85 f or higher in my little room where I work out though. I decided to try the Galloway method that BTB has been teaching us and walked 2 minutes for every 30 minutes run. I hydrated during these walks. My time was about a 10 minute mile because of the heat. Afterwards I refueled with an amrap bar and lots of water. I drank about 70 oz water up to an hour before the run. The first 10 miles felt like hot yoga where the sweat was dripping. Then it stopped almost completely. The last 5 miles was interesting because my body "got it." Each stride felt connected with my upper body and my arms nicely counter balanced the shifting weight. It felt really smooth and like I could keep going. All in all, I think Galloway method really helped in order to feel good throughout the whole run and at the end. I am also practicing in this heat for when I run in Hawaii next week. Average temperature will be 75 there.
  8. Louise-good point about needing to work off the calories on the drinks. I noticed today after my margaritas last night that the scale is up a few pounds. Must be water retention from the dehydrating effects of alcohol. Go figure because I drank like 1.5 gallons yesterday. At least I did not get any hangover affects this morning (never do). Today is my run day so it be extra weight should drop by tomorrow. However, I would not recommend drinking the day of or before wanting to run because it makes the body more lethargic.
  9. My wife will post the recipe to 'Creamy Verde Chicken' today ( just asked her a few minutes ago).
  10. Fiddleman


    Sure - you can turn things around as quickly as the next meal. We all make mistakes. You have taken the hardest step which is the acknowledge the problem. Now you just need to take a few steps at a time to correct this situation. Maybe focus on eating your dense proteins first or eat your vegetables. Some talk about doing a system reset by following a boot camp program for 5 days. 5 days is not too long. You will start with shakes and then advance into purees and the solids. This may not be exactly right, but the general plan applies to start over eating as a new post op. In addition to changing your eating patterns, try to exercise daily even if this means just getting out for a walk. Make sure you are drinking, drinking and drinking water. It will go a long ways to flush your system. You can do it! Just make a decision to take the first step and the remaining steps will follow. Good luck!
  11. Super great job!! You are setting a good example for others. Keep up the great work!
  12. Chicken is a really good dense protein that will fill you up in 3-5 oz long term. Are you eating dense proteins for your meals?
  13. Oops- I messed up the Margarita recipe. It was supposed to be 3 tbsp lime, 6 tequila, 3 tbsp triple sec, but I did 6 tbsp lime, 3 tbsp tequila and 6 tbsp triple sec. Lol. This is for 2 drinks. It was good though. I added splenda to sweeten it a little since it had more lime. I will leave it to the bartender (wife) next time.
  14. Anyone like margaritas? Tonight my wife is going to make a yummy low cal, high protein mexican dish (creamy verde chicken) with margaritas drinks in honor of Cinco de Mayo!
  15. yes, I love eating bananas too especially with peanut butter spread on them. They are perfect fuel food before a run. And they go down in seconds. Well, 20 seconds that is. I just started eating bananas this last week and am 10 months out. Tried a strawberry today and it was so refreshing. This next week I am going to start eating apples. I feel so much better eating the carbs from fruit.
  16. It is best that way (wait to month 6) in order to be over all food issues before complicating things with alcohol. Also a fair amount of weight loss will be lost by month 6 and alcohol is known to slow down or stall weight loss.
  17. Fiddleman


    Actually, I don't think Iced drinks are so bad. Carbonation is on the light side. I had these once or twice post op only because they are SF and they looked appealing. It was many months ago, probably around month 1. This is just my experience. I have not had any since then but would probably have hem again if nothing else were readily available.
  18. Fiddleman


    How about we call it soda pop and then both east and west coasts are covered along with the heartland.
  19. Fiddleman


    If you are going to call newbie post ops stupid (which I don't think is necessarily good), at least do it in the vet forum where they cannot unload on you. Lol.

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