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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    Slider foods

    They hooked me wife in!!! She went over her limit and had 2.5.
  2. Fiddleman

    Started pureed 1 day before I was suppose to :(

    Agree with Ms Anti band, chicken will definitely fill you up!! Probably even 1 oz at the beginning of solid food stage.
  3. Fiddleman

    Slider foods

    Sitting at red lobster right now looking at a basket of biscuits. I definitely think those are sliders...anyone like those??
  4. Fiddleman

    Best coffee drink poll

    So do you think it is the caffeine or the extra protein that helped break your stall? Or have you removed any carbs by switching to the low carb chike? Answer not for me, but for others.
  5. Hey all - I have cpap machine that is gathering dust from my surgery last year on 7/2/2012. I did not use it after surgery nor did i do a follow up on a dianosed severe apnea issue as a pre op. my sleep is pretty good now, especially after adding daily fitness (have been maintaining for a few months). A couple questions: 1. Do you think my sleep would be awesome with the cpap machine? 2. Do you think I should go through another sleep study with the referral from my pulmonary doctor? Thanks for your response. Either way, I have a lightly used (2 months) cpap machine available if any pre op wants to purchase it.
  6. Try this AMRAP WOD in 20 min: 1. 10 kettle ball swings 2. 25 m kettle ball carry AMRAP = as many as you can, kettle ball as heavy as you can handle (eg 45 lb). Do not lose control. If you sense loss of control, STOP and rest! You do not want to drop at top of swing because of lost control. My arms were on fire after this AMRAP WOD. Remember to stretch them out afterwards by leaning into the wall with palm out, fingers splayed and then bent downward at wrist. You will definitely want to do this stretch afterwards.
  7. I am up like 3-4 x every night to urinate, but I attribute that to just drinking a lot of water during the day versus a prostate issue being 37. I did talk to the doc about potential prostate issue about 1-2 months ago, but he said not likely prostate for a guy my age. We did the rectal prostate exam (fun....NOT!! ). Did not find anything on the exam.
  8. Thanks for the responses! I am going to set up an appointment to start the process.
  9. Fiddleman

    Birthday NSV

    Laura- what can I say?!? Wowza. Are you getting me back for dragging you into food fantasies??
  10. @rebecca- how in the world did I type that? Lol. Sleep at the wheel again (BA da bump)
  11. That is such an awesome NSV! Perhaps my wife will have your success also as she has dealt with ankylosing spondylitis most of her life. She currently is on remicade injections every 6 weeks, but has done prednisone and embrel in the past. She is going to have VSG in a couple months and would it not be amazing if she had your success.
  12. Fiddleman

    Birthday NSV

    Thanks everyone! I also have my own set of heroes and role models as well as lots and lots of people that motivate me daily with their successes and positive attitudes on VST.
  13. Fiddleman

    Is that your leg or a marble column?

    * ...sneaks into forum very inconspicuously and high fives aroundhdk, runs away fast...*
  14. Fiddleman

    Slider foods

    Lol @ "time released restriction device"! Good for VSG folks to create a DMZ between themselves and a trigger food. DMZ is short for demilitarized zone - term from zone between N and S Korea, but also used a lot in network topology for the zone that exists between a company's firewall and the hackers of the public Internet.
  15. Fiddleman

    Chris Christie had lapband in February

    I have not read a VST story yet here where a member has said they love the band. In fact, most VST folks who were banded say they HATE the band passionately. It really makes me think the band is NOT a viable option AT ALL given all the long term complications that have been documented here.
  16. Fiddleman

    Chris Christie had lapband in February

    My understanding from the discussion here is that his doctor (or someone on the WLS team) who did the procedure discretely at his home (to avoid media coverage) leaked the information to the .media. Chris Christy was forced to confirm the information with the media by doing a press release in order to not be perceived as "hiding" the information from the public. Honestly, I think disclosure of WLS is up to the person having the WLS. Since Christy did not originally disclose the information that was held by the medical institution, there are grounds for a HIPPA violation. Do you agree?
  17. Fiddleman

    Sudden stop in weight loss with low calorie intake.

    HIIT is high intensity interval training. This is different for everyone depending on their own physical response to fitness. I think your heart rate needs to be 80% MAX heart rate for a short interval with a short recovery, repeat for approximately 20-30 minutes. For me, HIIT means: 1.cross fit WOD for 15-30 min 2. On treadmill for 15-30 min A. 1 min interval of 6% at 6.0 mph B. 1 min interval of .5 % at 4.5 mph C. 1 min interval of 2% at 7.5-8.5 mph What I am doing may not be "right" or even appropriate for weight loss. My focus right now is to get athlete fit which includes athlete strong.
  18. Fiddleman

    Sudden stop in weight loss with low calorie intake.

    It is my understanding that HIIT training is hard on the body and is not a precursor to weight loss. Rather it is to help cardio health and fitness. That being said, I do not know if your particular running and/or training is being interpreted as HIIT by your body. I think someone (you, BTB, ms anti band, skinniness, someone) posted an article on this not too long ago. A slower, steady state, non HIIT form of working out will help more with weight loss. You will see weight loss is actually easier when working out less and focusing more on eating precisely what your body needs (the proper calories, the proper macro ratios of carbs, fats and proteins). Some talk about tdee calories, but I have no experience with this. I am no expert on this, so hope that others feel free to chime in.
  19. Fiddleman

    Sudden stop in weight loss with low calorie intake.

    My height is 5'11" and BMI is 180. I am 10 lb over BMI right now, but hat is OK with me given body fat % and body composition. Instead of a onderlander, I am now a BMIer. New term for us WLS folks? or perhaps we refer to ourselves as goalies when we hit goal. Lol. Running really (REALLY!!!!) helps in cutting down the body size as many posters have said. I agree. I am running at least 18 miles a week for 3 hours (3 10 k) and then whatever running my PT wants me to do in cross fit. When I first started running in December 2012 as a post op, my weight dropped from 235 to 180 in a matter of 2 months. Now, I did not start out running 18 miles a week. I started out with a 5 k once a week. I am working on increasing my miles to run a 1/2 by next year, but I am really a fast runner then a long distance endurance runner. I prefer 5k or 10 k distances.best time has been 18 min 5 k and 37 min 10 k, but I only did that once. Now I average 22 min 5 k and 55 min 10 k.
  20. Fiddleman

    Sudden stop in weight loss with low calorie intake.

    I try and eat about 1200 calories a day on cross fit day and 900 a day on running day. For example, I ate 7 x: 1. Protein shake with chia seeds (100 cal), 2 energy squares (120 cal). 2. 3 oz Protein (120 cal) 3. 3 oz protein, 2 oz veggie (150) 4. 2 energy squares (120 cal) 5. 1 AMRAP bar (300 cal) 6. 5 oz protein, 2 oz veggie (200) 7. 10 oz protein shake (100) Total: 1210 I have gone the last 2 months with my weight staying pretty constant @ 190 since adding daily creatine and 10 lb of lean muscle after reaching gol in February 2013. As for stalls, one day up 2 lb, another day down 2 lb. However, yesterday was a big drop of 5 lb overnight after my weight went up 5 lb from a Cinco de Mayo drink session (2 margaritas) and 2 glasses of a full Chardonnay the day before that. I ran long on may 5th and for an hour on may 6th. Women have to deal with TOM, but men have to deal with Water retention due also. as for alcohol, i am going to cut down the intake because it does mess with your weight and water retention. It also does not help when needing to run or do a WOD. Now it is about 2x a month except for the last weekend. I drink about 1.5 gallon a day. However, I want to cut down my water drinking after dinner so I am not up 3-4 x a night in the bathroom.the chia seeds help tremendously with retaining water in the GI tract for when it is needed during working out. The Aztecs really knew what they were doing when eating a handful chia seeds before running 100 miles in the Andes.just remember to drink enough of water before and father to support the internal water retention of his sees. I always drink at least 40 oz first thing in the morning an hour before the seeds and then drink water all day long.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
