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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    MP3Music downloads

    I remember the good ol' days when all mp3s were free.
  2. Fiddleman

    Resetting the system

    Completely agree with you that hard exercise does not lead to continuous weight loss. It is too hard on your body and will stall out weight loss or cause weight gain. The body will struggle with too low carbs and calories that are needed to support weight loss in the context of high caloric burn from the hard exercise. Therefore, strive for moderation even in exercise while you are losing weight. Getting the diet balanced for weight loss with moderate exercise works really well for weight loss.
  3. Hi Toy - Did you, by chance, enter your first stall? That happens around 3-5 weeks out from surgery and can last 1 week, 3 weeks or longer. It is just your body adjusting after the initial depletion of glycogen from your muscles. It will break once your body breaks the cycle of converting fat into glycogen for the muscles. The glycogen requires a lot of supporting Water. I think I read 2 lbs of water are required per lb of lean muscle to support processing of glycogen. Somebody correct me if my facts are wrong. This water retention gives the appearance of "stalling" while, in fact, your muscles are eating glycogen and building (read: gaining lean muscle). Once the glycogen is depleted again so goes the water and your stall breaks. And the cycle repeats and repeats and repeats. That is why weight loss looks a little like a staircase. Lose some, stall, lose some, stall, lose some, stall, lose some.... Also, how tall are you and what is your goal weight?
  4. Furthermore, the search feature is broken on my razor android phone. It will show one page of results. When I tell it to load more threads, it crashes with an error. So no, search cannot even be used in this case.
  5. Already been answered quite well about 3 months ago under the food forum. Lol.
  6. Fiddleman

    Building Mass Burns Fat at a Faster Rate

    Globetrotter- yes you should avoid lifting the legs today. You probably are already very aware of the following: your muscles get larger only by recovering from rest. Some folks will say do not workout the same muscle group more then once a week. I workout with weights 2 x a week and generally do full body workouts. The other 3 work days, I am doing cardio with maybe some really light upper body weights (10 lb). My goal is not to lose weight; rather, it is to become athlete strong. My mental picture is Vin Deisil. I also like his approach to working out and eating. While I am not able to consume the massive calories he does (3000-5000), his workout looks doable and I am already eating small meals 6-8x a day. The body likes this for more efficient processing. Failure to rest puts a lot of stress on your body and is not a recipe for changing body composition or even weight loss. Your body desires a balanced approach of working out, liquids and nutrients. Strive to find this balance. Eating low carb and low calorie as you have described may not be a good balance with the amount of exercise you do. You might consider taking the time to eat more good carbs, good fats and calories over a 6 week period to see if that is the balance your body needs to function correctly with the types of workouts you do. Do not be afraid to eat 1200, 1400 or even 1600 calories as long as it comes from a good balance of nutrients that your body needs. No junk and no processed foods. Fruit such as apples and bananas with Peanut Butter are good fuel before a workout. This is merely a suggestion for you to consider. It is different from what you are doing now and are used to so give yourself time to ramp into it. At least 3 weeks. There are also supplements that you can take before and after working out that will help with opening up the muscles to hold more Water and nutrients. I take these, but do your research about which would work best for you. An ample amount of water is required for the muscles to repair themselves and also for the body to carry the waste out of the body. I drink 1-1.5 gallon a day. The jury is still out whether this is a good amount, but it seems acceptable given the amount of exercise I do and the amount of supplements I take. I need to be careful though about flushing too many minerals out of the body though. I am still researching this to determine if I should be taking in more electrolytes to counter those lost from sweating and urination. Recently, I have been waking up with some cramps in my calves on stretching. Minor, but I need to see if I need more magnesium or potassium.
  7. Fiddleman

    Rumble Roller

    http://www.amazon.com/RumbleRoller-RR316-Full-Size-31x6-Blue/dp/B0042JFAUK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1367172147&sr=8-1&keywords=rumble+roller My PT swears by this every time I train with her. It looks so enticing for after those really tough workout sessions. I use a cheapie regular roller now from Sports Authority and it has already helped so much with long term back issues. There is nothing better then an aligned and relaxed back. Love it! No more pain management with drugs. They are kind of pricy so cannot wait until my wife lets me spend money on one of these rumble rollers! Has anyone tried one?
  8. Fiddleman


  9. Fiddleman

    Rumble Roller

    Hey BTB - after researching for a while, I decided on this one (trigger point) and tried it out for the first time today. Heaven! The massage is so therapeutic and unreal. I do believe it may have also straightened out the curvature of my spine a little, but that might be wishful thinking. It also is designed to build a strong core with the right exercises. I am excited about a long relationship the two of us are going to have...
  10. Fiddleman

    Good moth 6+ style lunch

    It definitely took awhile to eat red peppers without discomfort. I think after month 6.
  11. Fiddleman

    When you get skinny, don't shop at A&F.

    We found out about what the Abercrombie CEO said too and agreed to boycott them. That kind of hate-based discrimination, or any discrimination, just does not fly...
  12. I have a red robin free burger and a cold stone free like it for anyone. Just need to show it is your day in the last 30 days and you have my name. It helps if you can get a fake ID made! Lol. I will never be using these...
  13. Fiddleman


  14. Fiddleman

    Desert nostalgia

    I know. You probably do not want to read about dessert nostalgia, but it is a little bit of a rant. A small burning candle that is slowly winking back into existence. I thought the flame blew out a long time ago on that part of me. The cravings are not really there, not magnetic. That is the odd part. it is more like the loss of the good times with having a dessert. It is like the memories are right on the other side of an opaque veil. I cannot see them, but I sense they are there. It is a little sad thinking about it and then knowing it is not the time to have them being far out on the post op journey. I am sure I am a little late in mourning deserts; others took care of this issue closer to surgery. Dessert is on the mind: cold stone ice cream, a brownie, an apple fritter, some Oreos or some old fashion donut holes. Does that mean I am losing resolve to eat healthy and live the post op lifestyle? No, probably not. I have not deviated so far and that has helped with success. Just a little down about it tonight. Why can't this part of me just go away? Who can relate to this rant?
  15. Fiddleman

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Good job at doing the c210k program (the first here?)! Just like the c25k program you can repeat any day or any week that you feel is necessary. One thing you can try is to eat more carbs before and during run to avoid "the bonk." Your muscles are probably depleted of glycogen post 30 min. Energy squares work great from nuts.com to satisfy, but a handful of almonds will work too.
  16. Today is my 37th b-day and I am in the best shape of my life (very literal statement)! Down 170 lb from my last b-day and @ 17% body fat. DOS: 07/02/2012 SW (5/8/2012): 360 DOSW (7/2/21012): 335 GW (2/27/2013): 180 CW (5/8/2013): 190 Time to live life to the fullest!!!
  17. Fiddleman

    Restaurant bday certs available

    It is kind of therapeutic to admit to past addictions...I was such a food sinner. Lol.
  18. Fiddleman

    Slider foods

    Mrs. g- awesome job at sticking to plan with temptations!! The bisquits are so good!!!! One of my past addictions. Maybe a future addiction. maybe.
  19. Fiddleman

    Restaurant bday certs available

    Laura will take them and give them to get husband.
  20. Fiddleman

    Restaurant bday certs available

    Back in the good old days, I used to be very fond of the founders modified with cake batter ice cream and graham cracker with extra caramel. My favorite red robin burger was the burnin love and a couple refills of the steaks fries. Often both in the same evening. . . .

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
