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Everything posted by Fiddleman

  1. Fiddleman

    Weight lifting?

    As excited as you are to get back in the gym and bust out some good training sessions, may I go so far as to say that it may be wise to get other areas of the house in order first. Develop a really good nutrition plan, get used to eating 5-6 small meals a day, be able to eat and drink enough to sustain the caloric and Water requirements of training. This takes time to develop these strategies both mentally and physically as a post op. You are time bounded by the physical healing process and cannot make it go faster or slower. Your stomach is still adjusting even up to 1 year later, but generally most can eat and drink what they need to at month 6. At 6 weeks, you will just be starting on solids and most can hope to eat 2-3 ounces of dense Protein. Eating vegetables are a real challenge for many all the way out to 5 months. Everyone is different, but I have seen that these general patterns emerge across most VSG post ops, including myself. Best of luck!
  2. Fiddleman

    So, how happy are you?

    Pretty happy myself as a post op. I would say a 8/9 out of 10. This is such a dramatic change from even 1 year ago and attribute it to lifestyle changes. Eating well and daily fitness really does turn around someone previously diagnosed with mental health issues.
  3. Fiddleman

    12 week Transformation challenge for vets

    Motivation is another muscle you can flex. The more you are engaged, the bigger this muscle will become. There are a few phases that we will move through to flex this motivation muscle: 1. Obligation based motivation - " I should do this": external motivation is based on an " I should" mentality. With each effort, you feel it is your obligation to push the stone up the mountain. Everyone enters this phase when starting into fitness. It is enough to get you to the gym and perhaps to hire a trainer. However, it is not sustainable and you will fail if you do not move into "desire" based motivation. 2. Desire based motivation - "I want to do this": we want to do this 12 week transformation because we desire the body, the self-image, the strength, the confidence or the fitness that this 12 week training period promises. The motivation is external, but at least we are moving towards it instead of away from it. We are probably all in the desire based motivation phase. 3. Enjoyment based motivation - "I love to do this": here is where we want to get to soon. It is in this phase that we have a deep passion and interest to do the program. This is how I feel about running, but do not yet have this type of motivation for training. 4. Mastery motivation - "I am inspired! Just try and stop me!": this is where training become not just an activity, but a way of life. It may not come at the end of 12 weeks, but it is something to strive towards. Mastery motivation makes training feel effortless and you are a flame of inspiration burning bright for others. It motivates others. Training becomes as natural as breathing. This is how I feel about nutrition as a post op. I am not far away from this type of motivation for running. Keep these phases of motivation in mind and understand that it takes time to achieve the right state of motivation. We will all struggle with it in the next 12 week, but the results will be completely worth it and lay the foundation for a strength-based life.
  4. Fiddleman

    12 week Transformation challenge for vets

    Check in as often as you like whether it is to share some goodness or seek some extra motivation. This transformation challenge of 12 weeks is not going to be easy so feel free to reach out to others at any time if you desire. There are really 4 phases to the 12 week plan: Phase 1( day 1-21): this phase is all about momentum. Imagine a rocket taking off. It is going to spend the most amount of fuel and need the largest percentage of boost to break free of the atmosphere. Use this time to find your rhythms and rituals of training. You may not be "feeling it" yet. This is going to feel like a lot of work. Keep at it and realize every day is a new day. Phase 2 (day 22-42): you may express some concern and / or frustration because you may not be seeing the results yet. Don't worry and hang in there. It is likely during this phase you will hit your first breakthrough. If you have established a good rhythm, it is during this phase that your body will stop resisting change and start working with you. This will be motivational and help you finish the phase strong. Phase 3 (day 43-63): here you might enter a slight plateau. Results may slow a little. It is at this time you want to double check your practices, your nutrition, make sure you are reaching peaks during each set, focus on really good nutrition for the last phase, Phase 4 (day 64-84): expect to question if your goals are high enough. When during the first few weeks you were filled with doubt, suddenly it is as if the force is with you. The last 21 days are when you will achieve the most rewarding measurable results. I plan on posting back at the end of each phase with measurement results.
  5. Fiddleman

    12 week Transformation challenge for vets

    Another awesome benefit of building strength with lean muscle during this 12 week transformation program is that it gives you round the clock fat burning. It is like insurance so you do not need to diet or track exactly what you are eating (never tracked anyways myself). You will never be hungry again and can eat 6x a day or more, every 2-3 hours. Cardio is great fitness tool, but without strength training your BMR is destroyed and every thing you eat has the potential to just get stored as fat (unless you are one of the lucky genetically gifted ones - not me). Even the not so bad food choices. With lean muscle you have a bit of flexibility to have those not-so-good food choices or extra calories and still maintain your weight and look good. The lean muscle is like The plant in Little shop of horrors: feed me. Feed Me. FEED ME!!! Lol!
  6. Fiddleman

    12 week Transformation challenge for vets

    Hi Hoosier - thanks for joining! You will not regret it. It will be challenging, but you will come out transformed. You should be able to do all the strength training with dumbbells and a bench ( or something like it) in the comfort of your own home. I choose to do it this way because I do not have a traditional gym membership nor do I attend my cross fit gym more then 2 x a week. That is how I am presently set up. That does not mean you need to do it this way. If you have a gym membership ( eg. 24 hour, golds, la fitness, etc), by all means use their weights and/ or machines. I am also going to use dumbbells because it gives me more flexibility over movements and I want to focus on balance, mobility, flexibility and good form. Machines take away this need to control the movements and will not yield as good results. I will still be running weekly during this time, but only 1-2 miles before a workout and 1-3 miles after a workout along with 1 longer 5k or 10 k a week. No more 20-25 miles a week in the form of 10 k and longer runs. it is too catabolic for my needs to build a boxer physique. My muscles are constantly getting eaten with long cardio even though my Protein numbers were way up. Hence, Focus is now going to be more on strength building and less on long distance running, at least for the next 12 weeks. Just to give you an idea, today I performed a 'push day,' focusing on push movements of the upper body with 4 sets of each exercise progressing from 15 lb up to 35 lb. I ran 1 mile warm up, stretched and then did a cross fit warmup of push-ups, sits ups, planks and pull ups. I ran 2 miles afterwards, running 7 minute miles. A good day in the transformation program. Tomorrow HIIT I will do the card game where a different body weight exercise is assigned to each card and you perform as many reps as the number says on the card. The exercises will be burpees, push ups, air squats and sit ups (touch toes). Will do the same type of before and after running, stretching and cross fit warm up as I completed today. Remember also to follow the eating guidelines. It is very similar to how we eat when we start on solids as a post op and it is important to eat 5-6 x a day. Lean Protein first followed by vegetables. Balance with carbs like brown rice or oats if you have room and can manage eating them. I manage to get my good carbs in other ways like eating energy squares, but maybe someday will think about good starches again. I have no idea yet because of what WLS has indoctrinated me with, but am open to the possibility. Do others have experience with eating good starches like brown rice or oats? Good luck!
  7. Fiddleman

    12 week Transformation challenge for vets

    Hey Nicole- HIIT means high intensity interval training. Essentially, cycle between 60 seconds of intense cardio (80% max heart rate) and 60 seconds of moderate cardio (catch your breath) for 18 minutes with your cardio of choice. I am going to use cross fit because that is what I like to do for intensity, but you could also do running, biking, jump rope, Jillian ripped, whatever. They key is to cycle to get the best results. No boring long cardio sessions with this approach. Your cardio will be over in 20 minutes and will be fast and furious!! PT means personal trainer. I have a personal trainer that helps me with getting better and better at cross fit and makes sure my form is good and not letting me give up. A 20 minute cross fit WOD leaves you on the mat catching your breath, but feels great and leads to very measurable physical results.
  8. Fiddleman

    12 week Transformation challenge for vets

    We are twins so he is the same age as me: 37.
  9. Funny you should ask this. It so happens that it is sold out everywhere. JDK called Dragon Herbs and apparently they are having trouble sourcing the ingredients. My typical online store of choice is amazon.com. Love' date=' love, love amazon for all my impulse buying needs. Lol! Fast delivery too! I need to buy a new green drink to hold me over until the Tonic Alchemy is available again. There is a green drink thread I started that contains a ton of suggestions from different folks. Go check that out and see if there is one that is suitable for you. http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/71674-best-green-superfood-powder/ I think I will be going with one from Vitamin Shoppe that has been really good called Green Essence. It is their best selling green drink powder or so says the lady sales woman. I generally trust Vitamin Shoppe with my purchasing needs as they are always super knowledgable where GNC is sometimes lacking in that area.
  10. Then you might enjoy this delish recipe. Mix chicken cubes with coconut curry in a small skillet for a few minutes on high and, viola, instant chicken coconut curry for 1 or 2. It is very quick to make and is so savory, like eating in a fine Indian Bistro. Trader Joe carries a good coconut curry in a large container, good for 8-10 of these dishes. Enjoy!
  11. Fiddleman

    Best walking or running shoes?

    I love my Nike Pegasus 29 that I have been running on for 5 months now ( fitted at a local running store). They still have a lot of life in them so have held up well ( about 20 miles a week and I am primarily a treadmill runner). I will be getting these again when the time comes. They are super light. I feel like they really help me run with good form and fast (ran two 5:50 min miles this morning both before and after my WOD I did). These are used only for running. I do not use them for anything else by decision.
  12. Such an amazing success!! Thanks for posting.
  13. Another tip is to look for deals on group on. I can find 300 dollars worth of classes for 15-20 dollars. Just keep looking as I have found two local yoga studios with deals like this. I purchased one that will give me like 6 months of yoga for 17 dollars.
  14. I do yoga on a weekly basis, but probably not as much I would like to. My primary motivation to do yoga is to improve my flexibility and mobility. It is definitely helping! My favorite type is hot yoga, but also enjoy hatha, yin and vinyase classes. Hot yoga is a great exercise and will have you sweating and exhausted, at least until you get a strong core (not me yet). Burns an uber amount of calories. Good luck!
  15. Fiddleman

    12 week Transformation challenge for vets

    No bites, eh? Well, I started my transformation today and will let you know how it goes in 12 weeks. I hope someone else decides to join the fun! The results that you can achieve in 12 short weeks of really focusing will be amazing.
  16. Fiddleman

    Best Flavor Nectar for Water

    Agree that the Nectar sweets including double stuff cookie and chocolate truffle are really good with water!!! They are probably a reason for my success to lose my sweet tooth. Still drinking syntrax nectar sweet shakes 10 months post op.
  17. I happen to really enjoy reading anything posted by JDK. It is very informative and I learn something every time.
  18. Fiddleman

    Pre Surgery Diet

    Atkins induction is what my NUT encouraged us to do also. It is not only good to shrink the liver, but prepares you for the low / no sugar aspects of the post op diet. My post op diet was Atkins style probably up to about month 6 post op. After 6 months, I have increased good carbs to support high intensity fitness.
  19. Here is my huge assortment of Vitamins and minerals I take every morning when I get up. Lol. Impressive, huh? 32 oz pink lemonade with miraLAX 10 oz of tonic alchemy green drink 10 oz chia seed shake drink (sans Protein powder) GNC extreme athlete Vitamin pak (6 pills) 2 Omega 3 in morning and another 2 at night (4 g total). Alternatively, I take 3-6 g of super omega 3 (molecularly distilled) 1 Prilosec 1 b12 (small pill) 2 Citalopram ( hope to eliminate soon) 2 Calcium chew (2 also at lunch and 2 at dinner) Used to take b 50 complex, but no longer. I do not take any Iron that is it in my GNC vita pak and do have to be careful because too much iron triggers my gag reflex. I am used to the routine and have a pretty good system down for taking these in the morning when I roll out of bed all the way to dinner time. 1. Chew the calcium chews (little treat for morning) 2. 32 oz Water (take all morning pills) 3. 10 oz green drink 4. Add Protein powder to chia seed mix 5. Drink Protein Drink 6. Chew calcium chews at lunch 7. Take omega 3 after workout in late afternoon. 8. Chew calcium chews an hour before dinner (to avoid iron conflict) These steps usually take about 30 minutes.
  20. Fiddleman

    best green superfood powder?

    Wha...they make you call now? What happened to the instant buy, gotta have it now mentality! Lol. That is what I really appreciate with Amazon. One click satisfaction...
  21. It is so exciting to look forward to flying on an airplane in coach as a post op. it was such a humiliating and uncomfortable experience before WLS, especially if squished in between folks. Anyways, I am now BMI weight and I am sure there will be plenty of room between me and the boundary of the seat. So excited!!! Hawaii, here we come! We will be flying Hawaiian airlines. For those who have flown post op, I have a couple questions: 1. Did you pack all your food for the flight? It is an 8 hour flight so I will be eating at least 3x. I am thinking that Protein bars would be the easiest food to carry on, but know that they are not really the healthiest, even the low carb ones. They only serve one meal and a couple snack, neither that really work for my eating plan. I usually eat every 2-3 hours. 2. Did you pack an empty Water bottle to fill on flight or did you buy some bottled water after the security check point? It would be hard to refill my water bottle on the flight for several reasons. I am sure the stewardess does not want to bring me water every 15 minutes in the small glasses they give you. Seems like I will also have to be prepared for a lot of bathroom trips. Sigh. I drink like a race horse.
  22. Landed in Lihue, Kauii yesterday evening and was pretty exhausted from the plane ride (crashed at 6 pm and awoke at 6am). The plane ride was much more enjoyable with the extra space and much easier to get in and out of the aisle way. I still got very dehydrated even though I was drinking a lot of Water on the plane. Here is a picture from Marriott in Lihue taken this morning: Sipping on a nice brew of 100% kona coffee. Nice... I think we will move here someday; this is our 8th time back to Kauii. We are here on a promotion, but do own a few weeks with Marriott where we stay mostly down at the Waiohai location on the south end.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
