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LAP-BAND Patients
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    MamaMelly got a reaction from petite-size-me! in Fasting For Surgery   
    You will survive. Will you be hungry, absolutely! Will you die? Nope!
  2. Like
    MamaMelly reacted to Liliana Arleen in Omg I Just Ate Cake 8 Days After Surgery   
    Please remember to use proper language on this topic . According to the forum rules,inappropriate language is not permitted on this forum. Thanks.
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    MamaMelly reacted to New1 in Omg I Just Ate Cake 8 Days After Surgery   
    I am kinda shocked that people would reply to someone's admission of failure with curse words and attitude. I'm sure that being cursed at and berated has helped no one lose weight. I for one don't come to this board for all sunshine and sparkles. We all need tough love occasionally but there is a time, a place, and an appropriate manner. There is only one thing that bothers me more than a thin person reacting so harshly and that's a former fat person reacting in such a way. SMH
    To the OP good luck, search deep inside and outside of yourself for the help that you need to get where we are all trying to go and trying to stay. None of us are better than you.
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    MamaMelly reacted to clk in Pregnancy Vs Wls? Please Help.   
    OP, what did you decide?
    As someone who has struggled through infertility (not related to age) I would say go for the baby first. The reality is, it might not be the "ideal" but fat women get pregnant and carry healthy babies to term all the time (just like skinny women have children with complications all the time...it's a gamble for all of us). I have a fat mom who gave birth to four healthy kids, and as a fat woman I easily got pregnant with my first and then had fertility treatments for my twins.
    Doctors love to scare us with stats. My morbid obesity was apparently a ticking time bomb in my 27 year old body. Whatever. Plenty of larger ladies have children and if the amount of weight you're planning to lose post surgery isn't a very large amount anyway, I am sure you can have a happy and healthy pregnancy and lose the weight once you're done.
    Mess with your fertility, though? That's trouble. You can always lose the weight later, but if your egg quality diminishes you're going to have a hell of a time having a baby and your odds DECREASE as time marches on, whereas your age doesn't affect your success with the sleeve. I have friends that waited for one reason or another and have invested so much time, suffering and money into infertility treatments that it's absolutely heartbreaking.
    Oh, and if you have one prior to surgery and want to try again a year or two post op? Do it! I've just completed my second round and am currently pregnant. Despite everything I'd hoped, this skinny pregnancy actually seems harder on me than the two fat ones! It's all luck of the draw, but I'm sick, I'm tired and I'm grumpy. I think age affects this SO much more than weight, so please, let us know what you decided and how things are going!
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    MamaMelly reacted to AliciaA122 in Pregnancy Vs Wls? Please Help.   
    I'm way late to this, but thought I'd throw in my opinion and experience. My husband and I tried to conceive for a couple of years on our own with no success. We went to a fertility specialist and began testing. At the same time I began looking into Lap Band. My fertility specialist AND primary doctor both told me to try to get pregnant first and then pursue WLS. I was 31 when I began fertility treatments. However, my fertility specialist told me that by having the surgery I would be taking another large chunk out of my fertile years. He could find no reason that my weight was affecting my fertility and as it was we were undiagnosed.
    We began treatments including Clomid, injectable meds and IUIs. We conceived our daughter on an 'off cycle' after an IUI cycle. She's 14 months old and I'm now very close to having my sleeve surgery. SO GLAD I listened to my doctors.
    Also, to the previous poster who commented that you can just adopt and that there are so many babies who need homes. If only it were that easy. Adoption is painfully slow, definitely not a guarantee and very expensive. You can't 'just adopt.'
  6. Like
    MamaMelly got a reaction from Mom_24 in August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?   
    I hope this is okay to share. But my feelings regarding the surgery have been jumping from excited to darn right frightened, as I know they do for many of us. A few weeks ago, I had some family over and I was mentioning my fears and how I don't want to leave my son behind. Well, yesterday evening my husband went out and got the mail and there was an envelope from my grandma. Inside was a little placard that said "When you expect miracles to happen, miracles will happen.' and then on the back she wrote a nice message about how she prays for me every day and that she wants me to have strength and BELIEVE IN MY HEART that everything will be okay. I read it and just broke down. My poor husband didn't know what to do with me. LoL
    But after reading that I was filled with a sense of peace that I haven't had yet. So many things have fallen into place to make this surgery possible for me. I have to believe that it's meant to be.
  7. Like
    MamaMelly got a reaction from BJGOODY in *help* Bcbs Federal Questions   
    I also have bcbs federal. My bmi has dropped below 40, but I also have comorbidities. I was approved very quickly, in 7 business days. They say you will get a decision within 10, so they are very quick. If they do deny you, appeal appeal appeal!
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    MamaMelly reacted to mylifeinpink in So Far So Good.... 10 Weeks Post Op With Photos~   
    Thanks everyone~
    Yes, I will take dry skin any day over my body hurting, my feet aching, and my Dr wanting to put me on medications for the rest of my life! NO THANKS! :-) I'm good with just getting sleeved and leaving all the unhealthy stuff alone the rest of my life! I ate crap for the first 36 years, NOW IT"S TIME TO LIVE!
  9. Like
    MamaMelly got a reaction from Mom_24 in August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?   
    I hope this is okay to share. But my feelings regarding the surgery have been jumping from excited to darn right frightened, as I know they do for many of us. A few weeks ago, I had some family over and I was mentioning my fears and how I don't want to leave my son behind. Well, yesterday evening my husband went out and got the mail and there was an envelope from my grandma. Inside was a little placard that said "When you expect miracles to happen, miracles will happen.' and then on the back she wrote a nice message about how she prays for me every day and that she wants me to have strength and BELIEVE IN MY HEART that everything will be okay. I read it and just broke down. My poor husband didn't know what to do with me. LoL
    But after reading that I was filled with a sense of peace that I haven't had yet. So many things have fallen into place to make this surgery possible for me. I have to believe that it's meant to be.
  10. Like
    MamaMelly reacted to yukonmomma in August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?   
    What a beautiful message. Can I borrow your Grandma? Thanks for sharing that. It's true that things have fallen in to place for me as well, so fast that it makes my head spin.
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    MamaMelly reacted to leprechaunmomma in August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?   
    Awww, that totally made my day. THANK YOU! Actually, it was the perfect time for that as BOTH my kids are literally growling at me that they want to sleep more lol. I think you are pretty darn awesome as well =)
    How is your morning going? I broke down and had a giant beautiful cup of coffee this morning. But, I am on track for the rest of the day. I wish my preop started sooner and that I could just rocket through it. I see how amazing and conscientiousness everyone is on here, and I am having food funerals lol. It's like the Jackal-ope says. " You still have a body, good legs, and fine feet. Get your head in the right place, and hey your complete!" tee hee hee. I have that picture in my bathroom and in my pantry lol. I love the Jackal-ope he is such a smart critter. Have a groovy day ladies =D I will be thinking of you as I scrub down this crazy house =)
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    MamaMelly reacted to Audrey523 in August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?   
    Thank you everyone who friended me on myfitnesspal. I feel like we are on one of those long long lines for a Disney ride. We are finally at the point where we are under the canopy and can hear the music. Out ride will begin shortly!
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    MamaMelly reacted to kimberlee1235 in Now We Cross Our Fingers...   
    I brought my medical records from over the past 23 months to my surgeon's office yesterday and the bariatric coordinator said she'd send out the request for approval...They have "up to 30 days" to make a decision but usually don't take longer than 2 weeks or so. I'm super excited! Super nervous at the same time..Ahhhhh! Must..fight..urge....to...call...Aetna...everyday...
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    MamaMelly reacted to chitowngirl in Fat Clothes Sure Take A Beating!   
    I'm down about 70 pounds. And I just realized not only was I abusing my body, but damn my poor clothes took a beating. Trying to squeeze into something that is tight as he!!, stretching shirts out, trying not to dry my jeans so they wouldn't shrink, and forget about the chub rub on my pants. I'm just now going down a size, it's not because I haven't lost enough weight, it's because I was always in denial trying to wear clothes that didn't fit properly.
    Needless to say I am enjoying wearing my clothes, especially now that they fit appropriately.
  15. Like
    MamaMelly reacted to polandspring in Im Approved!   
    Im so excited..i called ins company this morning and they gave me the wonderful news. I was so nervousr because my bmi is only 36. Surgery is July 30th...cant wait!
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    MamaMelly got a reaction from carlab51 in August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?   
    Qotd-it's funny when my surgeon asked me this question I just stared at him with my mouth open. I'm having such a hard time wrapping my head around possibility of not being morbidly obese! First goal, get RID of that word MORBID from my diagnosis. I remember the first time I saw that in my chart. I felt sick!
    Anywho, I am 29. I weigh 255. Started this process around 263. Last time I was below 200 I was 17. I remember weighing 175 and feeling good about myself. So I know it's on the higher side, but for now that's my goal. Will readjust as necessary.
    Anyone else having a hard time wrapping their head around all of this, and the fact that we ARE going to Lose weight??
    I'm so grateful for this site and all of you!!
  17. Like
    MamaMelly got a reaction from carlab51 in August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?   
    Qotd-it's funny when my surgeon asked me this question I just stared at him with my mouth open. I'm having such a hard time wrapping my head around possibility of not being morbidly obese! First goal, get RID of that word MORBID from my diagnosis. I remember the first time I saw that in my chart. I felt sick!
    Anywho, I am 29. I weigh 255. Started this process around 263. Last time I was below 200 I was 17. I remember weighing 175 and feeling good about myself. So I know it's on the higher side, but for now that's my goal. Will readjust as necessary.
    Anyone else having a hard time wrapping their head around all of this, and the fact that we ARE going to Lose weight??
    I'm so grateful for this site and all of you!!
  18. Like
    MamaMelly reacted to SMP1126 in Why Gain It Back?   
    I think too it's about recognizing how we got to where we were and learning how to make good choices. For example, I was a night binger.... I'd be pretty good all day but if I stayed up watching TV, I'd raid the fridge and cabinets like there was no tomorrow. So now, instead of 6 string cheeses, a sandwich and 1/2 a bag of chips and a couple of Coke Zero's I'll have 4 oz of cottage cheese or a coupl of sugar free Popsicles and I'm good to go! I had this procedure because I hated myself for what I became, and now I'm learning to love myself for what I'm becoming! Good luck and God bless!
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
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    MamaMelly reacted to SleeveNoob in Omg I Just Ate Cake 8 Days After Surgery   
    No need to make someone who struggles feel even more ashamed than they already are. Its one think to give advice and another to judge. just because it was so easy for you to follow doesn't mean it is for everyone else. I was eating things I shouldn't on my liquid diet and I don't feel guilty. Your body will tell you what you need to know when you eat something you're not suppose to and you will go through the discomforts and learn what you can and cannot eat. I recommend staying with your diet and not cheat but I bet we are not the only ones who have cheated. Not many people will admit when they have cheated. But reading some of theses responses tick me off cuz it always turns in to omg I can't believe you would risk your life or omg you need counseling. Just cuz you had the sleeve does not make you an expert! Just sayin!
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    MamaMelly reacted to mandmcd in August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?   
    im an august sleever too....23rd for me.
    im 39 years old and have approx 85 pounds to lose...or as i like to call it, a small kylie minogue to lose!!
    good luck to all who are having the first days of the rest of your lives.
  21. Like
    MamaMelly got a reaction from futureskinnypants in August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?   
    QOTD-How/When did you decide you wanted to have bariatric surgery? Why did you choose the sleeve?
    I first looked into bariatric surgery in the beginning of 2009. Did my informational session and first NUT appt, and then discovered that the clinic I had started with was not covered by my insurance. So I travelled to another clinic, and did another informational session in the summer of 2009. When they told me about having to wait 12-18 months to have a baby, I decided I did not want to wait that long. So I had my son in March of 2011. Went to the informational session in March of 2012 and here I am.....12 days from surgery!!! Cannot believe it!
  22. Like
    MamaMelly reacted to carlab51 in August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?   
    I suddenly realized today that I have moved past scared out of my wits one minute and super exicted the next to being completely at peace with my decision to have surgery. This feels amazing!!!
  23. Like
    MamaMelly reacted to Eos38 in 1St Day Of Liquid Diet   
    Day 6....and I will give an update on my progress....On day 2, I would have been willing to eat the slop my mother served to us growing up called hamburger casserole..yuck. Day three....I would have eaten the dog food. Day 4....the dog started looking good. Day 5....turned things around, I don't feel as hungry all the time. I haven't cheated, but I have eaten a river of popicles and an ocean of Jello. If I never see Jello again..it would make me the happiest woman on the planet.
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    MamaMelly reacted to paulsgirl1297 in 1St Day Of Liquid Diet   
    I remember my 5th day of the liquid diet, I forgot I could have cucumber and celery, oh when my mother brought me celery from the grocery store I attacked that stuff like it was a t- bone ........I just needed something to chew !!!!!
  25. Like
    MamaMelly reacted to Mom_24 in August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?   
    So, I had a "funny mole" removed last week and sent for biopsy. My imagination has taken me to all sorts for places this last week (worrying about chemo, radiation, dying from cancer and leaving my kids, etc.) I got the call yesterday that it is benign. I can't tell you how grateful I am for that. Now I can move on and focus on my upcoming surgery.

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