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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from CA712 in I regret..!   
    It will get better. You just went through major surgery and your stomach just had a major trauma happen to it.
    No need to be a hero. Right now is very important to listen to your body. Take pain meds as prescribed. Don't wait for pain to start. Stay ahead of it. If your body says to sleep, then sleep. When you are awake take small sips of room temp Water and try to walk every 30 minutes. Even if its a lap around the room. Focus on small victories. Right now it might be too overwhelming to think about the big picture. Focus on sipping, walking, and Protein.
    Remember it will get better. Every day you will notice improvements. No matter how small, those improvements are part of you getting to a healthier life.
  2. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from CA712 in I regret..!   
    It will get better. You just went through major surgery and your stomach just had a major trauma happen to it.
    No need to be a hero. Right now is very important to listen to your body. Take pain meds as prescribed. Don't wait for pain to start. Stay ahead of it. If your body says to sleep, then sleep. When you are awake take small sips of room temp Water and try to walk every 30 minutes. Even if its a lap around the room. Focus on small victories. Right now it might be too overwhelming to think about the big picture. Focus on sipping, walking, and Protein.
    Remember it will get better. Every day you will notice improvements. No matter how small, those improvements are part of you getting to a healthier life.
  3. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from CA712 in I regret..!   
    It will get better. You just went through major surgery and your stomach just had a major trauma happen to it.
    No need to be a hero. Right now is very important to listen to your body. Take pain meds as prescribed. Don't wait for pain to start. Stay ahead of it. If your body says to sleep, then sleep. When you are awake take small sips of room temp Water and try to walk every 30 minutes. Even if its a lap around the room. Focus on small victories. Right now it might be too overwhelming to think about the big picture. Focus on sipping, walking, and Protein.
    Remember it will get better. Every day you will notice improvements. No matter how small, those improvements are part of you getting to a healthier life.
  4. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from CA712 in I regret..!   
    It will get better. You just went through major surgery and your stomach just had a major trauma happen to it.
    No need to be a hero. Right now is very important to listen to your body. Take pain meds as prescribed. Don't wait for pain to start. Stay ahead of it. If your body says to sleep, then sleep. When you are awake take small sips of room temp Water and try to walk every 30 minutes. Even if its a lap around the room. Focus on small victories. Right now it might be too overwhelming to think about the big picture. Focus on sipping, walking, and Protein.
    Remember it will get better. Every day you will notice improvements. No matter how small, those improvements are part of you getting to a healthier life.
  5. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from CA712 in I regret..!   
    It will get better. You just went through major surgery and your stomach just had a major trauma happen to it.
    No need to be a hero. Right now is very important to listen to your body. Take pain meds as prescribed. Don't wait for pain to start. Stay ahead of it. If your body says to sleep, then sleep. When you are awake take small sips of room temp Water and try to walk every 30 minutes. Even if its a lap around the room. Focus on small victories. Right now it might be too overwhelming to think about the big picture. Focus on sipping, walking, and Protein.
    Remember it will get better. Every day you will notice improvements. No matter how small, those improvements are part of you getting to a healthier life.
  6. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from CA712 in I regret..!   
    It will get better. You just went through major surgery and your stomach just had a major trauma happen to it.
    No need to be a hero. Right now is very important to listen to your body. Take pain meds as prescribed. Don't wait for pain to start. Stay ahead of it. If your body says to sleep, then sleep. When you are awake take small sips of room temp Water and try to walk every 30 minutes. Even if its a lap around the room. Focus on small victories. Right now it might be too overwhelming to think about the big picture. Focus on sipping, walking, and Protein.
    Remember it will get better. Every day you will notice improvements. No matter how small, those improvements are part of you getting to a healthier life.
  7. Like
    Heyher reacted to clk in Breaking down... Not a pound lost   
    Put that scale away or you'll make yourself crazy.
    I gained 11 pounds post op and didn't lose any weight my first month until about three weeks out.
  8. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from mactrio in My 1 week post op Dr appt   
    Yay!!! That is great for a one week loss!!!! Congrats!!!
    Cottage cheese for me Wednesday!
  9. Like
    Heyher reacted to Dobeigh in Tired of just drinking water any other solutions   
    Someone on here told me to mix my Water with a little juice. So I did and it was AWESOME! Tastes like juice, not water. I did 1/3 cherry juice to 2/3 water. Very yummy! You could also try white grape juice! Good luck!
  10. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from outrigger42 in Pity party for one   
    Time to vent and whine. I'm 4 days post op and doing great. But I'm sick of sleeping on my back in a recliner. It's making my hips hurt. My back hurts. This drain is really annoying me. And I am counting down the hours until I can have cottage cheese.
    Also getting sick of reading through threads thinking there will be useful information. Only to get to page three and see it dissolve into flirting, sex talk, innuendos of orgies, pointless dribble that they can accomplish through PM rather then hijacking every thread. I get we are all adults. But this is VST. Not sexual function talk... No it isn't my swan song. I'm going to try to help people and look for help here. But just wish the overtly sexual conversations would be in PM and pointless random chatter kept to a minimum. Having fun and keeping it light is all fine and good. But it's really getting old and annoying. Exchange numbers or email or PM. But please stop hijacking all these threads.
    Now I'm achy, hungry, on dilaudid, and sleepy. Tomorrow is another day and maybe there will be a new thread with substance.
  11. Like
    Heyher reacted to madeupmind in FEBRUARY SLEEVERS 2013....how you doing after you've been Sleeved   
    Out of surgery. Doing pretty good. Walked the hall twice, drank teeny bit and no gas pain yet (knock on wood), Very tired but pain meds are my friend right now
  12. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from TES in OMG-1.5 week post off and had a piece of chocolate   
    You slipped. But don't do it again. Because nothing happened this time doesn't mean something won't happen next time. This early out we need to be compliant. These rules are in place for a reason. Also giving into cravings and temptation now, may make it harder to lose and maintain six months+ down the road....
  13. Like
    Heyher reacted to maharet111 in Dear Scale   
    This is a tough thing to admit to you dear scale but I am leaving you. It is me not you as cliche as that sounds. But I can no longer be in an unhealthy relationship with you since you refuse to lower your numbers. I do everything I can to be right and you just refuse to do your part. I hope in the future we can be friends.
    P.S. I am having a wonderful affair with your best friend Tape Measure..he is cooperating!
    P.P.S Stalls suck..thought I would make a little fun of it 10 days and counting..the infamous new sleeve stall!
  14. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Dobeigh in WOW! 14 pounds down!   
    Had my surgery Tuesday also!! Down 16 lbs and get my drain out Wednesday. Soooo ready for it to be gone. It is driving me nuts!!!
    Hope you can get liquids up! Try adding diluted white grape juice. 3 parts Water to on part juice. Also have you tried drinking liquids that aren't ice cold? Sometimes too cold makes my tummy cramp and I can't sip as often...
  15. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from outrigger42 in Pity party for one   
    Time to vent and whine. I'm 4 days post op and doing great. But I'm sick of sleeping on my back in a recliner. It's making my hips hurt. My back hurts. This drain is really annoying me. And I am counting down the hours until I can have cottage cheese.
    Also getting sick of reading through threads thinking there will be useful information. Only to get to page three and see it dissolve into flirting, sex talk, innuendos of orgies, pointless dribble that they can accomplish through PM rather then hijacking every thread. I get we are all adults. But this is VST. Not sexual function talk... No it isn't my swan song. I'm going to try to help people and look for help here. But just wish the overtly sexual conversations would be in PM and pointless random chatter kept to a minimum. Having fun and keeping it light is all fine and good. But it's really getting old and annoying. Exchange numbers or email or PM. But please stop hijacking all these threads.
    Now I'm achy, hungry, on dilaudid, and sleepy. Tomorrow is another day and maybe there will be a new thread with substance.
  16. Like
    Heyher reacted to Geminidrive in Pity party for one   
    Awe, hopefully it will get better. Unfortunately this thread will probably get jacked too.
  17. Like
    Heyher reacted to Butterthebean in Still fat!   
    That's a huge difference. You are transforming and you will continue to do so. Keep it up.
    Plus you've lost 96 pounds. Go find something that weighs that much and pick it up and carry it around for a while...that will drive home your accomplishment.
  18. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from TES in How did they close you?   
    Wing and a prayer. :-)
    Glue and internal stitches.
  19. Like
    Heyher reacted to Sarah78_RN in Pity party for one   
    I understand how you feel but hang in there. It does get better. I too slept in my recliner the first 4 days and was so happy to be able to crawl into my bed. I am 19 days out and can tell you it does get better! And just think of the results
  20. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from babyleaf in Day 5....nsv......i can offically drink water!   
    I kept telling my family "I never thought I would be so excited for Water or that it would taste so good!!"
    Yay H2o!!!!!!
  21. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from outrigger42 in Pity party for one   
    Time to vent and whine. I'm 4 days post op and doing great. But I'm sick of sleeping on my back in a recliner. It's making my hips hurt. My back hurts. This drain is really annoying me. And I am counting down the hours until I can have cottage cheese.
    Also getting sick of reading through threads thinking there will be useful information. Only to get to page three and see it dissolve into flirting, sex talk, innuendos of orgies, pointless dribble that they can accomplish through PM rather then hijacking every thread. I get we are all adults. But this is VST. Not sexual function talk... No it isn't my swan song. I'm going to try to help people and look for help here. But just wish the overtly sexual conversations would be in PM and pointless random chatter kept to a minimum. Having fun and keeping it light is all fine and good. But it's really getting old and annoying. Exchange numbers or email or PM. But please stop hijacking all these threads.
    Now I'm achy, hungry, on dilaudid, and sleepy. Tomorrow is another day and maybe there will be a new thread with substance.
  22. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from outrigger42 in Pity party for one   
    Time to vent and whine. I'm 4 days post op and doing great. But I'm sick of sleeping on my back in a recliner. It's making my hips hurt. My back hurts. This drain is really annoying me. And I am counting down the hours until I can have cottage cheese.
    Also getting sick of reading through threads thinking there will be useful information. Only to get to page three and see it dissolve into flirting, sex talk, innuendos of orgies, pointless dribble that they can accomplish through PM rather then hijacking every thread. I get we are all adults. But this is VST. Not sexual function talk... No it isn't my swan song. I'm going to try to help people and look for help here. But just wish the overtly sexual conversations would be in PM and pointless random chatter kept to a minimum. Having fun and keeping it light is all fine and good. But it's really getting old and annoying. Exchange numbers or email or PM. But please stop hijacking all these threads.
    Now I'm achy, hungry, on dilaudid, and sleepy. Tomorrow is another day and maybe there will be a new thread with substance.
  23. Like
    Heyher reacted to clk in Vet's Forum   
    I think some crossover is to be expected, BUT a majority of the conflict, disagreements and sarcasm here are from people that I wouldn't consider vets at all.
    To me, a vet is someone who is experienced here on VST. They're active, they're posting, they may or may not be at goal but they've been sleeved longer than a few months. I dearly love the posts of several posters that have less than one year post op, so I hesitate to say that a time constraint is the boundary. And frankly, I'm not down with the mods having to police and keep people out, either. I'd rather people just steer clear on their own, knowing when something isn't directed at them personally.
    The idea behind the vet board was to give us a place to vent and discuss those things that just don't apply when you're newly sleeved or even new to VST. It was to give us a "safe place" to discuss and get ideas on issues we face as people that don't need to be here but choose to come back to help other people.
    Our perspective and how we answer questions is different than someone still experiencing the glow of a fresh surgery and feeling eager to help everyone around. It IS different for us and it's actually really annoying and frustrating to see people come here, stir the pot, insult the vets and then distract with silly babble for the next ten pages of a thread.
    Almost every other board is a free zone for new people to post and they do it to their heart's desire. As vets we can (and frequently do) choose to only answer the posts we want to answer or help on, and we leave other newbies to answer the ones that are repetitive or for some reason annoying or uninteresting to us.
    I've been here a while and will likely be here long after some of these critical newbies are long gone because they've burnt out. I've seen really fantastic vets chased off the forums by burnout and constant criticism of their posts from people that simply don't get it.
    Plain and simple, if you're not a vet, try to understand that you just don't understand and keep that in mind when you jump in here and slam everyone.
  24. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from jacee in help please   
    My tummy has been super chatty since surgery. First two days I couldn't have anything cold. Had to be room temp or I would get grumbles and pain. I'm only 4 days out, but every day it gets better. I still have a little gas pain in my shoulder. Walking and deep breathing seemed to help the most.
  25. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from jlbstep in FEBRUARY SLEEVERS 2013....how you doing after you've been Sleeved   
    Well here I am. Sleeved. No major pain. Really just discomfort. Gunna try to walk soon. But all in all much better then I thought.
    Yay sleevers!!!!

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