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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Heyher reacted to Izuri in 6 Months Out -120 pounds Pictures   
    I have been swamped with school this semester, so I haven't been on the forums yet, but I just wanted to share a new picture now that I'm finally down over 100 pounds. I have about 35 left to lose, and I'm hoping in the next couple months I'll be able to amp up my working out so I can get those pounds off. I have never felt better =)
    The first picture is presurgery, then two of me down 76.2, then one of me down about 117. I'm currently at 205, down from 325 to start.
    Sorry for all the mess in the background of the most recent - My boyfriend had a bunch of laundry that we finally got through last weekend!
    Hope everyone has been doing well!

  2. Like
    Heyher reacted to BigFatLoser in 4 days post op -- REGRETTING THIS SURERY   
    Totally normal. TOTALLY normal. You hear me? You're right where you should be.
  3. Like
    Heyher reacted to puppyphat in Bananas?   
    At 2 weeks post op, you'll not be eating anywhere near the amount needed to maintain, bananas are high in potassium which helps with fatigue and muscle repair. I ALWAYS have a banana post workout and I'm not a slow loser. The benefits way out weigh the carbs.
  4. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from nanaspez in Yonanas?   
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    Heyher got a reaction from journeygrl in Sippy cup? Yes/no?   
    I was thinking of heating up four or five black Beans to add to my fish.
    Getting gourmet up in here!!
  6. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from NurseAndi in Sippy cup? Yes/no?   
    My doc said no straws because there is a risk of drinking too much at one time. Nothing about air or stretching the sleeve. Because you can swallow air even without a straw.
    Well I tried without a straw and was taking gulps of Water. I talked to them and they are fine with me drinking from a straw as long as I watch how big of a drink I take.
    Every surgeon and every sleever are different. What works for one might not work for another. I think if its helping get in fluids, not gulping, not hurting, and the person uses it, then why not?
    And a cute pink sippy cup is really not the worst thing someone can do post op. :-)
  7. Like
    Heyher reacted to Tawnie in Sippy cup? Yes/no?   
    Mine was hello kitty! Used it for first 6 weeks to train me in NO gulps!
  8. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from BigFatLoser in March 14th Sleever check-in!   
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    Heyher got a reaction from journeygrl in Sippy cup? Yes/no?   
    I was thinking of heating up four or five black Beans to add to my fish.
    Getting gourmet up in here!!
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    Heyher reacted to BigFatLoser in Sippy cup? Yes/no?   
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    Heyher got a reaction from giggles232000 in Two weeks post op and starting to feel very different   
    Congrats!!! Sounds like you have a great attitude and a very grounded approach to life post op.
    Brest of luck and congrats on your loss so far!!
  12. Like
    Heyher reacted to FishingNurse in Truth about carbonation   
    I am a firm believer (along with my surgeon) that carbonated beverages do not stretch sleeves. They have not stretched mine. I I am almost 20 months post-op and I drink 2-3 sparkling waters everyday. I don't drink it with food, just between meals. I still have great restriction and have maintained my goal weight with in 5 pounds.
    Most carbonated beverages (soda and diet soda) however are not "healthy" that's why I think many surgeons tell patients to not drink them. Its the sugar and the fake sugar that is bad- not the carbonation. If I drank 3 sodas a day I would obviously not be able to maintain a 90 pound weight loss for over a year now.
    If someone chooses to avoid carbonated beverages that is their choice. Personally I can't say I will NEVER drink this or eat that... It's just not my style especially when I have no reason not to!
  13. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Banned member in How about protein powder in diet sprite?   
    Isopure like another poster said. They have a lot of flavors that might work. There are also unflavored Proteins you could add. But in not sure how well it would mix. Also there are a lot of Protein Shots that might taste good.
  14. Like
    Heyher reacted to VSGKirk in How To explain away my scars?   
    Shanked in prison... Shuts them up every time!
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    Heyher reacted to Butterthebean in Buyer Regret   
    Lots of people feel this way. You're not eating anything. Your body does not care for this. You're likely going through carb withdrawals as well. It's alot like the induction phase of Atkins. As far as weight loss....you need to forget about that for a while. It's not likely your body has burned any significant fat at this point. Give it time. It will.
  16. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from FAWife in Fibromyalgia and VSG   
    I have fibro and no NSAIDS this soon out. Try tylonal to take the edge off. If the pain is high, and you have pain killers from after surgery still, those can help. Cold temps/weather fronts can cause some pain. I live in CO where barometric pressure changes all the time. Cold fronts don't help at all. As weight comes off and pressure is relieved from the joints, that might help as well.
  17. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from FAWife in Fibromyalgia and VSG   
    I have fibro and no NSAIDS this soon out. Try tylonal to take the edge off. If the pain is high, and you have pain killers from after surgery still, those can help. Cold temps/weather fronts can cause some pain. I live in CO where barometric pressure changes all the time. Cold fronts don't help at all. As weight comes off and pressure is relieved from the joints, that might help as well.
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    Heyher got a reaction from NisaletOAM in My 4 Month update with Picture.   
    AMAZING!!! You look fantastic! Congrats on your loss!!
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    Heyher got a reaction from diedie in Boobs?   
    Always been busty. Had a reduction at 17 to go from 36g to 36c. Gained weight and got to 40ddd. But when I lost weight I never got smaller then 36 full c to 36 small d. DH is a boob man. So I hope they don't end up looking like eggs on a nail....
  20. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from T'snewstart in One week   
    At one week I was down 20lbs. I can see a difference in my face and arms.
    Hope the pic upload worked from my phone.

  21. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from T'snewstart in One week   
    At one week I was down 20lbs. I can see a difference in my face and arms.
    Hope the pic upload worked from my phone.

  22. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from katieboo in What are some things that you wish you would have known before you got sleeved?   
    Heating pad for gas pain. Chapstick. Small pillow to place over tummy for when you cough.
    And my tummy is talkative as well. Has an opinion about everything. :-)
  23. Like
    Heyher reacted to Alex Brecher in Im not loosing any weight after VSG surgery   
    PLEASE stop calling posters trolls. If you have an issue with any post, please REPORT it. I don't care how implausible or unbelievable the post is. Can you imagine being a failure for a long time and finally have the courage to come out about it, only to be called a troll ? This isn't how we welcome people on VST. Thanks in advance for your understanding.
  24. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from diannepj1960 in New member   
    Are you drinking cold Water? I found the first few days it had to be cool to room temp or I would have horrible cramps/spasms.
  25. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Lesley88 in I regret..!   
    It will get better. You just went through major surgery and your stomach just had a major trauma happen to it.
    No need to be a hero. Right now is very important to listen to your body. Take pain meds as prescribed. Don't wait for pain to start. Stay ahead of it. If your body says to sleep, then sleep. When you are awake take small sips of room temp Water and try to walk every 30 minutes. Even if its a lap around the room. Focus on small victories. Right now it might be too overwhelming to think about the big picture. Focus on sipping, walking, and Protein.
    Remember it will get better. Every day you will notice improvements. No matter how small, those improvements are part of you getting to a healthier life.

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