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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from DrmBig4Evr in NSV   
    Had to buy new pants. Bought two pairs of jeans in size 14 from the Gap. Felt good buying those. :-)
  2. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from DrmBig4Evr in NSV   
    Had to buy new pants. Bought two pairs of jeans in size 14 from the Gap. Felt good buying those. :-)
  3. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from DrmBig4Evr in NSV   
    Had to buy new pants. Bought two pairs of jeans in size 14 from the Gap. Felt good buying those. :-)
  4. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from elpaso73 in One month   
    So here are my official one month pics.
    First three are pre op. second three are one month post op.

  5. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from elpaso73 in One month   
    So here are my official one month pics.
    First three are pre op. second three are one month post op.

  6. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from tomato pie in Please be my friend!   
    hthode if you would like to add me.
  7. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from spiritstalker in One month   
    Thank you!! Just follow docs plans for post op diet. It does suck at first, but it is totally worth it!!
  8. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Karishero in One month   
    I accepted it. You should be able to see my food logs on there now.
  9. Like
    Heyher reacted to No game in I WANT A DIET COKE SO BAD...HOW CAN I FLAT IT OUT   
    Hi dat,
    Looks like that head hunger is getting the best of you again! Well you know what I'm going to say! as far as soda flat or not you are very new out from surgery and I would talk to your surgeon first about that one...
    I found diet coke one of the hardest things to quit. I stopped drinking it about a year before surgery because I was cutting out all sweeteners.
    As a personal observation though, since 2 months after surgery I've started using sweeteners again (in my morning coffee) I'm experiencing more "cravings" now.. So I'm going to stop sweetening my coffee ( i used to drink it black before surgery ) and see if it makes a difference.
    Good luck to you and remember the first few weeks for some of us are like kicking a drug habit
    And not easy.
  10. Like
    Heyher reacted to PdxMan in IF YOU HAVE NOTHING NICE TO SAY...THEN DON'T SAY IT.   
    Uh ... I don't know about being all up in your threads (I assume that is what you're talking about). I look at the recent threads on the right side of the webpage.
    I have many small intervals in my work day, so I come on here and see if I am able to share my experience, strength and hope. There are many folks on here who truly struggle with this journey who are not looking to validate poor behaviors, but rather looking to make a change in their lives.
    That was my case when I was new. I wasn't looking for the loopholes, but to make a change. The folks here helped me tremendously. Sometimes it was through tough-love, which is what I needed.
    I hope you find what you are needing here. Just know, it may not be necessarily what you want.
    There is a difference.
  11. Like
    Heyher reacted to whitneymalae in Tried on my pre-surgery pants!   
    I've been afraid to try for fear of them just fitting loose but was pleasantly surprised! 5 months, 82 lbs total!

  12. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Karishero in One month   
  13. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from JerseyGirl68 in One month   
    I'm one month out today.
    SW 245
    CW 218
    GW 150ish
    Down 27lbs in one month. I'll take it!! :-)
  14. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from JerseyGirl68 in One month   
    I'm one month out today.
    SW 245
    CW 218
    GW 150ish
    Down 27lbs in one month. I'll take it!! :-)
  15. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from JerseyGirl68 in One month   
    I'm one month out today.
    SW 245
    CW 218
    GW 150ish
    Down 27lbs in one month. I'll take it!! :-)
  16. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from JerseyGirl68 in One month   
    I'm one month out today.
    SW 245
    CW 218
    GW 150ish
    Down 27lbs in one month. I'll take it!! :-)
  17. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from AmandaRaeLeo in ... Holy Shart!   
    Never trust a fart....
  18. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from AmandaRaeLeo in ... Holy Shart!   
    Never trust a fart....
  19. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from AmandaRaeLeo in ... Holy Shart!   
    Never trust a fart....
  20. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from lacifer90 in What did or are you going to do to celebrate this live changing event?   
    November will be my 10 year anniversary of my diagnosis of MS. So to Celebrate 10 years of MS and my surgery I am getting a phoenix on my leg with the quote "Perfectly Flawed"
    That will be added to my collection of 10 others and a sleeve. Going to sleeve out my lower leg with the phoenix. Rising from the ashes.
  21. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Yoli3925 in Oy!   
    You can't stretch your sleeve. Especially two weeks out on liquids. If you do manage to get that much in, I would worry more about busting the staple line.
    Soda doesn't stretch the sleeve. Docs advise against due to empty calories. To each their own on that regard.
    Every doc has their own post op diet plan. So what one members doc recommends, might not be in your docs plan. Always follow your docs plan. Well unless they advise eating 2oz galvanized nails each day. Then I may question...
    Most people, not all but most, will have a stall at three weeks. No odds are you aren't done losing.
    Some people can do about any food in moderation and lose/maintain just fine. Some people know there are certain trigger foods. So they choose to not indulge and do just fine as well.
    Okay I think I'm better.
  22. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Yoli3925 in Oy!   
    You can't stretch your sleeve. Especially two weeks out on liquids. If you do manage to get that much in, I would worry more about busting the staple line.
    Soda doesn't stretch the sleeve. Docs advise against due to empty calories. To each their own on that regard.
    Every doc has their own post op diet plan. So what one members doc recommends, might not be in your docs plan. Always follow your docs plan. Well unless they advise eating 2oz galvanized nails each day. Then I may question...
    Most people, not all but most, will have a stall at three weeks. No odds are you aren't done losing.
    Some people can do about any food in moderation and lose/maintain just fine. Some people know there are certain trigger foods. So they choose to not indulge and do just fine as well.
    Okay I think I'm better.
  23. Like
    Heyher reacted to selbradey in Nsv?   
    Well, today my kids came back from their visitation with their dad. Heres some background info, i was 21 and stupid (sounds like a taylor swift song) and fell in love with my self centered narcissistic ex husband. He verbally and physically abused me about my weight (i was 145 lbs during my marriage, my weight at surgery was 212, gained from depression after divorce, plus binge eating disorder) Anyway, today he gets outta his car, looks me up and down and says, wow you look amazing. i said, hey arent you married. He said yeah so what, i can have you if i want you.
    Lesson number 1: tigers never change their stripes.
    Lesson number 2: I am still 13 lbs above the weight i was when i was married, so he never appreciated me for who i was.
    My response: "Well you cant have me, I am not a homewrecker like your wife is"
  24. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from jenniesue in Rough road but finally glad I had the surgery... 50lbs lost!   
    Congrats!! Good to hear you are feeling better and now loving the sleeve life. I'm 3.5 weeks out and have moments of "this is the best ever!" And moments of "why the crap did I do this?"
    Congrats again on your loss!
  25. Like
    Heyher reacted to Pookeyism in Negative Boyfriend   
    I don't usually make comments like the one I am getting ready to make, based on someone's interpretation of things said or done. BUT if that is the picture you sent him, and that is exactly what he said - and if he is still going on and on about the surgery after you had it. Well, let me pull out my soapbox...
    You are better off than you have ever been from the sound of it (physically). You still have a tremendous road ahead, and you need to be at your best, whenever possible. This is the person, that at 2 years into a relationship I assume it is at least somewhat serious.
    Love is a strong emotion, and I would never want to get rid of someone because they were having a hard time dealing with something (yes, even if it were my own weight loss), BUT BUT BUT what you relayed here warrants some real consideration as to whether this person is worth your time.
    This might be a good time to read up on passive-aggressiveness and those that are routinely (be it aware or not) so. These people are the sleever's nemesises (spelling, lol) and should be avoided - but also learn to recognize it and deal with it.
    PS - even if you keep the boyfriend, find someone else to send thise pics to - someone who can appreciate just how awesome that is, and how very pretty you look.

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