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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Heyher reacted to VSGKirk in I cheated and I LIKED IT!   
    ...besides, no one wants to go to a wedding where the cake is crappy! It was your duty, darn it!
  2. Like
    Heyher reacted to Momonanomo in I cheated and I LIKED IT!   
    I whole heartedly agree what what the others posted!
    And I challenge the use of the word "cheated"...you planned for this, you strategized your Portion Control, and you had a healthy dinner after instead of continuing to eat not-good-for-you stuff. I'd say that's stellar behavior, not cheating!
    Great job! Congrats on your upcoming wedding and on your continued success!
  3. Like
    Heyher reacted to SpaceDust in I cheated and I LIKED IT!   
    You've done exactly what I am trying to do, and color me impressed!
    Enjoy that small indulgence, and own it for what it is - a tiny blip on the nutrition radar, and a huge victory in control!
  4. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from lilbearzmom in I cheated and I LIKED IT!   
    Okay so I am almost six weeks post op. Today my mom, fiancé, and I went to a cake tasting for our wedding. I went in knowing I would have to closely monitor myself or I would be in BIG trouble. (Didn't want to vomit at the bakery) I had a nibble about the size of an M&M from five cakes. I don't have too much of a sweet tooth, but no way was I missing out on Godiva white chocolate cake, strawberries & champaign cake, berries on a cloud cake, or caramel cream brûlée cake. Those five nibbles gave me a massive sugar rush for about 20 min.
    Then I had chicken and black Beans for dinner.
    Am I sorry I cheated with my five nibbles of heaven? Nope. Am I craving more cake? No way. For me it has always been about Portion Control. Even though I felt no restriction from cake (shocking) I knew a few nibbles would be my new limit.
    This was my first cheat. First non Protein rich food. Loved it, but not near enough to make a habit.
  5. Like
    Heyher reacted to gmanbat in I cheated and I LIKED IT!   
    Way to stare it down! Engaged brain, compulsion conquered!
  6. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from lilbearzmom in I cheated and I LIKED IT!   
    Okay so I am almost six weeks post op. Today my mom, fiancé, and I went to a cake tasting for our wedding. I went in knowing I would have to closely monitor myself or I would be in BIG trouble. (Didn't want to vomit at the bakery) I had a nibble about the size of an M&M from five cakes. I don't have too much of a sweet tooth, but no way was I missing out on Godiva white chocolate cake, strawberries & champaign cake, berries on a cloud cake, or caramel cream brûlée cake. Those five nibbles gave me a massive sugar rush for about 20 min.
    Then I had chicken and black Beans for dinner.
    Am I sorry I cheated with my five nibbles of heaven? Nope. Am I craving more cake? No way. For me it has always been about Portion Control. Even though I felt no restriction from cake (shocking) I knew a few nibbles would be my new limit.
    This was my first cheat. First non Protein rich food. Loved it, but not near enough to make a habit.
  7. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from lilbearzmom in I cheated and I LIKED IT!   
    Okay so I am almost six weeks post op. Today my mom, fiancé, and I went to a cake tasting for our wedding. I went in knowing I would have to closely monitor myself or I would be in BIG trouble. (Didn't want to vomit at the bakery) I had a nibble about the size of an M&M from five cakes. I don't have too much of a sweet tooth, but no way was I missing out on Godiva white chocolate cake, strawberries & champaign cake, berries on a cloud cake, or caramel cream brûlée cake. Those five nibbles gave me a massive sugar rush for about 20 min.
    Then I had chicken and black Beans for dinner.
    Am I sorry I cheated with my five nibbles of heaven? Nope. Am I craving more cake? No way. For me it has always been about Portion Control. Even though I felt no restriction from cake (shocking) I knew a few nibbles would be my new limit.
    This was my first cheat. First non Protein rich food. Loved it, but not near enough to make a habit.
  8. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from lilbearzmom in I cheated and I LIKED IT!   
    Okay so I am almost six weeks post op. Today my mom, fiancé, and I went to a cake tasting for our wedding. I went in knowing I would have to closely monitor myself or I would be in BIG trouble. (Didn't want to vomit at the bakery) I had a nibble about the size of an M&M from five cakes. I don't have too much of a sweet tooth, but no way was I missing out on Godiva white chocolate cake, strawberries & champaign cake, berries on a cloud cake, or caramel cream brûlée cake. Those five nibbles gave me a massive sugar rush for about 20 min.
    Then I had chicken and black Beans for dinner.
    Am I sorry I cheated with my five nibbles of heaven? Nope. Am I craving more cake? No way. For me it has always been about Portion Control. Even though I felt no restriction from cake (shocking) I knew a few nibbles would be my new limit.
    This was my first cheat. First non Protein rich food. Loved it, but not near enough to make a habit.
  9. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from lilbearzmom in I cheated and I LIKED IT!   
    Okay so I am almost six weeks post op. Today my mom, fiancé, and I went to a cake tasting for our wedding. I went in knowing I would have to closely monitor myself or I would be in BIG trouble. (Didn't want to vomit at the bakery) I had a nibble about the size of an M&M from five cakes. I don't have too much of a sweet tooth, but no way was I missing out on Godiva white chocolate cake, strawberries & champaign cake, berries on a cloud cake, or caramel cream brûlée cake. Those five nibbles gave me a massive sugar rush for about 20 min.
    Then I had chicken and black Beans for dinner.
    Am I sorry I cheated with my five nibbles of heaven? Nope. Am I craving more cake? No way. For me it has always been about Portion Control. Even though I felt no restriction from cake (shocking) I knew a few nibbles would be my new limit.
    This was my first cheat. First non Protein rich food. Loved it, but not near enough to make a habit.
  10. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from lilbearzmom in I cheated and I LIKED IT!   
    Okay so I am almost six weeks post op. Today my mom, fiancé, and I went to a cake tasting for our wedding. I went in knowing I would have to closely monitor myself or I would be in BIG trouble. (Didn't want to vomit at the bakery) I had a nibble about the size of an M&M from five cakes. I don't have too much of a sweet tooth, but no way was I missing out on Godiva white chocolate cake, strawberries & champaign cake, berries on a cloud cake, or caramel cream brûlée cake. Those five nibbles gave me a massive sugar rush for about 20 min.
    Then I had chicken and black Beans for dinner.
    Am I sorry I cheated with my five nibbles of heaven? Nope. Am I craving more cake? No way. For me it has always been about Portion Control. Even though I felt no restriction from cake (shocking) I knew a few nibbles would be my new limit.
    This was my first cheat. First non Protein rich food. Loved it, but not near enough to make a habit.
  11. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from lilbearzmom in I cheated and I LIKED IT!   
    Okay so I am almost six weeks post op. Today my mom, fiancé, and I went to a cake tasting for our wedding. I went in knowing I would have to closely monitor myself or I would be in BIG trouble. (Didn't want to vomit at the bakery) I had a nibble about the size of an M&M from five cakes. I don't have too much of a sweet tooth, but no way was I missing out on Godiva white chocolate cake, strawberries & champaign cake, berries on a cloud cake, or caramel cream brûlée cake. Those five nibbles gave me a massive sugar rush for about 20 min.
    Then I had chicken and black Beans for dinner.
    Am I sorry I cheated with my five nibbles of heaven? Nope. Am I craving more cake? No way. For me it has always been about Portion Control. Even though I felt no restriction from cake (shocking) I knew a few nibbles would be my new limit.
    This was my first cheat. First non Protein rich food. Loved it, but not near enough to make a habit.
  12. Like
    Heyher reacted to gmanbat in Proud of my wife!   


    My Debbie, RNY, Nov. 2011. Went from Size 22 to size 4. Went from 235 to 125.
    Look at that face...beaming with pride...posin' n' stylin'...diggin' that camera!
    My friends this is such a difference for her. No more feeling bad about herself. She's got energy coming out her ears.
    This is the gal I married in 1973. Her old sassy snap is back and I'm loving it!
  13. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Barisaxylady in 100 Pounds   
    Congrats!!!!! I started with 100 to lose. I'm down 30 in the first month. Hope I can have the same loss as you! Big inspiration!!
    Congrats again and keep rocking that sleeve!!
  14. Like
    Heyher reacted to jennifer4444 in Best nsv so far!   
    I was at a birthday party this weekend for my nephew. It was at one of those inflatable house places. I've been there tons of times with the kids.
    This time I'm 5 months out and 73 lbs gone.
    There's a huge slide my 5 year olds love to do. They were climbing up the inflatable stairs to get to the top and I decided to surprise them by following. They turned around and the look of pure joy and ear to ear grins on their faces was priceless. One of them said "oh wow my moms coming up with us!!" I'm not an emotional person at all, but it really hit me that this tool has given my kids a mother that can really interact with them more than before.
    So glad I did this. 30 lbs to get to my personal goal, but already such a huge difference in the quality of my life!
    Thanks for letting me get that out. Not a lot of people outside this group would understand!
  15. Like
    Heyher reacted to Ms.AntiBand in Where the heck is my restriction   
    I'm going to play the devils advocate here and just say.. Maybe it's time you both could benefit from therapy? I mean a lot of us can ... and do. You don't seem to have your mind set on anything, but eating and getting full. This is going to have to change in order to progress on any wls journey. We're all food addicts and that is one of the steps we have to work on and change. Without the willingness to change your old ways.. Nothing is going to work whether you have sleeve or not. Your main focus CANNOT be food.
  16. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Ms skinniness in Lunch   
    Lemon ginger chicken with teriyaki sauce and black beans... Pretty good. About 200 calories and 23g Protein.

  17. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from LindaS in NSV   
    Thank you!!! My other NSV was walking past lane Bryant and knowing the clothes in there are too big. I had a pair of 14w from there and it gave me massive soggy bottom. 14 pants and xl tops. I almost squealed in the dressing room.
  18. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from ProudGrammy in proudgrammy is proud!   
    Wow!! You look so good!! Big BIG congrats!!!
  19. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from SpaceDust in NSV   
    Had to buy new pants. Bought two pairs of jeans in size 14 from the Gap. Felt good buying those. :-)
  20. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from deedeemuffin in Down 76...Only 166 MORE to go! Pics   
    Deedee!! You look amazing!! Happy you checked back in to share your success!!
    Keep rocking that sleeve girl!! You got this!
    :-) :-) :-)
  21. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from LindaS in NSV   
    Thank you!!! My other NSV was walking past lane Bryant and knowing the clothes in there are too big. I had a pair of 14w from there and it gave me massive soggy bottom. 14 pants and xl tops. I almost squealed in the dressing room.
  22. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from SpaceDust in NSV   
    Had to buy new pants. Bought two pairs of jeans in size 14 from the Gap. Felt good buying those. :-)
  23. Like
    Heyher reacted to *Dean* in Sueing!   
    I suspect I've had some kind of reverse RNY done. Where they've connected by intestine to my oesophagus in reverse...... might explain why I talk so much ****.
  24. Like
    Heyher reacted to Lissa in NSV   
    Yee Haw!!! Read my signature, I'm an NSV 'Ho!!! LOVE THEM!!! You go girl!!!
  25. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from SpaceDust in NSV   
    Had to buy new pants. Bought two pairs of jeans in size 14 from the Gap. Felt good buying those. :-)

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