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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Takingcontrol in Latest NSV almost cried   
    I went to buy new bras and some new work tops today. When I got home my fiancé was being a good sport and looking at my findings.
    He looked at me and said "your cloths are getting so tiny!"
    Made my week!!!!
  2. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Takingcontrol in Latest NSV almost cried   
    I went to buy new bras and some new work tops today. When I got home my fiancé was being a good sport and looking at my findings.
    He looked at me and said "your cloths are getting so tiny!"
    Made my week!!!!
  3. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Takingcontrol in Latest NSV almost cried   
    I went to buy new bras and some new work tops today. When I got home my fiancé was being a good sport and looking at my findings.
    He looked at me and said "your cloths are getting so tiny!"
    Made my week!!!!
  4. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Takingcontrol in Latest NSV almost cried   
    I went to buy new bras and some new work tops today. When I got home my fiancé was being a good sport and looking at my findings.
    He looked at me and said "your cloths are getting so tiny!"
    Made my week!!!!
  5. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Takingcontrol in Latest NSV almost cried   
    I went to buy new bras and some new work tops today. When I got home my fiancé was being a good sport and looking at my findings.
    He looked at me and said "your cloths are getting so tiny!"
    Made my week!!!!
  6. Like
    Heyher reacted to clk in Increased restriction? And 2mo loss   
    The super high Protein will last a long time (ideally!) and will help train you to eat differently (ideally!) so it's not a bad thing. It does get boring when your choices are limited and your restriction is very tight. Honestly - you're lucky to get 2-3 oz. of dense protein, is my opinion. It makes eating easier but not so easy you could just fly off the rails. I couldn't eat more than a single egg scrambled with cheese at one time for more than a year.
    And I definitely felt resentment about what I could eat and because I couldn't eat what I needed to eat, and I think that it's fairly normal to grieve our old food habits in the early months.
    I checked my old weight loss tracker and at two months post op, I'd shed 34 pounds. The only months I shed pounds in the double digits were months one to four post op.
    You're on the right track. And being thankful for that restriction is the right attitude, even though there are times that I still get frustrated by how little I can eat!
  7. Like
    Heyher reacted to Nicolanz in HERE IT GOES...   
    I wonder if your sleeve stretches from everyday swallowing. Or metabolic processes where the byproduct is gas. .....must sit still and hold my breath for minimal stretchage!
  8. Like
    Heyher reacted to Nicolanz in HERE IT GOES...   
    I only drink from a straw. Never quit. Oh lord, I wasn't prepared for this surgery!!!!!!!!
    Anyway, I've never had a problem.
  9. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from BuriedBombshell in Stoopid question time   
    So here is my dumb question
    If I ate something that did not sit well and ended up throwing it up, should I remove it from MFP?
    I mean what do I do if I don't puke it all up? Just record half? Sorry... Just trying to account for all my calories.
  10. Like
    Heyher reacted to SqueakyWheel&Ethyl in Stoopid question time   
    Bless your heart. It's tough enough to do what we do, but to hurl AND try to do the math on it, too? Don't put so much pressure on yourself. Your records aren't going to be scrutinized enough for that small portion to matter. No worries. Cut yourself a break.
  11. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from SqueakyWheel&Ethyl in Stoopid question time   
    Well I didn't know.
    Told you it was stoopid. But I really wasn't sure.
  12. Like
    Heyher reacted to joatsaint in Stoopid question time   
    Yah! Give us the details, how much did it weigh and what was the nutritional breakdown? Carbs? Protien? and Fat? I say take a Mulligan and don't worry about it.

  13. Like
    Heyher reacted to No game in IMAGINE IF...WOULD YOU?   
  14. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from royalsecret in Feeling down   
  15. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from royalsecret in Feeling down   
  16. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from royalsecret in Feeling down   
  17. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from royalsecret in Feeling down   
  18. Like
    Heyher reacted to vols fan in Three months today!   
    Yay I'm 12 weeks today! I've lost 43 lbs since surgery it may not seem like a lot compared to some people but I'm extremely happy! I weighed 227 on day of surgery today I weigh 184 I'm gonna post a pic on my 16 week anniversary
  19. Like
    Heyher reacted to M2G in 2.5 Years Post-op Today   
    So today is exactly 2.5 years since I was sleeved on October 22, 2010. It's hard to believe that 2.5 years have passed.
    I used to have a ticker but since they took away external tickers I've been too lazy to go and make a new one here. I originally lost -100lbs at the 18 month mark, (all since surgery, I wasn't required to lose weight before surgery) and then I spent about 9 months regaining about 15-20lbs.
    In January of this year I rededicated myself to this journey and now have lost -9lbs of my regain. Hoping to lose the next -10-12lbs and then keep going towards goal (when all is said and done I would like to lose another -20lbs from where I am right now.)
    Not much to say, except this is the best thing I have ever done for myself and my health. My husband is also sleeved and is just a little over 2 years post-op. He has lost around 65-70lbs and has maintained that weight for over a year now.
    We work out, we eat right (most of the time) and yep we work at it. Not a free ride, not the "easy way out" but a chance for us to have a do-over. We make daily choices to keep, maintain, or improve our health.
    Here is my story in photos.

  20. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from TES in how to measure food?   
    I use a measuring cup. 1oz volume is different then 1oz by weight.
  21. Like
    Heyher reacted to gmanbat in Owwwee   
    Y'all remember to chew real good... near to the point of disgusting early on. Later the dense Proteins need to be chawed and chawed fur sure.
  22. Like
    Heyher reacted to smblalock5 in Owwwee   
    I'm 7 weeks today and I tried almonds today also and I have felt horrible all day!!! I will not do that again for awhile!!!
  23. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from ItsmeTae in I cheated and I LIKED IT!   
    Okay so I am almost six weeks post op. Today my mom, fiancé, and I went to a cake tasting for our wedding. I went in knowing I would have to closely monitor myself or I would be in BIG trouble. (Didn't want to vomit at the bakery) I had a nibble about the size of an M&M from five cakes. I don't have too much of a sweet tooth, but no way was I missing out on Godiva white chocolate cake, strawberries & champaign cake, berries on a cloud cake, or caramel cream brûlée cake. Those five nibbles gave me a massive sugar rush for about 20 min.
    Then I had chicken and black Beans for dinner.
    Am I sorry I cheated with my five nibbles of heaven? Nope. Am I craving more cake? No way. For me it has always been about Portion Control. Even though I felt no restriction from cake (shocking) I knew a few nibbles would be my new limit.
    This was my first cheat. First non Protein rich food. Loved it, but not near enough to make a habit.
  24. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from clk in She's here!   
    Congrats!!! She is beautiful, adorable, precious, and a total doll!!
  25. Like
    Heyher reacted to clk in She's here!   
    I've just been far too busy to post an update, so forgive the delay. We didn't just welcome a new baby, we're also still in the midst of an overseas move and life has been both crazy and sleep deprived.
    We welcomed our newest daughter Elisheva (Shevi) on 21 March. She was 6 pounds, 7 ounces and 20 inches long at birth. Delivery went as planned without complications. She's absolutely adorable, and she's been a lot of fun for our whole family since her arrival. If only we weren't so busy we'd enjoy this time a bit more! Our twins are adjusting well and my daughter, in particular, hovers constantly just thrilled to be a big sister.
    I have mentioned many times that my post-sleeve pregnancy was actually more challenging in some ways for me. I had more morning sickness, I was more tired, I had a great deal of trouble eating, etc. But I can say without a doubt that delivery and postpartum are totally different post sleeve, and I have never felt quite so good this quickly after a baby.
    Delivery went very quickly and smoothly and I never needed pain medications afterward. Within two days I felt tired but basically back to normal. Now that I'm twelve days out, the only difference in pre-pregnancy and post is that my body isn't back to normal yet. Recovery was about 1,000 times easier without the excess weight, which I found to be a pleasant surprise.
    I've also had a better milk supply than ever before. In the past I've struggled to maintain supply (I exclusively pump as every one of my four has had latching issues and pumping was easier for us) but this time around I'm pumping more than twice what I need each day and I already have a refrigerator and freezer full of milk. Again, this is different than before. I think it's mostly due to me just being a healthier person all around - I drink more Water, eat good foods, take my rest seriously (and whenever I can!) than I was in the past.
    As for weight I gained a total of 32 pounds with my pregnancy. My scale is currently packed in a box and I'm in a hotel room that lacks a scale (darn Army lodging) but as of the 28th I was already down 18 pounds. I'm sure when I'm able to weigh again I'll be down somewhere between 22-25 pounds. I am already able to wear my pre-pregnancy 5/6 jeans...but they would have a bit of unsightly muffin top just now so I'm waiting to actually wear them out. Other than that, I'm back to my usual sizes in everything but bras. Those I'll need to special order, apparently!
    I'll post some pictures of myself in a few days, but the reality is that even though I feel a bit messy and "loose" around the middle, there is no way I look like I just gave birth less than two weeks ago. If I had some decent Shapewear (again, packed in boxes) I think I'd be able to wear most of my pre-pregnancy wardrobe.
    In any case, we're all doing well we're just really busy. We're enjoying Elisheva as best we can with the stressful move, and we can't wait to be settled in our house so we can relax a bit!
    Attached are a few pictures of our adorable little princess.

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