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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from FeeIsMe2 in Welcome to onederland!   
    I was so shocked and thrilled and surprised to see it this morning!!!
    It may be 199.8 but dang it, it starts with a 1!!!!
  2. Like
    Heyher reacted to thinathart in Welcome to onederland!   
    That is so AWESOME! Congrats. I'm one lb away from joining you!

  3. Like
    Heyher reacted to FeeIsMe2 in Welcome to onederland!   
    Congrats! I am soooo close... can't wait to join you!
  4. Like
    Heyher reacted to angelpooh29 in Welcome to onederland!   
    Whoop hoop!!! I'm so close I can taste it and cant wait to join u!!
  5. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from FeeIsMe2 in Welcome to onederland!   
    Population ME!!!!
  6. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from FeeIsMe2 in Welcome to onederland!   
    Population ME!!!!
  7. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from deannagail in Challenge: 1st Day of Summer Weigh-In   
    I'm down to 202 this morning. 22lbs to reach my 6/21 goal of 180. Fingers crossed I can make it....
  8. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from MIJourney in 2 month pic   
    Here are my 2 month pics. Down 42lbs from dos.
    Started in 20w pants and 2x shirt.
    Today 13/14 pants and XL shirt.
    Highest 250
    Dos 245
    Today 203
    Almost to onederland.

  9. Like
    Heyher reacted to Healthiernewme in 2 month pic   
    Wow. 2 months and what a difference!
  10. Like
    Heyher reacted to melody2 in 2 month pic   
    Great job....the success shows in your smile. You look good. Way to go!
  11. Like
    Heyher reacted to MIJourney in 2 month pic   
    Great job!!
  12. Like
    Heyher reacted to jenniesue in My ailments will NOT define me!   
    Like many overweight folks, I've had plenty of ailments that have kept me down. Besides my weight, I had no issues until I turned 30 (6 years ago)! Then, I went downhill from there: acid reflux, asthma, bad gallbladder, pleurisy, chronic Migraines, herniated disk with sciatic pinch that resulted in permanent loss of feeling in my right foot, s-l-o-w healing after WLS, a stroke last month, then most recently unexplained vision loss.
    But, you know what I say to all those ailments now?? "F you! You hit like a girl. You will NOT keep me down because I am determined to live a happy, healthy life in SPITE of all those things trying to stop me."
    I know I'm very blessed that (with the exception of the stroke) none of my ailments are life threatening. And, the stroke was very minor... I didn't even know it happened. An MRI to investigate my vision loss showed the stroke. (Incidentally, the stroke and vision loss are unrelated as the MRI showed the stroke actually occurred 2-3 weeks prior to the loss of vision). But, it had been a daily struggle not to let those ailments overpower my willpower. So, I have had enough of them ruling my life!
    I've started running.... and not just in the movie theater to get the best seat in the house. I'm training for a 5k. I'm very much a novice (can only go one mile alternating wogging and walking.... and it takes 20 minutes). But, I'm moving and that's what counts! And, I will not get discouraged if I'm the slowest one there. I'm doing this for me and no one else there! I've always wanted to be a runner. When I close my eyes and picture myself at goal, I'm running every morning and keeping active with my everyday life. Then, I realized I didn't have to wait for goal to do that! (ah-ha moment!!). :-D
  13. Like
    Heyher reacted to lilbearzmom in Old Habits Die Hard...   
    You do realize that not everyone was told everything YOU were told, I hope! Surgeons are as different as night and day sometimes. You give the example of drinking from a straw...I am allowed to drink from a straw. I asked. That's just one example. Some surgeons do not see a problem with carbonation in moderation. I highly doubt your surgeon and NUT are the messiahs of VSG. No one's are.
    Also, maybe you had brain surgery while they were doing your VSG and all of your bad habits that got you to where you were magically disappeared after surgery. We aren't cured. Sometimes people slip into bad habits for a moment. I didn't lose my humanity when I had surgery. I am still a work in progress and always will be. I didn't eat popcorn a week out- I followed the phases religiously. But, *gasp* I have eaten carbs and horror of horrors, drank out of a straw. I have still managed to lose 95 lbs. Go figure.
    I really don't like holier-than-thou's...
  14. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from kckitty in Self-advancement of diet?   
    I wouldn't advance until your doc gives the go ahead.
  15. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from MIJourney in 2 month pic   
    Here are my 2 month pics. Down 42lbs from dos.
    Started in 20w pants and 2x shirt.
    Today 13/14 pants and XL shirt.
    Highest 250
    Dos 245
    Today 203
    Almost to onederland.

  16. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from MIJourney in 2 month pic   
    Here are my 2 month pics. Down 42lbs from dos.
    Started in 20w pants and 2x shirt.
    Today 13/14 pants and XL shirt.
    Highest 250
    Dos 245
    Today 203
    Almost to onederland.

  17. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from MIJourney in 2 month pic   
    Here are my 2 month pics. Down 42lbs from dos.
    Started in 20w pants and 2x shirt.
    Today 13/14 pants and XL shirt.
    Highest 250
    Dos 245
    Today 203
    Almost to onederland.

  18. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from MIJourney in 2 month pic   
    Here are my 2 month pics. Down 42lbs from dos.
    Started in 20w pants and 2x shirt.
    Today 13/14 pants and XL shirt.
    Highest 250
    Dos 245
    Today 203
    Almost to onederland.

  19. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from MIJourney in 2 month pic   
    Here are my 2 month pics. Down 42lbs from dos.
    Started in 20w pants and 2x shirt.
    Today 13/14 pants and XL shirt.
    Highest 250
    Dos 245
    Today 203
    Almost to onederland.

  20. Like
    Heyher reacted to Takingcontrol in Latest NSV almost cried   
  21. Like
    Heyher reacted to Bigepc in Latest NSV almost cried   
    Way to go, feels great dosen't it. keep it up.
  22. Like
    Heyher reacted to LipstickLady in Latest NSV almost cried   
    Someone is getting lucky tonight!! He's a keeper!
  23. Like
    Heyher reacted to Jessica H in Latest NSV almost cried   
    I hope to use the word 'tiny' to describe my clothes one day! Keep up the good work
  24. Like
    Heyher reacted to Dallas Curvy Girl in Latest NSV almost cried   
    I can't wait to compare my old clothes to the new ones I am going to buy. Tiny is what they are going to be..LOL!
  25. Like
    Heyher reacted to katikati in Latest NSV almost cried   
    Best. Fiance. Ever.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
