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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Bos123 in Did anyone smoke after surgery?   
    Not true. Your doc may have, but mine did not. I came out just fine and I have lost over 50lbs in less then 3 months. So while smoking isn't the best thing, I imagine its better then coming home and shooting up heroin.
    And please don't get holier then thou about smoking. My doc new I was using the patch to try and quit.
    Also if you were to scream at me because I was smoking in a permitted area and my smoke blew within a foot of you I would get right back in your face. Would you like it if when you were overweight and someone screamed at you because your stomach almost touched them?
    I don't condone smoking. All smokers know its bad. It's dangerous. But how would bashing and belittling someone ever help them stop?
  2. Like
    Heyher reacted to ******** in tired of being lectured on here   
  3. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from janazee in Did anyone smoke after surgery?   
    Last post and I am finished with this thread.
    I tried so hard to quit pre-op. Just look back at my posts. I really want to quit, but am I ready? Obviously no. It does make me sad that I, in a sense, "failed" at quitting smoking. But I'm not going to beat myself up, let someone chastise me, or sit back and let someone assume I am dumb because I still struggle with smoking. I'm actually very well educated. I am not old. Well I guess to some 30 is old, but not to me. The slow painful death of the English language is so sad to me. Facebook, texts, and tweets are eradicating complete sentences, proper grammar, sentence structure, and correct punctuation.
    As for being a militant smoker, I have absolutely no clue what that means.
    Possibly it was a misconception that I alway smoke while on a battle field, right after a battle, right before a battle, or some other ritual like that. I'm not in the military so not sure how that even came to be.
    But I don't condone smoking. I won't bash people who smoke. And I hope the discrimination we all faced as obese persons will not transferred to the smokers. We all know how it feels to be sneered at, judged, ridiculed, mocked, and abused because of societies perception of what is acceptable. Why do we now think doing the same to those struggling with another addiction will help?
  4. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from janazee in Did anyone smoke after surgery?   
    Last post and I am finished with this thread.
    I tried so hard to quit pre-op. Just look back at my posts. I really want to quit, but am I ready? Obviously no. It does make me sad that I, in a sense, "failed" at quitting smoking. But I'm not going to beat myself up, let someone chastise me, or sit back and let someone assume I am dumb because I still struggle with smoking. I'm actually very well educated. I am not old. Well I guess to some 30 is old, but not to me. The slow painful death of the English language is so sad to me. Facebook, texts, and tweets are eradicating complete sentences, proper grammar, sentence structure, and correct punctuation.
    As for being a militant smoker, I have absolutely no clue what that means.
    Possibly it was a misconception that I alway smoke while on a battle field, right after a battle, right before a battle, or some other ritual like that. I'm not in the military so not sure how that even came to be.
    But I don't condone smoking. I won't bash people who smoke. And I hope the discrimination we all faced as obese persons will not transferred to the smokers. We all know how it feels to be sneered at, judged, ridiculed, mocked, and abused because of societies perception of what is acceptable. Why do we now think doing the same to those struggling with another addiction will help?
  5. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Bos123 in Did anyone smoke after surgery?   
    Not true. Your doc may have, but mine did not. I came out just fine and I have lost over 50lbs in less then 3 months. So while smoking isn't the best thing, I imagine its better then coming home and shooting up heroin.
    And please don't get holier then thou about smoking. My doc new I was using the patch to try and quit.
    Also if you were to scream at me because I was smoking in a permitted area and my smoke blew within a foot of you I would get right back in your face. Would you like it if when you were overweight and someone screamed at you because your stomach almost touched them?
    I don't condone smoking. All smokers know its bad. It's dangerous. But how would bashing and belittling someone ever help them stop?
  6. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from jensjoy28 in Foodie question   
    I don't think being condescending is too helpful. Some people have the mind set of high Protein low carb for the rest of their lives. Others have the mind set of moderation with balance. Neither one is right or wrong.
    To the op,
    If you can do the low carb, then maybe closer to goal and a year out 1/2 a pancake or waffle as a treat won't cause you to regain if eaten in moderation. (Ie once a month at most) But be wary of bread due to the expanding. Might be uncomfortable. Also keep in mind it won't keep you full very long. Maybe have an egg and if there is room for low carb whole wheat waffle with sf Syrup, try a bite.
  7. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from jensjoy28 in Foodie question   
    I don't think being condescending is too helpful. Some people have the mind set of high Protein low carb for the rest of their lives. Others have the mind set of moderation with balance. Neither one is right or wrong.
    To the op,
    If you can do the low carb, then maybe closer to goal and a year out 1/2 a pancake or waffle as a treat won't cause you to regain if eaten in moderation. (Ie once a month at most) But be wary of bread due to the expanding. Might be uncomfortable. Also keep in mind it won't keep you full very long. Maybe have an egg and if there is room for low carb whole wheat waffle with sf Syrup, try a bite.
  8. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from HatheryOnHerWay in Did anyone smoke after surgery?   
    Yeah can't say no offense and then call people dumb.
    Good thing I'm not dumb enough (no offense) to misspell a vast majority of my post while calling people dumb.
  9. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from jensjoy28 in Foodie question   
    I don't think being condescending is too helpful. Some people have the mind set of high Protein low carb for the rest of their lives. Others have the mind set of moderation with balance. Neither one is right or wrong.
    To the op,
    If you can do the low carb, then maybe closer to goal and a year out 1/2 a pancake or waffle as a treat won't cause you to regain if eaten in moderation. (Ie once a month at most) But be wary of bread due to the expanding. Might be uncomfortable. Also keep in mind it won't keep you full very long. Maybe have an egg and if there is room for low carb whole wheat waffle with sf Syrup, try a bite.
  10. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from anayortiz in Alcohol   
    Find out when your doc clears you to drink.
    Alcohol is empty calories so just keep that in the back of your mind. Also crossover addiction is a concern. But one night after doc clears you probably won't be too risky.
    Beer may make you feel bloated, but it wouldn't stretch your stomach. If any excess gas is stuck you will burp it out just like pre-op. With the fundus removed, the stretchy part is gone.
    Alcohol on a fresh cut probably doesn't feel too good. So at least six weeks. But again ask your surgeon.
  11. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from janazee in Did anyone smoke after surgery?   
    Last post and I am finished with this thread.
    I tried so hard to quit pre-op. Just look back at my posts. I really want to quit, but am I ready? Obviously no. It does make me sad that I, in a sense, "failed" at quitting smoking. But I'm not going to beat myself up, let someone chastise me, or sit back and let someone assume I am dumb because I still struggle with smoking. I'm actually very well educated. I am not old. Well I guess to some 30 is old, but not to me. The slow painful death of the English language is so sad to me. Facebook, texts, and tweets are eradicating complete sentences, proper grammar, sentence structure, and correct punctuation.
    As for being a militant smoker, I have absolutely no clue what that means.
    Possibly it was a misconception that I alway smoke while on a battle field, right after a battle, right before a battle, or some other ritual like that. I'm not in the military so not sure how that even came to be.
    But I don't condone smoking. I won't bash people who smoke. And I hope the discrimination we all faced as obese persons will not transferred to the smokers. We all know how it feels to be sneered at, judged, ridiculed, mocked, and abused because of societies perception of what is acceptable. Why do we now think doing the same to those struggling with another addiction will help?
  12. Like
    Heyher reacted to kiwi17 in 199   
    I made it to 199# today. Feels so good to be out of the 200s. I haven't been this weight since 1998.
  13. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from LI Gemini NY in 3 month pics over 1/2 way to goal   
    Here are my three month update pics
    HW 250
    DOS 245
    CW 190
    Sleeved on 2/26. 55lbs in three months

  14. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from deedeemuffin in I'm back on the boards & down 101 lbs!   
    Yay!! Welcome back! Was just wondering about how you were doing a few days back.
    Congrats on the house and a huge congrats for every NSV and pound lost!
  15. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from michelleooo513 in February 26th!   
    Congrats!!! I made it to 52lbs on my three month.
    Woo hoo to the 26th!
  16. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from LI Gemini NY in 3 month pics over 1/2 way to goal   
    Here are my three month update pics
    HW 250
    DOS 245
    CW 190
    Sleeved on 2/26. 55lbs in three months

  17. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from LI Gemini NY in 3 month pics over 1/2 way to goal   
    Here are my three month update pics
    HW 250
    DOS 245
    CW 190
    Sleeved on 2/26. 55lbs in three months

  18. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from LI Gemini NY in 3 month pics over 1/2 way to goal   
    Here are my three month update pics
    HW 250
    DOS 245
    CW 190
    Sleeved on 2/26. 55lbs in three months

  19. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from LI Gemini NY in 3 month pics over 1/2 way to goal   
    Here are my three month update pics
    HW 250
    DOS 245
    CW 190
    Sleeved on 2/26. 55lbs in three months

  20. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from brandnewbie in making a public apology.   
    I got "wadded up" because I did not appreciate being called dumb. But I really got "wadded up" because I was told I'm a militant smoker, I'm old, I smell, and I'm going to basically die soon.
    So, yes, I think the apology was warranted and it is appreciated.
  21. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from janazee in Did anyone smoke after surgery?   
    Last post and I am finished with this thread.
    I tried so hard to quit pre-op. Just look back at my posts. I really want to quit, but am I ready? Obviously no. It does make me sad that I, in a sense, "failed" at quitting smoking. But I'm not going to beat myself up, let someone chastise me, or sit back and let someone assume I am dumb because I still struggle with smoking. I'm actually very well educated. I am not old. Well I guess to some 30 is old, but not to me. The slow painful death of the English language is so sad to me. Facebook, texts, and tweets are eradicating complete sentences, proper grammar, sentence structure, and correct punctuation.
    As for being a militant smoker, I have absolutely no clue what that means.
    Possibly it was a misconception that I alway smoke while on a battle field, right after a battle, right before a battle, or some other ritual like that. I'm not in the military so not sure how that even came to be.
    But I don't condone smoking. I won't bash people who smoke. And I hope the discrimination we all faced as obese persons will not transferred to the smokers. We all know how it feels to be sneered at, judged, ridiculed, mocked, and abused because of societies perception of what is acceptable. Why do we now think doing the same to those struggling with another addiction will help?
  22. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from LifetimeLoser in I need inspiration before & after photos please   
    I'm only three and a half weeks out, but I guess you can see a difference...

  23. Like
    Heyher reacted to Aries in Did anyone smoke after surgery?   
  24. Like
    Heyher reacted to leeann71 in Did anyone smoke after surgery?   
  25. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from janazee in Did anyone smoke after surgery?   
    Last post and I am finished with this thread.
    I tried so hard to quit pre-op. Just look back at my posts. I really want to quit, but am I ready? Obviously no. It does make me sad that I, in a sense, "failed" at quitting smoking. But I'm not going to beat myself up, let someone chastise me, or sit back and let someone assume I am dumb because I still struggle with smoking. I'm actually very well educated. I am not old. Well I guess to some 30 is old, but not to me. The slow painful death of the English language is so sad to me. Facebook, texts, and tweets are eradicating complete sentences, proper grammar, sentence structure, and correct punctuation.
    As for being a militant smoker, I have absolutely no clue what that means.
    Possibly it was a misconception that I alway smoke while on a battle field, right after a battle, right before a battle, or some other ritual like that. I'm not in the military so not sure how that even came to be.
    But I don't condone smoking. I won't bash people who smoke. And I hope the discrimination we all faced as obese persons will not transferred to the smokers. We all know how it feels to be sneered at, judged, ridiculed, mocked, and abused because of societies perception of what is acceptable. Why do we now think doing the same to those struggling with another addiction will help?

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