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    Heyher got a reaction from southernsoul in Did anyone smoke after surgery?   
    Last post and I am finished with this thread.
    I tried so hard to quit pre-op. Just look back at my posts. I really want to quit, but am I ready? Obviously no. It does make me sad that I, in a sense, "failed" at quitting smoking. But I'm not going to beat myself up, let someone chastise me, or sit back and let someone assume I am dumb because I still struggle with smoking. I'm actually very well educated. I am not old. Well I guess to some 30 is old, but not to me. The slow painful death of the English language is so sad to me. Facebook, texts, and tweets are eradicating complete sentences, proper grammar, sentence structure, and correct punctuation.
    As for being a militant smoker, I have absolutely no clue what that means.
    Possibly it was a misconception that I alway smoke while on a battle field, right after a battle, right before a battle, or some other ritual like that. I'm not in the military so not sure how that even came to be.
    But I don't condone smoking. I won't bash people who smoke. And I hope the discrimination we all faced as obese persons will not transferred to the smokers. We all know how it feels to be sneered at, judged, ridiculed, mocked, and abused because of societies perception of what is acceptable. Why do we now think doing the same to those struggling with another addiction will help?
  2. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from amberj05 in Did anyone smoke after surgery?   
    Not true. Your doc may have, but mine did not. I came out just fine and I have lost over 50lbs in less then 3 months. So while smoking isn't the best thing, I imagine its better then coming home and shooting up heroin.
    And please don't get holier then thou about smoking. My doc new I was using the patch to try and quit.
    Also if you were to scream at me because I was smoking in a permitted area and my smoke blew within a foot of you I would get right back in your face. Would you like it if when you were overweight and someone screamed at you because your stomach almost touched them?
    I don't condone smoking. All smokers know its bad. It's dangerous. But how would bashing and belittling someone ever help them stop?
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    Heyher got a reaction from jensjoy28 in 38F bra size at 5'3"   
    Go to a plastic surgeon. They can write the recommendation that it is not a cosmetic surgery. If your GP doesn't want to help, go to one that will. As patients we have the right to choose a doctor who will work with us. We don't work for the doc. Their job is to provide medical assistance. Not push their beliefs or personal agendas on us.
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    Heyher got a reaction from jensjoy28 in 38F bra size at 5'3"   
    Go to a plastic surgeon. They can write the recommendation that it is not a cosmetic surgery. If your GP doesn't want to help, go to one that will. As patients we have the right to choose a doctor who will work with us. We don't work for the doc. Their job is to provide medical assistance. Not push their beliefs or personal agendas on us.
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    Heyher reacted to pottergirl in 100 lbs gone!   
    I've been stuck for a couple of weeks...finally had a2 lb loss to make it an even 100 lb loss. 90 of those came off since surgery January 21st...just 5 months ago:)
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    Heyher reacted to Sassygirl06 in Carbs   
    I don't know about everyone else but as for me personally, I did not have this surgery so that I could spend the rest of my life on a diet. I will eat all the Protein on my plate first...but then if there is still room...or desire I will have some carbs. I eat fruit, and sometimes even a potato or even rice and Pasta. I eat all of those in moderation, and when I really feel I need it. I avoid the sweets for the most part...but if I am at a party and there is cake...well I'm gonna have some cake...mind you it is about 5% of a slice that I used to eat, but I sure as heck savor it and enjoy! I feel that if you say to yourself 'I can't have that anymore.' Then you sit there wanting it even more....and in the process you will sabotage yourself. I am almost two years out. I have been at goal for a while, and maintaining really well. The most important part is that while I enjoy food, I don't obsess over it anymore. Go and enjoy a few carbs every once in a while! Good luck!
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    Heyher got a reaction from ReadyNewM3 in Barium swallow....   
    Keeping fingers crossed for a positive outcome!
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    Heyher got a reaction from Dee White in I hope good news   
    I will keep them crossed that they approve you soon!
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    Heyher reacted to LI Gemini NY in The 3 Complaints I Can't Stand.   
    New rule: no one is allowed to post anything when they're hungry lol
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    Heyher got a reaction from kw2walker in Well it happened   
    Four months out and I hit my first stall.
    I was down 60lbs a month ago. Now it is 64. ( was 65 but gained a pound over my birthday weekend) I have been at the same weight for about 2 1/2 weeks. Not complaining as I knew this was bound to happen. Just stinks that it did. I will just keep on keeping on. This weight will come off. Guess my body just needed a rest.
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    Heyher got a reaction from deedeemuffin in First 105 lbs with Pics! :)   
    You look so amazing!!!! Look at that smile. So happy for you!!
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    Heyher reacted to GypsyQueen in Looks vs. Health...looks 1 health 0   
    Looking better is certainly the side benefit we all look forward to! I had lost enough weight to get off all my mess prior to surgery and told my husband I felt like I must only be going forward for vanity. The truth is, I was just tired of being fat and everything that it encompasses.
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    Heyher reacted to Aviator in Deja Vu all over again   
    Thank you. But any apologetics to me are completely unnecessary. I have very thick skin and besides, I really do understand the nature of such questions. People want to know ways to avoid having this happen. Have I "done something wrong"?
    Probably. I can't be good all the time
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    Heyher reacted to Aviator in Deja Vu all over again   
    Toddy - this is worth doing regardless of the small risk. I had to ask myself back in 2008, "Do you really want to go on like this?" Heavier and heavier. The real risk of a debilitating stroke? Knee surgery for arthritis? Bypass surgery? Diabetes? Lack of mobility? Embarrassment of seatbelt extensions on airplanes?
    I mean "status quo" isn't really a choice, is it? You get to pick from two potential options: "get worse" or "get better". The risks are there either way. My advice is that if you are a candidate for this surgery, Do it. Just do it and change you life.
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    Heyher reacted to Ms skinniness in 30th birthday   
    Happy Birthday!
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    Heyher reacted to rebecca_dsu in 30th birthday   
    Happy belated Birthday!!! Your 30's are going to rock big time with a healthier body
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    Heyher reacted to Fiddleman in Out-Of-Control Eating While Deciding on WLS   
    I think it is pretty normal to go through this stage as your mind realizes post WLS is no longer a typical diet that we are all so fond of. Like you, i have done some very long term low carb dieting on and off before WLS. I got quite good at it, but did have quite a bit of binging between when I decided to have WLS (feb 2012) and my initial appointment (april 2012). i finally got serious about eating well about 1.5 month before surgery of july 2nd 2012.
    You may go through another phase closer to surgery date called a "food funeral." Many individuals try and eat their favorite foods during this phase because of not being able to eat them again after surgery (not precisely true, you just need to wait for a while after surgery). remember, a food funeral is, again, just a phase and quite normal.
    Once you are a WLS post op, it is important to develop sound eating habits to support you not only during weight loss, but for the rest of your life. During weight loss, this will look a lot like a low carb diet for most. For example, I ate low carb, low fat, high Protein for 7 months after surgery. during month 7, I transitioned into a Paleo diet (along with Paleo fitness) which I am still following today at about 1 year post op. Not everyone approaches the eating style post op in the same manner. You will need to learn and accept an eating style that helps you be successful.
    Oh, and I almost forgot, my name is also Andrew (Andy). Good luck!
  18. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Momonanomo in 7.5 pound gain... dammit   
    If your close to TOM, then yeah it's probably Water. Not to mention sodium in the pizza helped hold in the Water. Couple good pees and you should be fine.
    Congrats on your loss!! :-) and for fighting pizza for that long too!!
  19. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Momonanomo in 7.5 pound gain... dammit   
    If your close to TOM, then yeah it's probably Water. Not to mention sodium in the pizza helped hold in the Water. Couple good pees and you should be fine.
    Congrats on your loss!! :-) and for fighting pizza for that long too!!
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    Heyher got a reaction from suejersey in Challenge: 1st Day of Summer Weigh-In   
    I had my goal set at 180 for 1st day if summer.
    I'm stuck at 185. :-( But I did lose 25lbs. Got into onederland. And now am no longer obese. Maybe I can drop 5 by the 4th of July. Weight loss has slowed a bunch, but not giving up!!!
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    Heyher got a reaction from Linkinchik in Did anyone smoke after surgery?   
    Would you like to use it first?
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    Heyher got a reaction from Aubreanna in Did anyone smoke after surgery?   
    Yeah can't say no offense and then call people dumb.
    Good thing I'm not dumb enough (no offense) to misspell a vast majority of my post while calling people dumb.
  23. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from southernsoul in Did anyone smoke after surgery?   
    Last post and I am finished with this thread.
    I tried so hard to quit pre-op. Just look back at my posts. I really want to quit, but am I ready? Obviously no. It does make me sad that I, in a sense, "failed" at quitting smoking. But I'm not going to beat myself up, let someone chastise me, or sit back and let someone assume I am dumb because I still struggle with smoking. I'm actually very well educated. I am not old. Well I guess to some 30 is old, but not to me. The slow painful death of the English language is so sad to me. Facebook, texts, and tweets are eradicating complete sentences, proper grammar, sentence structure, and correct punctuation.
    As for being a militant smoker, I have absolutely no clue what that means.
    Possibly it was a misconception that I alway smoke while on a battle field, right after a battle, right before a battle, or some other ritual like that. I'm not in the military so not sure how that even came to be.
    But I don't condone smoking. I won't bash people who smoke. And I hope the discrimination we all faced as obese persons will not transferred to the smokers. We all know how it feels to be sneered at, judged, ridiculed, mocked, and abused because of societies perception of what is acceptable. Why do we now think doing the same to those struggling with another addiction will help?
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    Heyher reacted to Butterthebean in How do you handle PMs?   
    I think (without getting into a debate) that the whole reason for the existence of this subforum (vet's forum) is to talk about issues that relate mainly to the vets. VST burnout is a real deal. Notice the incredible lack of people who have been posting for more than a year. To me, that's a vet....posting here for a year or more. I don't know where I got that number, except that it was about the 1 year mark that it took a real act of will to keep coming back. I had to decide if I wanted to keep coming here...and I decided I did.
    Many people do exactly what you suggested, they simply quit coming around. Those people are MOSTLY takers...they came here and got what they needed and split. Good for them, no criticism from me about doing that. But the people who are still here after a year are generally givers, because there's not much reason to stick around after that other than to help other sleevers. And we have this subforum so those people can come here and discuss whatever they please (within reason) and not be subject to judgements from people who have not yet walked in their shoes.
    My point is....you seem to be suggesting Cheri not answer PM's if it annoys her and not start threads about people who annoy her. You could just as easily have followed your own advice and not posted in this thread. I don't say that to be mean, but just to help you understand that she is coming from a different place than you. I get the feeling she'd like to stick around and help more people, and in order to do that sometimes you have to vent a little with people who have been in the same position you're in.

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