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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Heyher reacted to lindasue in what do you think   
    Just got this dress for a formal party at my husband's work. What does everyone think. I usually went with long dress but this year wanted to go shorter to show off the new me. Love my sleeve <3<3
    Sent from my EVO using VST

  2. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Brenda0928 in Autoimmune Issues and VSG?   
    I have been doing great. Was sleeved on 2/26 and down almost 70lbs. It is amazing how much better my joints hurt. Still have morning aches and stiffness from the fibro, but I don't think that will ever go away.
    I had a minor ms flare up in late may to eat June. But I think that's partially due to me not being 100% diligent with my Vitamins. An absolute must for autoimmune diseases.
    It is amazing how much weight loss can help improve symptoms. Not sure if there is any medical studies to back up drastic weight loss and improvement in autoimmune symptoms, or if this is sort of a placebo effect, but this surgery has helped me so much!!!
  3. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from JessicaDiane1021 in Was anyone stuck at 205-200 trying to get under 200!   
    I got stuck at 201 for a little while. Seemed like my body was fighting getting into onederland. LoL!!
    After such a drastic loss in such a short amount of time, your body may just be taking a break to figure out what the heck is going on.
    Also remember that while lbs might not be coming off, inches might be.
    Soon you will get on the scale and the magical number of 199 will pop up.
  4. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Brenda0928 in Autoimmune Issues and VSG?   
    I have been doing great. Was sleeved on 2/26 and down almost 70lbs. It is amazing how much better my joints hurt. Still have morning aches and stiffness from the fibro, but I don't think that will ever go away.
    I had a minor ms flare up in late may to eat June. But I think that's partially due to me not being 100% diligent with my Vitamins. An absolute must for autoimmune diseases.
    It is amazing how much weight loss can help improve symptoms. Not sure if there is any medical studies to back up drastic weight loss and improvement in autoimmune symptoms, or if this is sort of a placebo effect, but this surgery has helped me so much!!!
  5. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Brenda0928 in Autoimmune Issues and VSG?   
    I have ms and fibro. So fatigue and pain are my norm.... But 4 months post op and I can say my energy is getting better and my joints are near as painful as they were pre op. Also I have noticed my Migraines have occurred less frequently. Which is a true blessing.
    I am wondering if there is a way to get a forum dedicated to autoimmune sleevers. That way we can have a place to discuss the sleeve and how it has interacted with our autoimmune disease. I see a lot with RA, psoriatic arthritis, lupus, fibro, and a few with MS, and I think it would be a great place for us to share stories, tips, successes, ect. Does anyone know how we would request that?
  6. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from DeezJeanz in Let's SEE pics!   
    Down almost 70.

  7. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from DeezJeanz in Let's SEE pics!   
    Down almost 70.

  8. Like
    Heyher reacted to Sassygirl06 in Can someone explain why eating and drinking at the same time is forbidden?   
    Um...there is no malabsorption...no re routing of the intestines at all...just not able to eat as much...one of the reasons I chose this surgery. As far as drinking with eating...it does wash some of the food down faster...so you can eat more sooner. In the beginning I didn't listen to this and got very sick a few times and learned my lesson. Now almost two years out I can eat and drink a little bit at the same time...but I do notice that when I do this I am able to fit more in. Good luck!
  9. Like
    Heyher reacted to yazzy in 4 months & almost 70 down   
    Thats awesome !!!!!! you look wonderful and younger and nice new tat!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Like
    Heyher reacted to MIJourney in 4 months & almost 70 down   
    Super progress!!
  11. Like
    Heyher reacted to tigerbelle in 4 months & almost 70 down   
    great job...congrats on your success to date
  12. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from TES in 4 months & almost 70 down   
    Forgot pics

  13. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from TES in 4 months & almost 70 down   
    HW 250
    SW 245 (dos 2/26/13)
    CW 183
    GW 150ish
  14. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from TES in 4 months & almost 70 down   
    Forgot pics

  15. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from TES in 4 months & almost 70 down   
    HW 250
    SW 245 (dos 2/26/13)
    CW 183
    GW 150ish
  16. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from TES in 4 months & almost 70 down   
    Forgot pics

  17. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from TES in 4 months & almost 70 down   
    HW 250
    SW 245 (dos 2/26/13)
    CW 183
    GW 150ish
  18. Like
    Heyher reacted to Ms skinniness in Stupid head   
    This is a real struggle for all of us. Well, most of us.... Last couple of days i have been grazing and now tomorrow i will reign myself back in and structure my day.....this is a hard job to do......
  19. Like
    Heyher reacted to Sassygirl06 in Stupid head   
    Just make sure you have only nutritious Snacks around. That way if you do graze it will be on things that won't make you feel guilty.
  20. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Ahealthyme2013 in Where are the apple shapes?!   
    Here are my 4 month photos.

  21. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Ms skinniness in Stupid head   
    Four months out and man my head hunger is really testing my resolve. Had a good dinner, so I know it's not physical hunger. Just struggling with not being able to binge eat, and I worry it may start transitioning to grazing.
    Ugh.... :-(
  22. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Ahealthyme2013 in Where are the apple shapes?!   
    Here are my 4 month photos.

  23. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from neneh_vsg in Where are the apple shapes?!   
    Apple shape here. Down 65lbs and not looking so round. The pic is a month old so I will post updated pics when I take them this weekend.

  24. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Ahealthyme2013 in Where are the apple shapes?!   
    Here are my 4 month photos.

  25. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Mrs.RRn in Soft diet starts today! Blah.   
    When I was three weeks out I did not want food at all. Nothing sounded good.
    But follow your docs plan. They have a method to their madness. As far as loss stalling or slowing, your body just went through A LOT!! It might need a little time to adjust. It will come off.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
