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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from clk in Share your "slow loss" success!   
    Five months for me and 75lbs lost. Not super fast but not really that slow either.
    In five months I have gone from wearing size 20 dress pants to putting on a pair of size 8.
    I still have 25 to go and I'm slowing way down. But I'm okay with that. Even if I don't get to 150 I'm okay with that too. How I feel now is exponentially better then how I felt five months ago. If I make goal by a year that will just be icing on the cake.
  2. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from neneh_vsg in 5 months   
    Here are my 5 month pics. Down 75 from my highest, so I thought I would be brave....
    Surgery date 2/26 height 5'6"
    HW 250
    SW 245
    CW 174
    Starting measurements
    Chest 52.5
    Stomach 50
    Hips 49
    Current measurements
    Chest 41
    Stomach 35
    Hips 39

  3. Like
  4. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from DeezJeanz in I Want To See Before & After Pics!   
  5. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from neneh_vsg in 5 months   
    Here are my 5 month pics. Down 75 from my highest, so I thought I would be brave....
    Surgery date 2/26 height 5'6"
    HW 250
    SW 245
    CW 174
    Starting measurements
    Chest 52.5
    Stomach 50
    Hips 49
    Current measurements
    Chest 41
    Stomach 35
    Hips 39

  6. Like
    Heyher reacted to supbanana in 5 months   
    Wow!! I'm so happy for you, you look amazing.
  7. Like
    Heyher reacted to Rox in 5 months   
    You've done really well, and it is brave to show your body to complete strangers - but, your success is apparent!
  8. Like
    Heyher reacted to TerryBelieves in 5 months   
    Great job! Keep it up!
  9. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from DeezJeanz in I Want To See Before & After Pics!   
    Here are my 5 month pics. Down 75 from my highest, so I thought I would be brave....
    Surgery date 2/26 height 5'6"
    HW 250
    SW 245
    CW 174
    Starting measurements
    Chest 52.5
    Stomach 50
    Hips 49
    Current measurements
    Chest 41
    Stomach 35
    Hips 39

  10. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from DeezJeanz in I Want To See Before & After Pics!   
  11. Like
    Heyher reacted to CowgirlJane in check up went very well   
    I had my 18 month checkup and it went really well. My labs are great, my blood pressure is great, maintaining my weight so surgeon is very pleased that I have been able to effectively work that sleeve and am enjoying very good health. What I think is sorta funny on my labs is that I take way less Vit D then I used to - but instead of being deficient, I am now slightly higher then normal. I don't take Iron, but my iron levels are slightly above the "normal" range.
    We talked about a couple of things that I thought might have broader interest. I was a band to sleeve revision and some don't do very well. He felt that some of that has to do with the scar tissue and how it limits what the surgeon can do.. ie in some cases they can't make the stomach "just right" but in my case that was possible so it helped me be successful in spite of being a revision.
    We also talked about the basic idea that I have the disease of obesity and right now I am effectively managing the symptoms but to never forget that my body has been morbidly obese for so much of my life - that is it's more "natural state". Emphasizes how for many (most, all?) of us, that maintenance is an ever vigilent watch to keep the weight from coming back.
    Another comment he made that i am still thinking about, but I thought was very insightful, that recovering from being morbidly obese is like recovering from a "trauma" in some ways. I was in a bad physical state for so long, it takes awhile for the mind to adjust to being normal. I notice for myself how much different my own thinking about myself has changed in the last 6 months so I think there is truth to this.
    I told him I get a minimum of 60g of Protein a day and he advised that current thinking is higher then that - even for maintenance, especially if you are active/excercise to shoot for more like 80g. In truth, i probably do get more like 80g a day since I stop counting when i hit 60!
    ETA: I almost forgot the most important part! We talked about whether the sleeve physically stretches - and absolutely it can. So, from the very beginning and continuing into maintenance, do not eat to "full" or "over full" - protect that feeling of restriction to help with the long term success.
    It was inspiring to see him. This maintenance thing can feel hard at times, but the visit re-emphasized what i need to keep on doing!
  12. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from neneh_vsg in 5 months   
    Here are my 5 month pics. Down 75 from my highest, so I thought I would be brave....
    Surgery date 2/26 height 5'6"
    HW 250
    SW 245
    CW 174
    Starting measurements
    Chest 52.5
    Stomach 50
    Hips 49
    Current measurements
    Chest 41
    Stomach 35
    Hips 39

  13. Like
    Heyher reacted to debbie0406 in One year Anniversary   
    Well it's been a year of ups and downs. Mostly ups when it came to my weight loss. I am so thankful I had the opportunity to have this surgery. I never ever want to go back to the old me. My initial goal was to get to 145, I did get to it, but then I changed it to 135. I am at 142, and now want to get to 128. But I think my body likes this weight. I am ok with it and so is my Surgeon (I work with once a month).
    Thank you to everyone who posts on here, it really hoed me get through this journey. Here are a few before and after pictures.
    Sent from my iPhone using VST

  14. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from DeezJeanz in I Want To See Before & After Pics!   
    Here are my 5 month pics. Down 75 from my highest, so I thought I would be brave....
    Surgery date 2/26 height 5'6"
    HW 250
    SW 245
    CW 174
    Starting measurements
    Chest 52.5
    Stomach 50
    Hips 49
    Current measurements
    Chest 41
    Stomach 35
    Hips 39

  15. Like
    Heyher reacted to Momonanomo in 5 months   
    WOW! Great job!
  16. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from neneh_vsg in 5 months   
    Here are my 5 month pics. Down 75 from my highest, so I thought I would be brave....
    Surgery date 2/26 height 5'6"
    HW 250
    SW 245
    CW 174
    Starting measurements
    Chest 52.5
    Stomach 50
    Hips 49
    Current measurements
    Chest 41
    Stomach 35
    Hips 39

  17. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from neneh_vsg in 5 months   
    Here are my 5 month pics. Down 75 from my highest, so I thought I would be brave....
    Surgery date 2/26 height 5'6"
    HW 250
    SW 245
    CW 174
    Starting measurements
    Chest 52.5
    Stomach 50
    Hips 49
    Current measurements
    Chest 41
    Stomach 35
    Hips 39

  18. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from neneh_vsg in 5 months   
    Here are my 5 month pics. Down 75 from my highest, so I thought I would be brave....
    Surgery date 2/26 height 5'6"
    HW 250
    SW 245
    CW 174
    Starting measurements
    Chest 52.5
    Stomach 50
    Hips 49
    Current measurements
    Chest 41
    Stomach 35
    Hips 39

  19. Like
    Heyher reacted to Susie1226 in NSV moment   
    Just realized I did something without even thinking about it. I bent over while standing and tied my shoes. No aches, no huffing and puffing, no problem!! I wouldn't have been able to do that 50 lbs ago. Talk about an NSV!!!
  20. Like
    Heyher reacted to lsereno in I need Advice!   
    Hi, I'm a little late to the party, but I think it's a good idea to not be sleeved at the same time. Don't say no to daughter, just not now. If you get yours this year and plan hers for beginning of summer next year it gives time to:
    Allow you to heal, get to goal weight or close and time for your sleeve to mature so you have a better idea of long term issues - First hand.
    Allow her to prep for surgery by getting medical tests done, monitoring these forums, trying Protein drinks, taking Vitamins, meeting with a counselor who specializes in disordered eating, and seeking out other teens who have had the surgery.
    Gives her a full summer to heal before starting school in the fall.
  21. Like
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    Heyher reacted to Lisa's Hope in I HAVE TO BRING 'HER' BACK EVERY ONCE IN AWHILE....   
    I have to bring her back every once in awhile...
    Just got done watching "Extreme Weight Loss". I always feel so inspired when I watch that show. This lady was about the size I was when I had surgery. She was 290 and I was 294. She got down to 149 and then gained 32 pounds back in 3 weeks!!!! She eventually lost it but so scary how she gained it back so quickly. I know it would take alot for us to gain that much weight back in such a short time but still...... I felt her pain. She had such emotional problems. I could relate to her so much. The pain she felt from her past. The pain I felt when I would aways turn to food as a child because I always felt abandoned. Long story and I won't go there but it made me cry. Made me want more than ever to get off this last bit of weight and to exercise and be healthy!! I'm glad I have this tool to help me but my WORST nightmare would be to gain back this weight. Chris made her wear a back pack with all the weight she had lost ( 109 pounds) and hike down the Grand Canyon. I know it had to be so emotional for her. I just wanted to break down and cry when she took that weight off her back when she made it down the canyon. WOW.. I just can't stress enough how blessed I feel. Even with all of the problems I have right now with my back, GERD, Bile Reflux, Gastritis... Still... I never want to feel the way I did at 294 pounds.. the lady below was so sad and broken. I have to look at her every once and awhile and remember and not to go back. Then... there is me now....

  23. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from RJ'S/beginning in Before you post you've "only lost X pounds"   
    I posted something similar to this when I was preop.
    I think that so many expect the weight to just melt off at a rate of 20lbs a month for 6+ months. I don't know of anyone who had those kinds of numbers on here. I lost about 60lbs in my first three months. 10lbs month 4 and 5lbs this month. I'm slowing way down as I get closer to goal. With only 25 or so left to goal, I know it's not going to be easy.
    But I'll take my 5lbs lost this month. Because that's 5lbs less. I would take 1lb a month loss because that would mean I'm not gaining.
    Early out in the first month or two when hormones are all out of whack, I think it is easy to go into a tailspin of panic that you will be the one person this doesn't work for. But if you are following the plan, then you will lose. Might not be at the pace you want, but a loss is a loss. Every ounce lost should be celebrated because that is one ounce closer to goal and one ounce less you are carrying around.
    It is hard in the beginning. But don't focus on how far you have to go. Stop and look at how far you have come!!! Look back at trying your shoes preop compared to now. Think about the waist line from your pants digging in to needing a belt. Post your NSV and enjoy every aspect of this journey. Don't be a slave to the scale. We can't get fixated on seeing our magic number pop up when we step on the scale. We need to focus on the journey so we can learn healthy lifestyles. That way the destination won't be so scary.
  24. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from RJ'S/beginning in Before you post you've "only lost X pounds"   
    I posted something similar to this when I was preop.
    I think that so many expect the weight to just melt off at a rate of 20lbs a month for 6+ months. I don't know of anyone who had those kinds of numbers on here. I lost about 60lbs in my first three months. 10lbs month 4 and 5lbs this month. I'm slowing way down as I get closer to goal. With only 25 or so left to goal, I know it's not going to be easy.
    But I'll take my 5lbs lost this month. Because that's 5lbs less. I would take 1lb a month loss because that would mean I'm not gaining.
    Early out in the first month or two when hormones are all out of whack, I think it is easy to go into a tailspin of panic that you will be the one person this doesn't work for. But if you are following the plan, then you will lose. Might not be at the pace you want, but a loss is a loss. Every ounce lost should be celebrated because that is one ounce closer to goal and one ounce less you are carrying around.
    It is hard in the beginning. But don't focus on how far you have to go. Stop and look at how far you have come!!! Look back at trying your shoes preop compared to now. Think about the waist line from your pants digging in to needing a belt. Post your NSV and enjoy every aspect of this journey. Don't be a slave to the scale. We can't get fixated on seeing our magic number pop up when we step on the scale. We need to focus on the journey so we can learn healthy lifestyles. That way the destination won't be so scary.
  25. Like
    Heyher reacted to clk in Before you post you've "only lost X pounds"   
    Please stop and do the math.
    People get completely freaked out by what I feel are unreasonable expectations. They fly into a panic. They assume that the first time they don't lose on the scale that their loss is done. They think that two weeks at one weight is a massive stall. They look at other people's large losses and forget that we don't all lose at the same rate.
    First - if you did a pre-op diet you are not going to have the same loss your first month as someone who didn't do one. Your pre-op loss should get counted into your loss calculation if you did a pre-op diet.
    Second - a stall is three weeks or more at the same weight with no fluctuation. Are you panicked after that? Well, my friend coops once spent twenty one MONTHS at the same weight. She finally broke through and never regained during that time, and even lost two sizes while not budging on the scale. Is it the miracle cure you may have been hoping for on the scale? No. But stalls are not the end of the world. They are certainly more normal that flying to goal in six weeks, I promise you.
    Third - losing anything more than a pound a week is good. Are you eating less than ever before? Yes. Does that guarantee you'll lose faster than ever before? No. I had two nine week stalls - no movement except upwards for my monthly cycle. I had months where I lost but only in the tenths of a pound. It's not normal to expect a big loss every time you step on the scale. It's setting yourself up for disappointment.
    Fourth - your pattern is your pattern. You can compare yourself to other people sleeved the same day or with the same stats but it doesn't matter. So much of this is individual. So if you're constantly seeking out other people and comparing your losses to theirs, you are eventually going to discourage and frustrate yourself.
    Fifth - are you closing in on goal? We all lose even more slowly the less weight we have to lose. So if you only have sixty pounds to lose but shed thirty in your first three months, please don't be hysterical because you're "only" losing a pound a week now that you're past the halfway point. It's normal.
    Stop. Breathe. Do the math. Adjust your expectations. This is not a race. You do not get a special award for reaching goal more quickly. Your surgery was not pointless or worthless if you manage to get to goal in two years instead of six months. The real goal is not losing the weight. It's keeping the weight off. That's real success - that's what we're here to do. It does not matter if you hit goal in nine months or two years - the real challenge and the real journey begins with maintenance. How quickly or slowly you lost does nothing to change the challenges you'll encounter there.
    I am not ranting at anyone in particular. I just feel that this is an issue that comes up constantly and it's actually pretty silly for people to fly into such a panic without really thinking. I've seen folks upset when they're logging losses of upwards of four pounds a week. Point to the diet that helped you accomplish that and was easy to maintain prior to surgery.

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