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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Heyher reacted to mariamitani in Before and after 105 pound loss   
    105 pound loss 7 months

  2. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Dee White in 5 months   
    Here are my 5 month pics. Down 75 from my highest, so I thought I would be brave....
    Surgery date 2/26 height 5'6"
    HW 250
    SW 245
    CW 174
    Starting measurements
    Chest 52.5
    Stomach 50
    Hips 49
    Current measurements
    Chest 41
    Stomach 35
    Hips 39

  3. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from Wags in Labor Day Challenge   
    SW 245
    challenge goal 170
    Current 174.6
    4lbs in a little over a month.
    I think I can do it.
  4. Like
    Heyher reacted to Beach Lover in Oh Yeah! 2nd goal met!   
    Okay, so I know that I have 99 pounds to lose but I don't have 134 pounds to lose anymore!! I can finally say to myself that I have less than 100 pounds to lose! I know I am still early in the journey but it just feels so good to know I am on my way and can do it!!! :D
  5. Like
    Heyher reacted to Puja in How hard is it not to feel jaded?   
    Holy sleevies, I love some of the responses in this thread. They speak to me a great deal, and I feel so vindicated!
    I love my sleeve, and I could talk about it all day long. I love that I have a new life because of it, and that it has taught me so much about making my health a priority. Yes, I worked my butt off to educate myself. Yes, I revamped my whole outlook on food and nutrition. Yes, I had to become super honest with myself about my bad habits, and change them.
    But, this was all a learning experience. Not everyone realizes the work it takes from the start, and unfortunately some never realize it.To those people I want to give them a good smack and tell them to take a hard look at themselves. Why would you cut out half your stomach if you weren't ready to adapt to that change? Why would you undergo this procedure without knowing what you were in for? Why would you complain about something without taking the steps to fix it?
    There are so many amazing vets here that have not reached their "goal" (I say that with quotes because honestly how you feel and live is much more important than the number), and are still going strong. They keep tracking their foods and continue to face their inner demons on a daily basis. We all do. I will forever be a bariatric patient, there is no denying it. And, honestly, I'm the happier for it. I LIKE this lifestyle. I'm not on a diet, I'm eating as I should have been eating my whole life. I walk the perimeter of the grocery store because I'm aware of the dangers that lurk in the middle. I acknowledge my faults and weaknesses.
    Like so many in this thread, I did all my research before the surgery, so I knew what I should expect. I knew that this was not a quick fix and that this surgery was FOR MY HEALTH. Who cares if I lose slowly or quickly, or if I can't stuff my face full of junk anymore?
    I will take the slow sips of Water, the weird gurgles, the loose skin, the thin hair, the wonky poops, and the strict regimens any day over a life of complications due to obesity.
    This doesn't answer the OP's question at all, but I felt inspired to express myself! Like Butterthebean (who always has great advice), I appreciate the people who are optimistic and excited... I appreciate those that look for answers. I don't pay much attention to the complainers or whiners that don't seem to have their priorities straight.
  6. Like
    Heyher reacted to DanaMomto3 in One year ago today   
    I told my husband I wanted to be sleeved. One year ago I picked up the phone and made my first appointment. I am now 6 months post op, down 86lbs. I started in size 22 pants and 3xl tops. I am now in size 14 pants and almost ready to move to L tops. What a great decision!
  7. Like
    Heyher reacted to JessicaAnn in Almost a month out..   
    Been in a stall for almost 2 weeks. I can feel my clothes getting loose, and I know I'm doing what I'm supposed to, so hopefully the scale moves soon.
    Honestly, do you guys see a difference?
    Starting weight in January: 299
    Day of surgery (July 3): 289
    Current weight (July 29): 262
    Don't mind the messy hair or shlumpy appearance lol. I'm a severely tired momma who hasn't slept a full night in almost 2 years!
    And a current head shot..

  8. Like
    Heyher reacted to imworthit in I Want To See Before & After Pics!   
    Here I go!!! Over 300 on the left 190 on the right 10 months later!!!!!

  9. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from DeezJeanz in I Want To See Before & After Pics!   
    Here is work cloths.
    Size 10 express pants and large top & blazer.

  10. Like
    Heyher reacted to bethxxx in I Want To See Before & After Pics!   
    My latest, 20lbs from goal

  11. Like
    Heyher reacted to TerryBelieves in 6 Months Post Op   
    I am 6 months post op and down 100 lbs, 66 lbs since surgery and only 28 lbs from my goal!!!! I am loving my WLS journey!
  12. Like
    Heyher reacted to soocalchic in NSV nah just want to share Pics!   
    Selfie at work!!

  13. Like
    Heyher reacted to cmd1109 in ONEderland Finally   
    So after being stuck between 203-207 for nearly 8 months I have finally broken that huge goal and hit 198 this morning. Holy cow!! Feels so amazing, pretty sure I haven't weighed under 200 since Jr. High. Surgery was February 20th, 2012 where I weighed in at a whopping 368 lbs. I'm pretty sure that wasn't my highest, but that's where I start this journey. This was honestly the best decision I have ever made in my life. If I had it to do again, I wouldn't change a thing!

  14. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from mandynichole in I Want To See Before & After Pics!   
    Here are my 5 month pics. Down 75 from my highest, so I thought I would be brave....
    Surgery date 2/26 height 5'6"
    HW 250
    SW 245
    CW 174
    Starting measurements
    Chest 52.5
    Stomach 50
    Hips 49
    Current measurements
    Chest 41
    Stomach 35
    Hips 39

  15. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from mandynichole in I Want To See Before & After Pics!   
    Here are my 5 month pics. Down 75 from my highest, so I thought I would be brave....
    Surgery date 2/26 height 5'6"
    HW 250
    SW 245
    CW 174
    Starting measurements
    Chest 52.5
    Stomach 50
    Hips 49
    Current measurements
    Chest 41
    Stomach 35
    Hips 39

  16. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from mandynichole in I Want To See Before & After Pics!   
    Here are my 5 month pics. Down 75 from my highest, so I thought I would be brave....
    Surgery date 2/26 height 5'6"
    HW 250
    SW 245
    CW 174
    Starting measurements
    Chest 52.5
    Stomach 50
    Hips 49
    Current measurements
    Chest 41
    Stomach 35
    Hips 39

  17. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from tml74 in 11 days post op - scared I can eat alot   
    I agree with Amazon. At 11 days out your stomach is still healing and probably still numb. Measure out 2oz of food and try to take 20 min o eat it. Might not take that long, but don't want to push things.
  18. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from tml74 in 11 days post op - scared I can eat alot   
    I agree with Amazon. At 11 days out your stomach is still healing and probably still numb. Measure out 2oz of food and try to take 20 min o eat it. Might not take that long, but don't want to push things.
  19. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from tml74 in 11 days post op - scared I can eat alot   
    I agree with Amazon. At 11 days out your stomach is still healing and probably still numb. Measure out 2oz of food and try to take 20 min o eat it. Might not take that long, but don't want to push things.
  20. Like
    Heyher reacted to Dee White in 5 months   
  21. Like
    Heyher reacted to LiggleLiggle in 5 months   
    You look fantastic!
  22. Like
    Heyher reacted to Tiny One in 5 months   
    Great job.
  23. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from mandynichole in I Want To See Before & After Pics!   
    Here are my 5 month pics. Down 75 from my highest, so I thought I would be brave....
    Surgery date 2/26 height 5'6"
    HW 250
    SW 245
    CW 174
    Starting measurements
    Chest 52.5
    Stomach 50
    Hips 49
    Current measurements
    Chest 41
    Stomach 35
    Hips 39

  24. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from AngelNP in Before you post you've "only lost X pounds"   
    I posted something similar to this when I was preop.
    I think that so many expect the weight to just melt off at a rate of 20lbs a month for 6+ months. I don't know of anyone who had those kinds of numbers on here. I lost about 60lbs in my first three months. 10lbs month 4 and 5lbs this month. I'm slowing way down as I get closer to goal. With only 25 or so left to goal, I know it's not going to be easy.
    But I'll take my 5lbs lost this month. Because that's 5lbs less. I would take 1lb a month loss because that would mean I'm not gaining.
    Early out in the first month or two when hormones are all out of whack, I think it is easy to go into a tailspin of panic that you will be the one person this doesn't work for. But if you are following the plan, then you will lose. Might not be at the pace you want, but a loss is a loss. Every ounce lost should be celebrated because that is one ounce closer to goal and one ounce less you are carrying around.
    It is hard in the beginning. But don't focus on how far you have to go. Stop and look at how far you have come!!! Look back at trying your shoes preop compared to now. Think about the waist line from your pants digging in to needing a belt. Post your NSV and enjoy every aspect of this journey. Don't be a slave to the scale. We can't get fixated on seeing our magic number pop up when we step on the scale. We need to focus on the journey so we can learn healthy lifestyles. That way the destination won't be so scary.
  25. Like
    Heyher got a reaction from AngelNP in Before you post you've "only lost X pounds"   
    I posted something similar to this when I was preop.
    I think that so many expect the weight to just melt off at a rate of 20lbs a month for 6+ months. I don't know of anyone who had those kinds of numbers on here. I lost about 60lbs in my first three months. 10lbs month 4 and 5lbs this month. I'm slowing way down as I get closer to goal. With only 25 or so left to goal, I know it's not going to be easy.
    But I'll take my 5lbs lost this month. Because that's 5lbs less. I would take 1lb a month loss because that would mean I'm not gaining.
    Early out in the first month or two when hormones are all out of whack, I think it is easy to go into a tailspin of panic that you will be the one person this doesn't work for. But if you are following the plan, then you will lose. Might not be at the pace you want, but a loss is a loss. Every ounce lost should be celebrated because that is one ounce closer to goal and one ounce less you are carrying around.
    It is hard in the beginning. But don't focus on how far you have to go. Stop and look at how far you have come!!! Look back at trying your shoes preop compared to now. Think about the waist line from your pants digging in to needing a belt. Post your NSV and enjoy every aspect of this journey. Don't be a slave to the scale. We can't get fixated on seeing our magic number pop up when we step on the scale. We need to focus on the journey so we can learn healthy lifestyles. That way the destination won't be so scary.

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