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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Susmcmur

  1. Weight before surgery: 254 Date of surgery: April 30, 2012 Challenge start weight: 193 Current weight: 193 Goal weight for competition: 178 Weigh in every Sat No change in the first two days...I'll be hitting the protein hard next week!
  2. Weight before surgery: 254 Date of surgery: April 30, 2012 Current weight: 193 Goal weight for competition: 178 Weigh in every Sat I have my six month check at the end of October and my surgeon said he expects to see me at 180; I want to do 2-3 pounds better than that!
  3. Susmcmur

    Labor Day Challenge 2012

    Sorry for the late check in but thr news is great... My original stats.... Starting Wt ... 254 Current Wt ... 213 Labor Day Goal ... 193 Today's Wt ... 193!!! We just got back from our 25th Anniversary trip to Ireland and I was dying to weigh myself! So happy and surprised and grateful for the success and the support here. I'm going to try to find the Halloween Challenge and get to work!
  4. Susmcmur

    Labor Day Challenge 2012

    My original stats.... Starting Wt ... 254 Current Wt ... 213 Labor Day Goal ... 193 Today's Wt ... 198 Down 4 pounds and in ONEDERLAND!! Today was Staff Opening Day at my school and so many of my colleagues had kind, encouraging things to say bout the new me.
  5. Susmcmur

    Labor Day Challenge 2012

    My original stats.... Starting Wt ... 254 Current Wt ... 213 Labor Day Goal ... 193 Still at 202...I'm focusing on water this week, tracking every bite and moving this body into Onederland.
  6. Susmcmur


    Nice! I saw Jodi Picoult speak at our library during her book tour for Lone Wolf. She was very excited about the project with her daughter and described their writing process. The whole concept sounded really interesting. I read 11/22/63 with my book club and loved it even though I'm not a huge S. King fan. I'm laughing about Fifty Shades of Grey...everywhere I go people are talking about it, but nobody ever admits to reading it. I read one and two, and put down three in the middle. I'll probably pick it back up when I need an injection of excitement in the boudoir. It has an amazing effect! I'm reading The Newlyweds right now. It's about an Indian Internet bride who moves to Rochester to marry an American; a little slow starting but I like it.
  7. Susmcmur


    I love to read, too! Now I am desperate to know what you're reading that is so good?
  8. Susmcmur


    Would your topic be WLS books or any/every book you read? I think if you want to appeal to this forum, books on weight loss surgery, recipes post-op, healthy lifestyle, etc. would be the way to go. Otherwise, you could blog on GoodReads, Amaxon, or your local library site.
  9. I feel your pain. I just packed up all my 18W, 20W, and 22W professional wardrobe separates and suits. Hundreds of dollars worth of beautiful clothes that I just want GONE. I was thinking of eBay, but I don't have the patience and don't want them hanging around here. There is an organization locally called "Success in Style," that trains and outfits women who are reentering the workforce or changing jobs. I get the tax receipt and know that it's going to someone who may really benefit. I'm not sure if you've reached your goal or not, but the thing that is killing me is buying clothes that I know I'll be wearing for only a short time. I'm going to get over my fear of thrift stores and consignment shops; I have had some awesome luck at summer clearance sales.
  10. Susmcmur

    Omg Protein Killer

    Don't stress about the protein so much during the first two weeks! Your big job is clear liquids during week one to stave off dehydration. The next priority is movement and breathing exercises (my hospital gave me a Triflo) to avoid blood clots. Finally, if you're up to it, sip on a protein shake for thirty minutes (small sips over the entire half hour). Take a thirty minute break, then go back to clear liquids for a few hours, take a thirty minute break, then back to protein. It's not a lot of fun, you feel like a whipped kitten, and everything kind of hurts. BUT, every day it gets better and you get stronger.
  11. Susmcmur

    Labor Day Challenge 2012

    My original stats.... Starting Wt ... 254 Current Wt ... 213 Labor Day Goal ... 193 Hanging at 202, down 2# from last week and 9# from Labor Day goal. Good luck everyone in this first full week of August!
  12. So, caffeine isn't a factor, probably not dehydration, headache preceded the surgery, and fatigue. Are you running a fever? Is it possible you have the flu? Strep? Have you had any bloodwork done to rule out infection?
  13. Also, symptomatic of caffeine withdrawal. Only you know if that fits your situation. Do you have any history of migraines?
  14. Susmcmur


    My surgeon prescribed the generic of Urso Forte to prevent gallstones. It's a rather large, oval tablet that early on caused a big gag reflex. I take it with my dinner and I'm highly motivated to take it to avoid gallbladder problems. Some info: What is Urso Forte (Ursodiol)? Ursodiol is a bile acid that decreases the amount of cholesterol produced by the liver and absorbed by the intestines. Ursodiol helps break down cholesterol that has formed into stones in the gallbladder. Ursodiol also increases bile flow in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. Ursodiol is used to treat small gallstones in people who cannot have gallbladder surgery, and to prevent gallstones in overweight patients undergoing rapid weight loss. Ursodiol is also used to treat primary biliary cirrhosis. Ursodiol is not for treating gallstones that are calcified.
  15. Susmcmur

    Weight Loss

    My surgeon gave me some tough love on my one month visit...not enough calories (at least 800) and not enough protein (bare minimum 60g, better to shoot for 80+g). Our bodies are built For survival and are preserving all resources when unde stress. You are at 10 days, not even two weeks. You body has been through a major shock. You were pumped full of chemicals and fluids. You are at great risk for dehydration at this point. Allow your sleeve to heal; take it easy on the food and focus on hydration and protein. When you can, up your calories with quality nutrition.
  16. Susmcmur

    Another Quick Dumb Question

    Dannon Light and Fit now has a vanilla Greek yogurt that is wonderful and provides a nice protein boost for 80 calories (9 g carbs and 12 grams of protein).
  17. Susmcmur

    Labor Day Challenge 2012

    My original stats.... Starting Wt ... 254 Current Wt ... 213 Labor Day Goal ... 193 As of today, I am 204....down 50 pounds since sleeve date of 4/30, and down 9 pounds since the challenge began. 11 pounds to go for this challenge. A little setback when I sprained my right foot on Saturday at Zumba but I can drink lots of water, get in 70+ grams of protein and head for the pool!
  18. Susmcmur

    Labor Day Challenge 2012

    I am so with my sleeve date buddy 15Kgold! Last Friday I had my 3 month checkup with my surgeon. I was 206 on my home scale and 211 at the doctor's office. This morning I 204 at home (I guess I'd be 209 a few zip codes over!) it's a loss and I'll take it...
  19. Susmcmur

    So Coffee?

    I was at a grumpy Starbucks two weeks ago and just asked for my tall in their grande cup, then took it up to my hotel room and mixed it together myself. If your powder blends well in a shaker bottle, awesome! I can't get the clumps out without creating vast quantities of foam, so I use my bullet even when I travel. I was at the grumpy Starbucks for 4 days, and they softened by day 3! I gave them lots of warm fuzzies ( I really appreciate this...you're the best...this is the best iced latte I've ever tasted...)
  20. Susmcmur

    Kids Menu Pass

    My surgeon's office have me a little kid's menu card to place in my wallet but honestly I've never used it. Lots of sit down restaurant kids menus are comprised of burgers, fries, Mac 'n cheese, fried chicken tenders, spaghetti, and other stuff I can't and shouldn't eat. I have ordered the Chik Fil A kids grilled 4 piece nuggets with a kids fruit cup without any questions or comments from staff. When I go out to eat, I order what I want and wrap up the leftovers (there are ALWAYS leftovers!) or order a protein (shrimp, scallops) off the appetizer menu. No one questions me or comments on my choice. I've had an occasional waiter who has hovered as I'm playing with my food (worrying that it wasn't to my liking) but I just assure them that it's delicious and I'm taking my time.
  21. Susmcmur

    So Coffee?

    I'm with Smoggy! I protein up my coffee fix. It's a treat (2-3x week) but I mix up 1/2 cup of skim milk with 1 scoop of unflavored Unjury protein in my bullet, take it to Starbucks in my Venti iced tervis type cup, order a Tall Skinny Vanilla or Caramel Latte iced and they mix it up for me with 1-2 Splenda. It's 220 calories and 31 grams of protein. Yummy, protein packed, plus I feel like its special.
  22. Susmcmur

    Labor Day Challenge 2012

    My original stats.... Starting Wt ... 254 Current Wt ... 213 Labor Day Goal ... 193 As of today, I am 206...down 48 pounds since sleeve date of 4/30, and down 7 pounds since the challenge began. 13 pounds to go for this challenge! I think I can!
  23. Susmcmur

    Feeling Down

    Oh baby, it gets better every single day! My drain was in for one week and it felt so uncomfortable and alien. As soon as it was out I started feeling better. I am 53 and I have to admit I was emotional (hormones!) and exhausted for a good month. On the flip side I marveled at the feeling of control. It was amazing to feel little or no hunger. Ride out the next few weeks like the little engine that could...."I think I can, I think I can..." and you will! Sleeved on 4/30; wish I had done it sooner and not one regret.
  24. Susmcmur

    Alcoholic Drink Recommendation

    Actually, a skinny margarita is a sugar free mixer with tequila and triple sec. I've been a few places that have them prominently on their drinks menu (Outback and other chains) but have found a few local Mexican restaurants that have them as well. I have found that I can have a drink or some dinner, but not both! It's definitely a special occasion choice. Skinny Girl, Jose Cuervo, and Margaritaville all sell a skinny premixed margarita in liquor stores. I think I know entirely too much about skinny margaritas!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
