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Everything posted by Susmcmur

  1. Susmcmur

    How long did you take off work?

    My surgeon said six weeks, so I took six weeks. I had the luxury of FMLA, Sick Bank (so I received regular pay the entire time) and a very employee friendly contract with my school system and teacher's union. The last two weeks were pure fluff, but it was nice to establish a new routine without the stress of working.
  2. Susmcmur

    Gratitude Post

    Happy that I am happy and I must appear friendlier or more approachable at 82 pounds down from 254. People are nicer, men are flirtier, kids at school are more open, and i like the positive attention. Fun clothes shopping; I window shop first at Ann Taylor, Loft, Talbots, and Nordstrom and then hit the consignment shops and thrift stores to purchase. I've gotten so many beautiful outfits for not a lot of money, which is good, because I've gone down about four sizes since school started in September.
  3. Susmcmur

    Please don't laugh at me....

    In the context of VSG surgery, the gas you'll most likely experience immediately post-op (and for up to a week) is the result of the CO2 that the surgeon uses to inflate the area around the stomach and gall bladder. You feel pains in your tummy and chest and upper arms. Walking helps a lot, doing your incentive breathing with the plastic thingie they give you helps, Gas-X strips and chewables helped me; it's just one of the things to get through!
  4. Susmcmur

    Starving all the time !

    Many docs prescribe a PPI for the first 6 months after surgery; an acid reducer like Prevacid or Prilosec helps with that gnawing that feels like hunger, but is actually excess stomach acid. Ask your doc about it, or have them adjust your dosage if you're already on one. I needed an increase in dosage around 3 weeks and it worked very well.
  5. Susmcmur

    Alcohol and 2 weeks post op!

    Follow the post-op orders provided by your surgeon and nutritionist, which do not deviate on this point. Alcohol is not recommended for sleeve patients post-op (some docs/nutritionists say EVER), but at the very least in the critical healing 6 week period. If you don't believe us, drag out your booklets and notes. If you still don't believe us, call your surgeon's office or nutritionist on Tuesday. You have a tiny, tender, trying-to-heal stomach and you need to take better care of yourself.
  6. I just watched comedian Lisa Lampinelli on Wendy Williams' talk show and she was very funny and very honest about her VSG WLS. She explained how and why she made her choice and how she lost 102 pounds in a year. She is 52 and looks really good. My favorite quote in response to the question about what do you say to people who think WLS is the easy way out and/or cheating, "If exercising most every day and eating 4 ounces of food at my 3 of 4 meals is cheating, then I guess I'm cheating." Her husband also had the surgery and she talks a good bit about the improvement in their relationship and the whole idea that the real work is just beginning (head hunger, emotional eating, maintenance, etc.) Maybe you can catch it on BET late tonight or on demand.
  7. Susmcmur

    Unflavored Protein Powder

    I prefer Unjury, too. I have used a shaker bottle, a magic bullet and now my new Ninja. There is very little foam with Unjury (can't stand the foam for some reason!) Synthrax has much more foam, and the unflavored has a distinct whey smell to me. The Nectar Sweets (cappuccino, vanilla bean torte, cookies 'n cream) don't seem to have the same overwhelming odor, probably because of all the flavorings. Good luck with whichever one you go with; they are both high quality, medical grade proteins.
  8. Susmcmur


    I feel such empathy for you and can really sense your pain and shame. I had a similar slip and slide in the week between Christmas and New Year's Day. One cookie led to three, along with chips, pretzels and crackers at random, non-meal times. Felt like crap; wished I would have felt physically ill, and am actually surprised that the sugar and fat didn't make me sick. I made it through 7-8 months following Dr and Nut guidelines and eating Protein first, avoiding processed carbs, drinking tons of Water, getting 65+ grams of protein daily. I try some new (OLD) foods and have no ill effects, and pretty much immediately revert to a carb junkie. I can't say this will work for you, but I woke up today and literally listed every truth I could think of about my surgery and weight loss so far. I drank 80-some oz of water today, logged 77 grams of protein, and had some croutons on my chicken Caesar salad as my big carb treat of the day. I already feel so much better. It's kind of my way of getting back to basics and pulling a Ms Divas Boot Camp. I will be 54 on Monday and I figure that's a lot of years of building up rotten patterns of eating and relating to food. Its great that I've lost 80 pounds so far and have 20 to go to my surgeon's goal, but I love myself enough to nurture myself to good health, too. I am so proud of you, and a little jealous too! You are half my age (I was married at 27, and had my first of three sons at 32), and have such a bright, light future ahead. You can do this!
  9. Susmcmur

    Tell me your recent NSV!

    I went to renew my drivers license today and asked the clerk to change my weight listed to my current weight. She called her coworker over and they wanted to know how I had lost 80 pounds and if I would recommend WLS. When I reach my goal, I may just go back and get a new license, but this is my weight today and I worked hard to get there and I'm proud of it. Also, I put on a new pair of Ann Taylor 12 Petite black jeans today that have been in my closet as inspiration and aspiration for the past month. They not only fit...I needed to wear a skinny belt!
  10. Susmcmur

    5 mins per bite

    I don't want to start something or come off as preachy, but my surgeon and Nut are big on a meal "time," mostly to set folks up for success and to avoid setting up a pattern for grazing. So, even with those first protein drinks post-op, there was a 30 minute limit to the meal. If you're not finished in 30 minutes, wrap it up, refrigerate it or toss it out. Wait 30 minutes and begin sipping water or other sugar free liquids. 30 minutes before the next meal, stop the liquids. Space the mini meals about 3 hours apart. Noshing on something for 3 hours may catch up with you when your sleeve relaxes and capacity is greater, and the "honeymoon" is over. Only love for you guys! I went on vaca at 6 weeks out and felt like everyone was staring at me...the more I relax and go with the flow and listen to my body, the better I do. Down 80 pounds in 8 months, and things reeeeaaaalllyyy slow down around 6 months!
  11. Susmcmur


    I started eating salads almost every day beginning around month 4-5. I top them with lowfat cheese, grilled chicken or lean browned ground beef or shrimp, and use light dressings. It's s very satisfying way to get protein and veggies. I have s sleeved friend who is more than a year out who can't handle raw veggies, so I think it's a sleeve, by sleeve situation. Good luck; it's early days for you and things get better!
  12. Susmcmur

    Whats your fav breakfast?

    I brew a cup of strong coffee in my Kuerig the night before, throw it in the fridge, add nonfat milk, vanilla protein powder, and some SF vanilla creamer in my Ninja, pour it over a little ice in my go cup. Iced latte--yum! Sometimes I'll make it hot, if its really a chilly morning.
  13. Susmcmur

    Protein Yuck!

    Early on I was able to tolerate Unjury Chicken Soup. Just like chicken broth with lots of protein; you can also use it to make mashed potatoes. I was strictly Unjury Chocolate Splendor and Unflavored my first few months, then branched out to some Synthrax Nectars and Smoothie King Gladiator in Vanilla. I make a yummy iced or hot latte with my Kuirig, nonfat milk, a little SF French vanilla creamer and the vanilla Gladiator. It's not too sweet, and you could do decaf if its still early days for you. It gets better!! Strive to work toward at least 60+ grams of protein!!
  14. I've noticed that most everyone who's responded is pre-op or very newly sleeved. I'm 6, almost 7 months out. Down 75 pounds from an all time high of 254. BP down, cholesterol levels normal, blood sugar perfect, sleep apnea gone, shopping at normal people stores for regular size 12s and 14s (a first in my life!), crossing my legs like a lady, taking a few flights of stairs without a thought, week 7 of Couch to 5K (ridiculous!), being hit on by men half my age, guzzling water after a workout, eating reasonable portions of protein first, then veggies and fruit, getting at least one protein drink a day as insurance (and I love me a tall iced latte with vanilla protein). What's not to love? I'm 54, and my ONLY regret is that I didn't do this sooner. We celebrated my mom's birthday last week at a four star French restaurant. I tasted everything, gravitated mostly toward my filet and seafood appetizers, shared with others, had a lovely glass of wine and focused on appreciating my mom's longevity and support, and my husband's affection. Have I mentioned how happy I am that food is not the crutch and anchor and absolute center of my life? It truly feels like I've been let out of a cage. I'm not sure what the future holds for you, but I encourage you to read some of the posts of folks denied surgery for many complicated insurance or physical or financial reasons. You have been given a great opportunity to change your life, bug only you can embrace the chance and be grateful for it and run with it. Best of success to you; this too shall pass!
  15. Susmcmur

    Liquid Vitamins?

    I bought mine at the tasting session that was offered after a pre-op Nut class at the hospital where I had surgery. They are also available online through the Nutrametrix website and Amazon.
  16. Susmcmur

    Liquid Vitamins?

    My Nut recommended 3 different brands, one of which was a powder to liquid. We were given samples and taste tests of the different tablets, chews, and liquids. I settled on the Nutrametrix isotonix powders. The multivitamin plus iron powder and calcium plus D powder are mixed with a small amount of water and the drink tastes like Tang, kind of a not to sweet, orangey citrus taste. I drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and have had no problems.
  17. Susmcmur

    Two Dumb Questions :)

    Sorry, 12 grams of protein. There was a thread on here a little while ago about "fake" Greek yogurt. Read the labels to make sure yours doesn't have thickeners, gelatins, gums, etc.
  18. Susmcmur

    Two Dumb Questions :)

    I like the Dannon Light 'n Fit Greek Yogurt. It comes in Vanilla, Cherry, Strawberry, and I think Blueberry. Artificial sweeteners, nonfat, and 9 grams of protein in an 80 calorie serving. Yum!
  19. Susmcmur

    Whey Protein

    Unjury is a medical grade, high quality whey protein with 3 carbs or less in all flavors. Synthrax Nectars are low carb and come in tons of flavors. Both brands sell sample packs so you can try before committing to a canister. Finally, Smoothie King Gladiator has 1 gram per serving and comes in under 90 calories. My favorites are Unjury unflavored and Chocolate Splendor, Synthrax cappuccino and cookies 'n cream, and Gladiator vanilla (in a strawberry banana smoothie!)
  20. Susmcmur

    Medical Nsv

    Congratulations!!! These are such significant victories, and must make you feel fantastic! Look at you, buying a new smart phone and taking your cute self to the mall. Don't ever be shy to go out and about. You are a beautiful spirit on this board and always have an encouraging word and an uplifting thought to share. Don't hide your light! BTW, did you notice your weight loss slow around six months? Or has it been steady? Thanks for any advice!
  21. Susmcmur

    Insurance Question

    BCBS Federal Basic was 2 days once packet was submitted. There was a required 3 month Nut supervised diet, psych eval, and I had sleep study documentation and CPAP fitting prior to the submission.
  22. My surgery was on 4/30, and I'm down 60 pounds. As a 53 year old post-menipausal woman, im pretty thrilled with the progress. (6 pounds to wedding weight!) Pretty much everyone at work knows I was out for WLS and I'm like the poster girl now, receiving lots of attention and (for the most part) encouragement. Some folks are weird, much more attention from men, and most people are just kind and curious. There are 3 other sleevers at work: one who is a total success, one who lost then gained a lot back, and one who just recently had surgery and is eating a lot of sugar and fried stuff and complains about getting sick all the time(!) Coworkers openly compare me to the others and it makes me uncomfortable ( I say things like, "we each have our own challenges...) My BFF is a year out from a successful double mastectomy, chemo, radiation, and other ravages on her poor body. She is about 100 pounds overweight and we've talked very frankly and openly. She's jealous of my weight loss, she knows it hasn't been easy, she would like to look into it but doesn't want to put her husband and two young sons through more medical drama right now. It is kind of awkward between us at times. We used to bond over meals; not a big option for me now. She is very conscious of what I eat and curious about how it could possibly be okay. Finally, my family is supportive and happy ad long as I continue to crank out dinner every night and stock the pantry and fridge. Fortunately, my sons are all athletes and my husband appreciates healthy, well balanced meals. Still, there are slider foods in my house, and some days that's a challenge. I love my sleeve but I have to say it has changed pretty much everything! Most for the better....
  23. We just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary...and I'm 6 pounds away from "wedding weight!"

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
