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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Susmcmur

  1. I appreciate your frustration with the idea that someone "needs" WLS. I can only say that I gave many other methods many, many years and my very best effort and I was still a failure. The "reset button" is a good analogy. The first six months or so was a white knuckle flight of following doctors orders to a T. I was so worried about getting sick, throwing up, dumping, developing a leak, that I developed a whole new set of habits. Add to that the immediate physical response that comes from eating even one bite too many and you have dome pretty powerful biofeedback. Now that I'm almost a year out, I've relaxed a bit, but I'm still cautious and mindful of every bite.
  2. Susmcmur


    I'm sort of in the "not one, not even one bite" camp, especially if you know it's the monkey on your back. Why tempt fate? You've gotten along just fine without any psychotic, sociopathic, cuckoo donuts for more than four months! Yay you! Have some yummy protein - jalapeño string cheese is good - and carry on!
  3. Susmcmur

    What to pack

    There are big long lists on threads about packing for the hospital, but I'm with proudgrammy--KISS. I did use my Chapstick and I did have my iPhone. They said "bring your C-pap," then they didn't make me use it (and that's ok with me!) I brought my Uggs slippers for my walk of shame (hauling around the IV pole and dangling the yucky drain). All modesty and pride goes pretty much out the window. Wear their gowns and pee and poo on your own and pass the leak test and get the heck out of there as fast as you can!
  4. "Thanks, starting weight 600 from 3-21-12 current weight 345 255 lbs gone forever." AWESOME! Keep up the amazing work!
  5. Susmcmur


    I'm 54 and had 3 C-sections ('91, '93 and '99). The VSG surgeon said it was a non-issue for my procedure (std laparoscopic with 5 small incisions). The loose skin/panni apron is really there and not going anywhere without surgery. I've lost 90 pounds since 4/30/12.
  6. Susmcmur


    Oh Laura, I am such a food addict! So, I can't help with the extenuating/underlying medical reasons question. Little kid who was the fat one in the family, middle child, peacemaker, only girl, regularly rewarded with food, comforted with food...hit adolescence and realized I was fat and getting fatter, dieted, cried, ate...tried most every diet under the sun, lots lots of weight with WW three different times, with Optifast, three babies, three C-sections, plantar fasciitis, exercising, dieting, eating...food has been my friend, my foe, my lover, my abuser, my life. I do feel hope, because at 11+ months out I don't feel the drive to eat. I feel comfortable with my food choices and less controlled by food. The times that have been the hardest post-op are the holidays where everyone is overeating. I'm learning that its the all-day grazing thing that sets me up for the big fall on those days. On Easter I knew that going in and was able to hold it together this week, even in the face of Reese's and Jelly Bellies. Hey, food is here to stay, and I just need to continue working on interacting with it in a healthy way. Good luck with your quest; unfortunately, I think the food addiction is something I'll always struggle with.
  7. Susmcmur

    Does everyone

    I'm almost a year out and rarely eat bread. I'm a protein first, fruits and veggies kind of girl now, with an occasional margarita. I have had a piece of whole wheat toast with a little peanut butter, now and then. I just skip the bread basket when dining out, because it takes up too much room and I honestly don't care about it any more. I like the crunch of croutons on my salad, and I'll enjoy a slice of thin crust pizza once in a while. You'll find that your tastes and priorities change, and you may not be thinking about bread and rolls and bagels all the time, anymore!
  8. I'm a teacher in an alternative high school (students who are at-risk with emotionally disabilities) and I took six weeks. I was sleeved on 4/30/12. I am 54 and really needed the first month. I was tired, drained, exhausted, and just trying to care for myself and my family. The last two weeks were a gift; I had the chance to work on some new habits and strategies, I was able to ease into a routine, I began to exercise and take better care of myself. I was really happy and ready to return to work and this has been an awesome year.
  9. It's hard when you have something you love and then you can't. Have you thought about trying to make a protein drink version? Fool around with SF syrups and Starbucks via or brewed espresso, fat free milk, protein powder (unflavored or vanilla Unjury are my faves), ice and your bullet or Ninja. I make myself a protein NF iced latte every morning and I'm 11 months out and 90 lbs down. Good luck with whatever way you go. You can do this!
  10. I'm BCBS Federal Basic and I'm 95% to my surgeon's goal at 11 mos. post op. I believe a panni or TT is in my future and I'm curious too about how much documentation was required to get authorization. I'll be a little over 100# lost, at goal and had 3 c-sections. Lots of flap, lots of skin. Good luck--you'll come through this like the champ you are!
  11. Susmcmur

    Beautiful before and after!

    IDK...I've got the loose skin and I'm around 11 months out. I'm close to my surgeon's goal, but think I can do better. I feel amazing. Confidence and energy and positivity. Right now I'm in the "cute clothes can cover a multitude of sins" camp. I like go wear clothes that fit really well, and when they start getting loose I ditch them for something even cuter and tighter. I never liked the way I looked, like ever. Now I do. Someday I may get plastic surgery, but maybe not. I am happy with me and its an awesome feeling.
  12. Susmcmur

    pre op tomorrow

    The pre-op is required by the hospital or surgery center a few days prior to surgery to rule out colds and flu and infections and anything that may have been missed along the way (irregular heartbeat, usually cardiac issues) that would require surgery to be postponed until the issue is under control. They don't want you to show up for surgery with a fever of 101 and have to be sent home.
  13. Susmcmur

    pre op tomorrow

    Every surgeon is different, but my pre-op physical was with my primary care and was a complete bloodwork panel, EKG, height, weight, BP, urinalysis, history and physical. Patients with comorbidities are required to have clearance from their endocrinologists or cardiologists. I needed a sleep study, and found I had sleep apnea, which led to fitting for a C-Pap and a follow up sleep study. My surgeon routinely orders all patients to have an ultrasound of the gallbladder to rule out gallstones. Good luck!
  14. Susmcmur


    Salad is my go-to lunch, and many a dinner. Chicken Caesar, Cobb, Asian with sesame ginger, Taco, Southwest, Fajita, Greek with shrimp, had a yummy crab cake on a Caesar yesterday....yumm. I'm just about a year out and started in on the lots 'o salad routine around 6 months. Always with protein, always eat the protein first. I have a sleeved friend who can't tolerate raw greens (lettuce, spinach, cabbage) and I'm sad for her.
  15. Susmcmur

    Weight Loss Humor

    A little never/ending Winter weight loss humor...who doesn't love a husky puppy?!
  16. Susmcmur

    Concerned about iron sleeve

    Are you taking Pepcid or Prevacid? Sometimes stomach acid mimics hunger, especially in the early days. You shouldn't be feeling actual hunger for a few more months, but may battle "head hunger." Get in your protein first, drink 64oz a day if you can, take your vitamins and a PPI, space out your meals (3 hours apart), and stop drinking 30 minutes before you eat anything (including your purées and protein drinks). This isn't a race, slow down, relax!
  17. Susmcmur

    Post-op Hunger Pangs

    Laura's got a good point about the soup. I'd bump up the protein, too. 60-90 g of protein daily is most surgeon's and nut's goal, depending on your weight. If you haven't already done so, set up a way to track your protein intake (along with calories and carbs, etc.) like My Fitness Pal. Its an app on both Apple and Android and they have a website. You can friend others sleevers and check out what other folks are eating if you need some ideas. Some ways to add protein during this stage: AT LEAST one more shake, switch out the lowfat yogurt for Greek yogurt (Dannon Greek light 'n fit comes in fruit flavors and has 12 g of protein per serving), try using Unjury chicken broth mixed into your soup to add 20 g of high quality protein. Good luck! It gets better!
  18. Susmcmur

    #160 lost 1 year post op (w/ pics)

    You are such a sweet inspiration. I love how you attribute your success and healing and newfound well being to God. You are truly a "new creation!"
  19. Susmcmur

    Some NSV's

    I bought my first pair of knee high NON-WIDE CALF boots in my entire life. I wore them today with my skinny black jeans tucked in. So cute and fun.
  20. The leak test was rough; you're thirsty and wiped out and it was first thing in the morning, stuff and in pain and they get you out of bed, wheel you two or three floors down and around the drafty, chilly hallways with your IV pole tethered to your side. Stand up in front of an X-ray machine and drink what seemed like at least 12oz (maybe more) of really gag-worthy thick liquid. Meanwhile, the nurses were champs and the radiologist was ever so kind, but it was no lie, bad. Good news though: no leak! And them you can drink sips of liquid which us nice because you're thirsty!
  21. Susmcmur


    I should have said everyone is different, though. My dear sleeved inspiration friend, who is three years out and below goal can't tolerate lettuce, and lots of the things I do okay with make her sick. She had GERD prior to surgery, so maybe that's a factor.
  22. Susmcmur


    Around 6 months...I have salad just about every day, always with some protein!
  23. Susmcmur


    I love my new body conscious clothes. I prefer things fitted and a little on the tight side. As soon as things get loose, I give them away and embrace the new size. I've shopped pretty much exclusively at thrift stores and consignment shops and I don't buy anything I really don't love. Gone are the days of buying something just because it fits. I have spent money on two new pair of tall boots---the very first time in my 54 years I can wear boots with a regular (not wide!) calf.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
