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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Bonawanabfree

  1. I would advise you to just put in the time, You are not at all obligated to tell anyone why you are needing time off especially when it comes to medical, there are laws to protect you from that kind of harrassment. Just tell them you need to be out for medical reasons and leave it at that. If they push you for more information tell them you do not feel comfortable disscussing it. let them gossip all they want. Good lick and you are in my thoughts.
  2. Bonawanabfree


    I appreciate all of your advice. Thanks so much
  3. Bonawanabfree


    I have yet to get the surgery but wanted to ask a question about relationships and how you have dealt with the insecurities of your significat other. After all this is not just a journey of one when there are 2 hearts involved. Could anyone give me insight on how to validate and help your significate other in feeling more secure and more excited for the future. My Fiance and I have comunicated openly about this subject and he has fears but on the other hand has a deep desire to see me happy and healthy. How do you juggle this dynamic?
  4. Bonawanabfree


    @ Im sorry to hear about your friend. She must be going through a bit of sadness and envy. I know that many lap banders have gone to revision for sleeve because they did not have as much luck. i was interested in the lap band for a long time and decided that the sleeve made more sense for me. I am sure over time she will come around and just understand that she is fighting with her own insecurities and sometimes in life we put our insecurities above other people accomplishments. it is sad but true and completely normal. Just let her know you are there for her when she is ready and that she is very important to you and your life. Dont give up on her. She may need you more than you need her right now.
  5. Bonawanabfree


    I am glad I started this topic so that i may be able to show him that there is nothing to worry about. I told him that the only one that would hurt our relationship is him in this process. I told him that he needs to have faith and trust with lots of understanding.
  6. March 10th!!! Yippeee!
  7. Bonawanabfree

    March 10th starts my journey

    Thanks everyone!
  8. I know i said it starts my journey but my journey started many years ago, I have been obese all of my life. I was teased mercilessly and made to feel less than a person. I learned at a young age to laugh at myself before anyone else could and it has been that way for so many years and has become my barrier and comfort zone. As I grew older and wiser I learned to brush off the looks and the laughs but all in all I define myself as a hermit and love being alone now and not facing the world. I actually dont mind being inside and feel comforted by the absense of ridicule. I know this sounds sad but I really love who I am now mentally. My main reason for wanting this surgery is for my health and also for my inner child that wants to run, jump and play. I want to learn how to do a cart wheel, I want to go on rides at a themepark. I want to shop in regular stores and not have to pay an arm and a leg for the custom size clothing. I am tired of the way the world thinks less of larger people and caters to the smaller sizes. Part of me likes being bigger for the sake of being humble and less blinded by the facade of beauty and acceptance but my health is highly important to me and I want to feel free of the constraints that excess weight has on my own body and life. Thank you for your stories and your beautiful hearts. You are all wonderful. I have been reading all of your stories for months now and finally taking the plunge to be closer to where you are. Though you are all further along I love the inspiration you have given me to keep pushing and swimming into the deepend of the pool. Thank you. With Love Bonnie

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