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china 3

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by china 3

  1. china 3

    I am in "onderland"!

    Congrats I am in onderland as well I been there since October I went and got a tattoo that says onderland with butterflies
  2. I had my first fill on the 28th and it wasnt bad at all i had to be on clear liquids for 48 hrs then full liquids for 12 hrs it all worked out no problem at all i just get full really fast!
  3. Oh wow i thought it was just me i dont really have any restriction cant waitb to get my fill on the 28
  4. I like muscle milk light it is good and i did sugar free jello , popsicles and crystal light in my water
  5. I like the atdkins protein shakes and the muscle milk light they were really good
  6. Had my first post op visit everything went well my incision is healing really good so i go back in 4 weeks and im on mushy now for a week then to the reg foods after that!
  7. china 3

    Banded Today!!

  8. china 3


    Congrats on starting your new life i am so glad i made the decision and got it i was banded july 16 good luck
  9. china 3

    Period And The Lapband

    My period came the day after my surgery and i thought the bleeding was coming from the 4 hepprin shots that i had the doctor said that it came so soon because of the weight loss!!
  10. That is so true i get so many compliments this is byfar the best decision i made cause im definently going to shine!!!
  11. Good luck to everyone i was banded a week ago today im feeling better just a lil sore at my port and i only have one incision through my navel and that is getting better im still doing liquids until friday when i go for my post op visit!
  12. china 3

    Bandiversary - My 1 Year Video :)

    That was really motivation to me i cant wait for more pounds to shed congrats!!
  13. Yes i too had a hernia that i knew nothing about until after i got out of surgery the only thing that was hard was breathing the first couple of days my chest hurted really bad and im still swollen but i only had one incision and its in my navel no more shoulder pain and really no pain meds at all good luck with yours!!
  14. I cant see my incision cause its in my navel and thats the only incision that i have and i am doing well moving a lil faster drinking liquids just waiting on the rest of the swelling to go down this is the best decision i could of made!
  15. china 3

    This Is Hell!!!

    It was hard for me but the walking and gas x really helped i just have a lil pain in my incision and where my port is but the ice pack is helping the the swelling so you will be ok just take it one day at a time!
  16. china 3

    Did You Keep Your Surgery A Secret?

    Well i havent told alot of people a few friends my mom my kids grandma and my kids and my sisters my brothers dont know and alot of people kept saying dont get it you are going to be sick or you will be too small but im so glad that i made the decision to do it and it really dont matter what people think at this point.
  17. Is anyon else dealing with swelling and discomfort

  18. My stomach us swollen but I think it is a lot of gas I been walking so that makes me feel better anyone else had any swelling
  19. No need to be nervous just have your gas strips ready and walk as much as possible it is going to go by so fast you wont even remember nothing the procedure is quick you will do great i was banded on yesterday so you will do well good luck!!!
  20. china 3

    Banded Tomorrow

    Thanks everyone!!
  21. I had my surgery on yesterday Morning and I am doing great a little swollen and very little gas I will be Going home soon good luck to everyone else
  22. china 3

    Banded Tomorrow

    I'm doing well just a lil sore hurted to cough at first but getting better not a lot of gas pain and happy about that
  23. china 3

    Banded Tomorrow

    I'm doing well just a lil sore hurted to cough at first but getting better not a lot of gas pain and happy about that
  24. Don't be nervous you will do just fine the surgery will go quickly put it in gods hands and make sure you have gas x strips Congrats on your new life
  25. Don't be nervous you will do just fine the surgery will go quickly put it in gods hands and make sure you have gas x strips Congrats on your new life

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