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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mardee57

  1. I thought I better start writing about this journey now so I don't forget. I had lap band surgery November 3, 2007. I actually lost about 60 pounds with the lapband at one point but gained most of the weight back. For the first four years of the lap band I was in constant flux. I dieted more in that four years than in the rest of my life. In December 2011 I was back up to 255 pounds. At that point I realized the lap band had failed me and I needed to consider other options. Through a long drawn out process I was accepted by my insurance company to get a revision to the Sleeve. On December 27 I decided to make a radical change in my lifestyle and eating. After confirming with my bariatric surgeon that I qualified for the revision I decided to become a raw foodist for the next five months. It was a very positive experience and I learned a great deal about health and nutrition. I have to say I read everything I could get my hands on regarding raw foodism, veganism, and the like. I finally understood what it is to make a very real lifestyle change. Understanding that eating processed, boxed, bagged food was not the answer, it finally dawned on me that what I was missing was the live enzymes of fresh fruits and vegetables that no one seems to think are important, or simply don't know that they're absolutely necessary and needed in the body. I watched quite a few documentaries and I'd like to recommend that you also consider watching these few. Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead was the first documentary I watched; that became life-changing. Foodmatters, Food Inc., The Gerson Miracle, Burzynski, Forks over Knives, and The Beautiful Truth. Sorry more than I thought... Anyway I guess what I'm trying to elude to is that we've all had an eating problem to the point where we've had to have surgery once or twice and for some of us it is still escaping us as to how we can actually make a real change that will ultimately save us. So many times I have heard people say I could never give up sugar, coffee, meat, wheat, bacon, soda, etc... When I hear this I think then a lifestyle change for you is probably not something that is going to happen for you. How much do you truly want good health? Maybe it's time to start pushing yourself in new and different directions, maybe there is new and exciting information to be gleaned that will help you to a better and healthier you. For me being a 80-10-10 raw foodist wasn't for me. But I did adopt eating a high fresh fruit and raw vegetable diet into my new lifestyle. I have decided to include cold blooded sea creatures in my diet as well as cooked Beans and rice in moderation, but also to maintain a balanced healthful diet for me. Please understand I am writing this as much to myself for my own remembrance as I am sharing my experience with you. The day of surgery I weighed 204 lbs. Two days after surgery I weighed 213 lbs. that was disappointing but the Water weight gain from th IV was to be expected. Today is 7/1/2012 and I am at 202. So from December 27th 2011 to June 25th 2012 I lost 56 lbs. I am so excited about where I am going... God bless us and keep us! Mardee

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