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About dullkey20

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 05/04/1982

About Me

  • Biography
    Wife and Mother of Two
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  1. dullkey20

    I Can Not Stop Cooking

    Right after surgery I spent hours on pinterest staring at recipes. Now that I'm on regular foods, I'm better!
  2. dullkey20


    Here is my WLS pinterest board! http://pinterest.com/dullkey20/wls-friendly-recipes/
  3. dullkey20

    Favorite Nectar Flavors & Why?

    I've only had chocolate truffle and vanilla bean but I like both. I also got unflavored so I could through it in yogurt, oatmeal, etc.
  4. dullkey20

    Hospital Stay?

    I was in just one night.
  5. dullkey20

    Broccoli Ricotta Bake

    I just came across this recipe on Pinterest (Love that site) That I thought I'd share. It seemed like a good, easy, Sleeve friendly recipe! Ingredients: 2 cups fresh chopped broccoli 1 1/2 cups ricotta cheese 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese 1 egg 2 egg whites 1 tbsp dijon mustard Diretions: 1. Preheat oven to 360°. Grease a 9x9 baking dish. 2. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and mix well. Spread mixed ingredients into the baking dish. 3. Bake for 50-55 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes. Enjoy for Breakfast or as a side dish for brunch! * This is a fairly healthy dish, but for an even skinnier version, skip the cheddar cheese and add other veggies, such as onions, tomatoes, or mushrooms.
  6. dullkey20


    I should add I don't carry him or anything. I just lift him in and out of things. He can walk.
  7. I know you aren't supposed to lift more than 10lbs for 6 weeks after surgery but I have a one year old. It will be one week tomorrow since my surgery and I feel awesome! My only complaint are the staples that are starting to itch/pull a bit. My problem is my husband is back to work now and so it's me and the kids. I had to lift him this morning out of his crib (did lower side) and in and out of his high chair for meals. And to top it off, as of this morning he is now able to climb up on the couch and has taken two majors falls! (good grief) lol I can't just leave him screaming on the floor. I'm trying my hardest to lift him as little as possible, just seems impossible unless I have someone here to help! Am I really making a huge mistake? He's only 23lbs I have no pain or anything lifting him. I don't know what to do?! Anyone else been lifting more than they recommend?
  8. dullkey20

    Hospital stay

    I had surgery at 11am Tuesday and was released at 5pm Wednesday. It would have been much earlier but I had to wait for my husband to get off work!
  9. Hi everyone! So this may be a dumb question. I was just sleeved on Tuesday (6/26), I was just wondering can you drink too much Water at a time? I only take little sips, but I can take a lot of them. I never get that feeling I drank too much/full or pain? I never have. I can drink a big glass (~40oz) of water in 2-3 hours and just want to make sure that is ok. Thanks!
  10. dullkey20

    PreOp Pics

    Here are some pictures of me before my surgery.
  11. dullkey20

    Hi I'm From St. Cloud Mn.

    Hello! I'm not in St.Cloud but I am in Minneapolis. I went to school in St.Cloud and my husband is from St.Cloud so we are up there quite a bit visiting his family! =) Who is your surgeon? Are you having it done at St.Cloud Hospital?
  12. dullkey20


    I had a c-section may 27, 2011 and was just sleeved June 26, 2012. For me the sleeve was much easier, a lot less pain!
  13. My name is Gretchen I was sleeved June 26, 2012 at the University of Minnesota Medical Center by Dr. Ikramuddin.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
