I am having more and more of those days lately. Saturday was really bad, could not eat hardley anything all day. I even tried Soup and no luck by Sun night I was as cranky as one can get. My husband made hamburgers on the grill and finally I was able to eat just the meat of course. Best hamburger I've ever had LOL, Yesterday was better, had a Protein Shake for Breakfast and a salad for lunch & dinner but it was slow go. This morning I tried to eat a wrap and let me tell you that was a big mistake and I'm at work!!!! yikes!
Anyway everyone have a great Wed, the weather here is awful so it's going to be fun. I have a dr appt at 4 for a fill but I'm so tight I don't think I'm going to to it. Maybe they can figure out what this swelling in my stomach is.
There is a reason for the purple Font. I am doing RELAY FOR LIFE, You can look at my page here : http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR?fr_id=51043&pg=personal&px=23508682