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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tomander

  1. Tomander

    Getting First Fill in 2 Days!!! SCARED!!

    I had 4 fills in total.. didn't feel any of them. When I had my first fill I said to the doctor tell me when you put needle in... and he said... "I'm already done." Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss; 156 lbs
  2. Tomander

    Does it hurt???

    When I had my first fill I ask the doctor to tell me when he put needle in... he said... "I'm done.".. the fill was already over and done with. I didn't feel a thing. I had 4 fills in total didn't feel any of them. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss 156 lbs
  3. Welcome SaltLife This is a great site for information. I've met some great people here. Here's some information that I've posted here before for new bandsters. I’ve been banded just over 6 years and have talked about this here a couple of time but I think it’s worth repeating for new bandsters. Try and take it one day at a time. Don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t go into this journey saying “I’ll never be able to eat this or that ever again.” I can eat ANYTHING except rice and apple skins and no carbonated beverages. Follow the guidelines given to you by your doctor. Remember… take tiny bites (the size of your pinky fingernail) and remember to finish what you have in your mouth before you take your next bite. When I was losing weight I checked in every month with my family doctor to get weighed and measured. (I don’t own scales) I also attended two coffee groups for people that were banded. These things really kept me motivated and on track. I still check in every month with my family doctor to get weighed-in and I host two coffee groups. For me support from fellow bandsters plays a big part in this journey. Back when I was banded my doctor suggested something called the “Egg Timer Distraction”. It’s kind of difficult to explain here but I’d be happy to email you the .pdf document. It REALLY helped me with “head hunger. I can’t tell you the number of people in my lapband coffee groups over the years that have said how helpful this “trick” has been in dealing with their head hunger. Also, I’m not really a “diet” book type person but I recommend you pick up two books. Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat: How to Break Your Eat-Repent-Repeat Cycle – by Dr. Michelle May I had the pleasure of hearing Dr. May speak at a conference when she came to Toronto and her book and guidelines really work well with the lapband journey. The second book is: The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite – by David L. Kessler Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions and also if you would like a copy of the “Egg Timer Distraction Document”. --- tomander@bell.net Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 156 lbs tomander@bell.net
  4. Tomander

    Please help

    I have not regrets at all about getting the band... it the best "tool" I've ever bought. I only wish I had done in sooner. I has changed my life. I started with a 54" waist...now 32". Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 156 lbs
  5. Tomander

    Saskatoon and area

    I'm in Toronto... I host 4 coffee groups a month for people that are banded... I host them in various areas. If your interested in starting a coffee group try posting a free ad in a local community newspaper for a Lapband Coffee Group with an email address to contact you... it worked out really great for me to get my group started... you might be surprised at the response you get Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 156 lbs
  6. Tomander


    I still gurgle... it doesn't matter what time of day it is or if had something to eat or drink. It doesn't happen every day but several times a week. I still have good restriction and I"m not too tight. Sometimes if very loud. I talked to my doctor about this over the years and he said air traveling through the band. I've gotten used it. For me it's a very small price to pay... it doesn't hurt and it just reminds me what I've accomplished. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 156 lbs
  7. I would also suggest you try and find a new doctor. And a note to Sparkplug I host 4 coffee groups a month for people that are banded... we have approximately 28 men in our 4 groups. The groups consist of men and women of all ages. All the men have been successful with the band and we have all changed are eating habits because we use the band as "tool"... so have the women. There have only been 4 people that have not done well and they know why they have failed... they have admitted that they have not followed the guidelines outlined by their doctors and have not worked with the band. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss; 156 lbs
  8. Tomander

    Have you reached your goals?

    I decided to get banded because I need to have something to help me with my portion control. The band has done that for me. It's the best thing I've ever done. I have no regrets at all. I'm actually below goal. I found losing the weight easy and maintenance also easy. The band is not an easy fix... it's a tool. You do have to work with it. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 156 lbs
  9. Tomander

    Dropped soda from my diet

    I also stopped drinking diet pop 2 the day before my surgery. I used to drink 2 liters a day. I didn't realize how much sodium was in diet pop. My first week I dropped 17 lbs. Doctor said it was because I cut out the diet pop ! I tried it twice since being banded... got the worse pain EVER... couldn't burp... thought I was going to die... really hurt... never again... also tired a cold beer two summers ago when it was really hot... not really a beer drinker but it was so hot and the mug was frosted... again... pain... and I couldn't burp... won't do that again either. Now I know why doctor says no carbonated beverages. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 156 lbs
  10. Tomander

    How soon and lower tummy

    I've been on many, many diets. I did find with the lapband I lose weight differently than I did in the past. I lost inches VERY fast. i had very large "back boobs" and I lost them very fast. Each person is different so it's hard to say. I recommend you take a before picture and your measurements. While I was losing I got weighed and measured every month by my family doctor (I don't own scales). This kept me really motivated and on track. I still get weighed in every month. Again, because people seem to lose inches faster with the lapband don't get hung up on the number on the scale... try to focus on your measurements... for me it felt so get to put a new hole in my belt every few weeks. I started with a 54" waist... now 32". This is a great place for information. Here's a post that I posted in the past for new bandsters. I’ve been banded just over 6 years and have talked about this here a couple of time but I think it’s worth repeating for new bandsters. Try and take it one day at a time. Don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t go into this journey saying “I’ll never be able to eat this or that ever again.” I can eat ANYTHING except rice and apple skins and no carbonated beverages. Follow the guidelines given to you by your doctor. Remember… take tiny bites (the size of your pinky fingernail) and remember to finish what you have in your mouth before you take your next bite. When I was losing weight I checked in every month with my family doctor to get weighed and measured. (I don’t own scales) I also attended two coffee groups for people that were banded. These things really kept me motivated and on track. I still check in every month with my family doctor to get weighed-in and I host two coffee groups. For me support from fellow bandsters plays a big part in this journey. Back when I was banded my doctor suggested something called the “Egg Timer Distraction”. It’s kind of difficult to explain here but I’d be happy to email you the .pdf document. It REALLY helped me with “head hunger. I can’t tell you the number of people in my lapband coffee groups over the years that have said how helpful this “trick” has been in dealing with their head hunger. Also, I’m not really a “diet” book type person but I recommend you pick up two books. Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat: How to Break Your Eat-Repent-Repeat Cycle – by Dr. Michelle May I had the pleasure of hearing Dr. May speak at a conference when she came to Toronto and her book and guidelines really work well with the lapband journey. The second book is: The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite – by David L. Kessler Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions and also if you would like a copy of the “Egg Timer Distraction Document”. --- tomander@bell.net Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 156 lbs tomander@bell.net
  11. Tomander

    2 days post op..burning sensation

    That's very normal. Many people feel a variety of things. I was told my doctor the gas they use can sometimes cause a burning sensation... don't be too concerned at all. The only pain I had was left in shoulder pain... it lasted for 3 days. I had "Magic Bags" that I put in the microwave... they really helped. Try and take it one day at a time... follow the instruction given to you by your doctor and try and stick to your menu plan and before you know it the days will fly by. It will get better !!! Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 156 lbs
  12. Tomander

    Be Honest- Is Banded Life Hard?

    Now when I eat I feel "full" not "stuffed". I never get the feeling of it hurts like I've over eaten. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 156 lbs tomander@bell.net
  13. Tomander


    I only used Protein shakes the first two weeks after surgery... never really liked the taste of them... my doctor said it was better for my metabolism to eat solid protein. I make sure I eat my protein first and take tiny bites the size of my finger nail and I make sure i finish what I have in my mouth before I take my second or third bite. Try taking smaller bites... hang in there. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 156 lbs
  14. My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 156 lbs
  15. Tomander

    Pain Medication

    I just took Advil for the shoulder pain and used Magic Bag microwave bag for shoulder pain. Last for 3 days... no other pain. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 156 lbs
  16. The only pain I had after surgery was the left shoulder pain.. it lasted for 3 days... I used the Magic Bag for the microwave... AMAZING for the pain. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 156 lbs
  17. Just curious... it's been a long time since I was banded so things may have changed a bit but I was give a 4 week plan to follow afterward.... were you give a plan to follow with sample menus. I followd my sample menus to the letter (except for fish... I changed it to turkey or chicken)... I was self-pay so I was so afraid to go off the menu and have it fail. week 1 - Clear liquids week 2 - full fluids week 3 - mushies week 4 - solid food I kept my food journal for 4 months when I started solid food I found it really helped... also I found going to a support group and talking to others really kept me on track. I also got weighed and measured every month with my family doctor. I still get weighed in every month with my family doctor and now I host 4 coffee group for bandsters. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 156 lbs
  18. Hey Wozzicat I host a monthly coffee group the last Wednesday of the month in Burlington. If you would like to e-mail me I can send you the details. tomander@bell.net Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 156 lbs wozzicat
  19. I know it can be difficult but PLEASE be careful.. you need time to heal and may do damage. If you find your hungry drink Water...lots of water. It will get better. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 156 lbs
  20. Tomander


    I had pain in the upper left shoulder... and a bit in the port area.... lasted 3 days... can last up to a week. I found a heating pad really helped. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss; 156 lbs
  21. Tomander

    What if i dont want to diet?

    I love the band because now I can eat anything in moderation and still lose weight. The only things I can't eat are apple skins and rice. When I was losing I didi have to "diet". I find maintenance with the band VERY easy... best thing I every did. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 156 lbs tomander@bell.net
  22. Tomander

    Hello everyone

    Hi... welcome... here's some information you might find helpful. I’ve been banded just over 6 years and have talked about this here a couple of time but I think it’s worth repeating for new bandsters. Try and take it one day at a time. Don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t go into this journey saying “I’ll never be able to eat this or that ever again.” I can eat ANYTHING except rice and apple skins and no carbonated beverages. Follow the guidelines given to you by your doctor. Remember… take tiny bites (the size of your pinky fingernail) and remember to finish what you have in your mouth before you take your next bite. When I was losing weight I checked in every month with my family doctor to get weighed and measured. (I don’t own scales) I also attended two coffee groups for people that were banded. These things really kept me motivated and on track. I still check in every month with my family doctor to get weighed-in and I host two coffee groups. For me support from fellow bandsters plays a big part in this journey. Back when I was banded my doctor suggested something called the “Egg Timer Distraction”. It’s kind of difficult to explain here but I’d be happy to email you the .pdf document. It REALLY helped me with “head hunger. I can’t tell you the number of people in my lapband coffee groups over the years that have said how helpful this “trick” has been in dealing with their head hunger. Also, I’m not really a “diet” book type person but I recommend you pick up two books. Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat: How to Break Your Eat-Repent-Repeat Cycle – by Dr. Michelle May I had the pleasure of hearing Dr. May speak at a conference when she came to Toronto and her book and guidelines really work well with the lapband journey. The second book is: The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite – by David L. Kessler Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions and also if you would like a copy of the “Egg Timer Distraction Document”. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 156 lbs tomand
  23. Thanks... I'll check it out. Tom, Toronto Banded July 6 06 Wt. Loss: 156 lbs

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
